159 of 1904 - Ordinance 159 of 1904 – Regulating use of streets and sidewalks by minor peddlers and vendors. 6.
Salt Lake City, Utah,
To the Honorable President and City Council,
Salt Lake City, Utah:
• We,your Committee on 7 T.A7E. beg leaue to report as follows:
In the matter ofBIT,T 70, 159, for an on:inancc roulaLIng tiLo uoc of E-i.rce'i,e
and eidewnike verZ ors, preoentod to t:le
and this c;o,,,...h.,Lec, vic have
e,:•ren7e....1 the 0v:tin:Ince 2ortain roopects Vaal;
tie ordirrnice be peeF.,ca,
Respectfully submitted,
Filed ___.._.____...___._. _.190_....
(o,ninittee on_._.... _....._.
In,the matter of .__... __.._. _.__......_...
Whivt . A.N.K., i.Citar ii.xv0
4) .
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An ord.innee rer,oltinc tho usN of streely aryl ,i,, _n0 ni l'y minor file pe6Olors nt vonnorn,.
Be it ordained by too (lity ilooncil ...rf f.;...:1t T,ake (1:'.t ., lity :
1 ) grfITIC V 1. That it is anti oball be unlr,wful for any fain
are te ae of ci,:hton (1 ) „roars to sell, peddle or vond, or
offr for Elle on any stroyt or yido.,.11..s. of f1 .-it. T.aTe 'lity, any
ibl newspaper or newspapers, .lan:azino or rnry or any o,:eer article
ti t
or articles, or Norcbandiss, or any thin- Cr '.'.hinrm of an nturo or
description wh,,tscovor•iand At is ant nall. 'Le unl'orfnl for any
porent, guardian or pe.eson 11,v-infr tt- custotly, c•earrre or eunt:rol of
i any female unncr eleTttoen (1 ) -r'rers of eo to oorTel, enrol or
perult such f,n1a.lm to sell, -:.1,-.1dlo or vend, or to offer to sell,
\') tl peddle or vond any nees, aor or n,vspopero,or maRazino or ;.1 ,7asines,
or any othr art5cle or v :rnble what000ver up n any etreot or side*
walk of glt Lou rlity.
STYffif-,-' . Nry i-,orYen violn.tiw-, Ar:.. re ':,--: ,,rovli,,ns ..r this
/ordinnnen sl-Ip'!1. "he deemod 7o.711V 0:r ..;,. 71:isder:oanor.
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7,. Th 1r; or n J n en ,,,-3:t `, 'Y r.f fact u to
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An ordinance regulating the use of streets andaidewalks by
minor peddlers and vendors. `
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City,'I4h:-
SECTION 1. That it is and shall be unlawful for any t =
__ under the age of eighteen (18) years to sell, peddle or vend, or e '
for sale on any street or sidewalk of Salt Lake City, and newspaper or
newspapers, magazine or magazines, or any other article or articles, or
merchandise, or any thing or things of any nature or description whatso-
ever; and it is and shall be unlawful for any parent, guardian or person :':
having the custody, charge or control of any female under eighteen (18)
years of age to compel, counsel or permit such females to sell, peddle Ir.e
or news Per �vend, or to offer to sell, peddle or vend anynewspapera P s .
or magazine or magazines, or any other article or vendable whatsoever
upon any street or sidewalk of Salt Lake City.
It shall also be unlawful for any boy under the age of fifteen.
(15) years to sell, vend or offer for sale on any street or sidewalk of_-'
Salt Lake City between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. on any day
when the public schools are in session, any newspaper or papers, magazine
or magazines or other vendibles.
SECTION 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this
ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval.
Passed by the City Council of Salt ake City, Utah, Januargr
5th, 1905 and referred to the Mayor for his approval. _ __-,
City _eo„Irder.
Approved this It day of January, 1905.
¢.""W } /J—Cj ,
�i te ar� a./�
/a u..� request. . 3 . k
Read and Adapted.
DEC 1 G 1904 -
- Presented lo'EllE-City ncik, _
and referred to the Committee.on
CITY RECORDER. .... +, - -- 1u E ':. .-
I Presented to the City Council,
q -%f-e.„-;--c .,... a".��Lai - P sented to the City Council,
fix; s a p
lira Pablica R CI ',
r - Pf ented to the City Council,
JANY 0` 05 `.
Die,`D 1904 _
J. 8. CRIT(HLOW, r oc - l..t=:�- %:- -
altn Record* i %_`.-- 3 _ , _
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