157 of 1909 - Ordinance 157 of 1909 – Paving Extension No. 58, First Partial Estimate. AN ORDIEWE .
An ordinance confirming, the assessment upon the property on both
sides of Edison Street between Second South and Third South Street,
in Paving District Co. 9, for the purpose of providing for the f.cradin
curbing and paving thereof, and laying cement sidewalks thereon.
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Ltd:e City, Utah:
,SECTIO1I 1. That the assessment lLt made b- the City Treasurer
as corrected, approve& and completed. by the Do rS of Ectuall.zatien and
Reviews heretofore dulY appointed: by the City Council.for:that pur-
pose, 'o 17 the property-.in Lots 2 and 7, nook. 56, 'Plat Saltr Lake
c1J4J'Aurvey, abutting on both sides of T'Aison Street blepArein Strpole.d.
Southand Third South Streets, in Pavir. District iTo. 9 Salt 1,ake
City for the purpose Of;arading urbiu and paving, ad laying aj;ment
sidewalks upon said portion of said street, is hereby confirmed, and
the assessments made and returned in said completed lists are hereby
SECTIOC 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval.
iPaving Ntension ITo. 58.
First Partial Estimate.
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