157 of 1975 - adding chapter 2 to title 28 setting forth vehicle parking regulations on high school parking lots o /VOTING
Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, December 24 ,19 75
Mr,Chairman 7
I move that the Ordinance be pas d.
Hammen ti)
Philips v
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Title 28 by adding a new Chapter 2 of the Revised
0 dinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to vehicle parking
r-gulations on high school parking lots of the Salt Lake City School District.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Title 28 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,
U,ah, 1965, be amended to add a new Chapter 2 relating to high school parking
which shall read as follows:
28-2-1. Parking permit required.
28-2-2. False or fictitious registration.
28-2-3. Parking only in designated areas.
28-2-4. No parking areas.
28-2-5. Citations.
28-2-6. Operator's license.
28-2-7. Parental permission.
28-2-8. Police officers authorized to move.
28-2-9. Regulations observed.
28-2-10. Abused privilege.
Sec. 28-2-1. Parking permit required. It shall be unlawful for
either a high school student or faculty member to park a motor vehicle
in any of the high school parking lots in the Salt Lake City School
District, without first obtaining each year a parking permit for
parking at a particular high school from said district. Said permit
shall be obtained from the principal of the school at which parking
is desired. Said permit must be placed in the rear window or in a
conspicuous place at the rear of the vehicle for which the permit was
obtained and which is parked on said high school property. Said permits
are not transferrable, and possession of a parking permit does not
guarantee a specific parking lot or space on said high school property.
All parking and non-parking areas shall be designated, with the approval
of the board of city commissioners, marked, and maintained by the
Salt Lake City School District.
Sec. 28-2-2. False or fictitious registration. It shall be unlawful
for any person to falsify or make false representation of vehicle
registration, facts, or fees in connection with the application for a
parking permit.
Sec. 28-2-3. Parking only in designated areas. It shall be unlawful
for either students or faculty to park a motor vehicle in areas marked
and designated for visitors, or in other areas than where allowed by
their respective permit, and it shall be unlawful for visitors to park
in areas other than those marked or designated for parking by visitors.
It shall be unlawful for any person without a "handicapped" student or
faculty parking permit to park a motor vehicle in any parking space
marked or designated for the handicapped. Delivery vehicles may park
in designated delivery areas for a period not to exceed 30 minutes.
Sec. 28-2-4. No parking areas. It shall be unlawful for any person
to park a motor vehicle in those areas where the curb is painted red,
in driveways or in other areas designated as no parking areas, or in
unmarked areas such as unmarked road or alleyways.
Sec. 28-2-5. Citations. Bail for citations issued in said parking
lots by the Salt Lake City police department shall be paid and all
pleas, trials, 'and appeals shall be handled through the Salt Lake City
clerks office and, traffic courts.
Sec. 28-2-6. Operator'•s license. It shall be unlawful for a student,
faculty member or visitor:to operate and/or park a vehicle in any high
school parking lot of said, Salt Lake City School District without a
valid Utah operator's license in his possession.
Sec. 28-2-7. Parentalopermission. It shall be unlawful for any
student under the age of 18'to park a motor vehicle in any Salt Lake
City School District parking lot without first submitting in writing
parental permission for said student to drive and/or park the specified
motor vehicle in the specific high school parking lot.
Sec. 28-2-8. Police officers authorized to move. Whenever any
police officer finds a vehicle standing upon said district high school
property in violation of any provision hereunder, such officer is hereby
authorized to have said vehicle removed to the city impound lot pursuant
to section 46-20-284, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965.
Sec. 28-2-9. Regulations observed. All city traffic and safety
regulations with respect to parking and driving in a parking lot must
be observed.
Sec. 28-2-10. Abused privilege. Any student or faculty member who
abuses their privilege of driving and parking on said property, in any
way endangering the life or property of others, may be denied or have
their parking permit revoked for parking or driving on said school
property by said school district.
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, it is necessary to the health, peace and welfare of the inhabitants of
;Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 24th
day of December , 1975 •
BILL NO. 157 of 1975
Published December 30,1975 157
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Title 28 by adding a new Chapter 2 of the Shana Palmer
Revised Ordinances M Sall Lake City.Utah.1965,relating Igyanlcle parking
regulations on high school parking lots of the Sall Lake City School District.
Be it ordain.by the Board pr Commissioners of Salt Lahe Gily,Utah_.
