157 of 1978 - Amending Section 49-6-77 providing for establishment of special improvement district for financing w ROLLCALL 11 \ VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, October 18 ,19 78 Mr.Chairman i j I move that the Ordinance be passed Agraz r ';;Oii Greener ✓ di.„711.4.0 Hall Phillips ✓' Result , AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 49-6-77 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to request for extension without advancing expenses and the establishing of a special improve- ment district for finanding water improvements within the City. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 49-6-77 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, be amended to read as follows: Sec. 49-6-77. Request for extension without advancing expenses, improvement district. a. Any person desiring to have water mains of the city extended without advancing the cost and expense thereof, as hereinbefore provided, may make applica- tion for the establishment of an improvement district therefor by petition to the board of commissioners, showing the location and extent of such proposed extension. If said board chooses to do so, an improve- ment district shall be established pursuant to state law. b. The board of city commissioners may establish an improvement district on their own initiative pursuant to state law. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 18th day of October , 1978. / 7zeic Ze/5-2. MAYOR 4446 CI RECORD (SEAL) BILL NO. 157 of 1978 Published October 24, 1978 1_5 Mm3sp Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake AN ORDINANCE Shana D. Conaty AN ORDINANCE AMEND. ING,S tion 19-647 of the Ion- vfvM Ordinances of San Lake City, Utah. 1965, rotatingto request est for extension without �.t ae ebb eoi ee"°spur°I Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal grAwe;e t district for linen, advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily rhnniti (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English Bo n Dreamed br the eoera m City,Utah, oners of Salt Leke City, 1s CTIO'N I. That Section language with general circulation in Utah, and a9-6.n of the Revised or published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the names l Salt Lake It re Utah. e 1965.be amended t State of Utah. .follows: eeqq Iension19 itthoutodvurllnve e 'enso'.Improo;eomentdistrictx That the legal notice of which a copyis attached hereto have water mains ofstries city extended without advancing the ll hfl?i f.: o Is e,eol'av Pub notice to amend an ordinance relating to re- n ke application or the estab- lishment of an imp rent district therefor by petition to the boarng d incail n issiand onMni gest for extension without advancing expenses and :of such proposed extension.it sold board chooses to do so,en improvement district hall be established pursuant to state the establishing of a special improvement district b.The hoard of city commis- :loin-Tsvant district on their own h an lin. .movement initiative pursuer,la state law. for financing water improvements within the City SECTION 2.This ordinance 'shell take effect 1P1,10(30)days •a}ter its Passed ib rst yY the board of Com- missionersot Sall.Lake City, .U tah,thi lath day of October, 197e. TED L.wIMnoN was published in said newspaper on octe 29, 1978 -MII.DRED V.HIGHAM City Recorder (SEAL) fD-591 BILL NO 157 of 1970 Punished Octohnr es.199e Legal Advertising Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this lst day of Nova A.D. 19..78... Notary Public My Commission Expires Feb. 11, 1982 i�<