SECTI0N.1.That Title 28 of the Revised Ordinances of Sall Lake City,
Utah.196S.be amend.to add a new Cheater 1 relating to highSchool parking
which shall read as follow,'. Beingfirst dulysworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver-
sa tune c"AFTER: rising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
28.2.1. Perking permll r.uirM.
18a2. False or fictitious registration. newspaper printed in the English language with general cis-
28.2.3. Parking only in designated areas. ••
2s.za. No parking areas, vitiation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
28.2.5. Citations.
8-2.6 Operator,B<ene. County,in the State of Utah.
282, Parental Parmisslon.
11,1.0. Police o&Peers authorized to move:
8-2,9. RegulaNOns,observed.l. -
28-10.Abused privilege.
Sec.10.2-1.Parkine.Rermh required,It shall be untawwf for either a high That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
school student or faculty member lap k a motor vehicle in any or the high
school parking lots in the Salt Lake City School District,without first obtaining
dich year a parking permit tor parking al a,aarlicular high school from said
strict.said c,tod.snail.mitn,d from MO Principe,of the school atwhlch Pub an ordinance relating to high school parking
perking s piece at me rear of thevve be hiicclMac.
foi'whichihe roermit window
and MI asked onsaid high school property.Said permits a
conspicuous able,and possession of a parking permit does riot guarantee a specific
arking lot or space on said high sehewl pruptiOv.All parking and non-parking
Hall De designated,with the approval Of the hoard 01 city commissioners.
rk.,areas.,and maintained by the Salt take City School District.
Sec_284,FAIN or flctl110us registration.It shall be unlawful fur any
person to WO y or make false representation al yeblcieregistration.Rht,d
nee n ry t ea1=s'I onldrapar fur
eq ooI -Wmood .eta N mallad and 52di tea. nor
u0 tit, I a k Malt r dl le.b acespe d sf4i tan for
d�Inwrh�Other areas loan 1 eac respective ad of
seal D rile larkin visitors os,11 k In tngl 181]pnypere mirk.
dhsighiCapee Obinient visllws ll kingall rmit to Sark a moray a parking space
rr dorly ogorat permit he dark handicapped motor.'Deli a In
any arkmg smarked or 50fiyery r S a idnotto:'oceed ry
in esignated eellvery areas for a.perbd not to-exceed N
min s.
Sac.10.2-,NO parking areas It shall be unlawivtlor any personldgark
motor yenitle in those areas where the curb is paint.red.In drlSeways or n
Other areas desgnel..as no Parking areas,or In unmask.areas such as
n kedroad;oralleyways. was published in said newspaper on
Sec.18.1-SooCitations.Pail fornllati.S ism...said parklrrylWsby me salt
Lake Ciro poll.department shall be pale a.all pleas,trials.-and appeals
shall be handl.throughr the Salt Lake City clerks office and traffichdurls.
emo t o moltnt to Overalicense.
e one o,It shall be
in anv hlignxhhcei parking December 30, 1975
miof said Self Lake City School District without.t valid Utah operator's license
nis possession.
Sec.1e.2b.Pee/Rai,Phohl. 0n.It shall be unlawful for any student wWer
h 1 topark a l Blotch air Ii- Sall Lake City School District
narking ! IIhOU first t NII In wrifing parental permistion for said
student to drived/ Oar,cite specified motor vehicle in theifs high
Sec.28-y-ti Pence f flersafloOt°bred 10 e.Whenever an poi 11 -
fi e vehicle standing goonsaid district high school properly in violation of —— `\.�<_-vs—_
1$ Mims.
any hereunder,such dulcet is hereby authorized to nayesaid vehicle Legal Advertising Clerk
removed ton the It impo d lot and o section G6.N1 C204 Revised g g
Ordinances of Salt City.Utah.19p5.
sec.2,24.Reputations observed.All city traffic and satety regulations
wth to and driving in a parking Most be Ussery..
Sec.284,10.Abused privilege.Any student or faculty member who abuses
their privilege of driving a.parking on said properly.in anv way endangering
e lire o others,May be denied or have their parking permit
• ked for as kit.ortdriving no aid school property by said school district
fON 2.In the opinion of the hoard of Commissioners of Sall Lake City,
it is necessary to the health,mace and welfare of the,
le habitants of Salt Lake me this 5th day of
City af this ordinance become Marti,immediatelvn
SECTION):This ordinance shall take effect aeon its Mb publication
Passed Dv Ow Board of Commissioners of Sall Lake City,Utah,this rats
day or December,to/S. /s
City Recorder
k 4P`LNOIs, 1915
Published December 30.MS IA-NI 1
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
February 13,_ 1978______