16 of 1905 - Ordinance 16 of 1905 – Amending and re-enacting Section 157, re: engineers fees for special survey. • _
IL 0tj IT 7;2
witAppk•'-- - .
= ninn& 'arrehaint and re— enactini.! 1_57 0 r
_ ryi
tete Aty lounoil Of Aslt Lake Oita',
Utah: -
1 ;; ')1 1. A'hat Action 157 of tho Ordina.nceb
of Salt ;4..ty be, lnd. till :same “creby ..(1—enaoted
$o hs to rea.t t•r follows:
JflON 157. -!‘n•;:treer shall be allOwed
to da ar.?o, in ady once , for the benE.,-.17i Of the iity,f
1 ,
fc:L.011:1717, foes from tile owdorn or 1ro...)e.2t-: ,vort 1.1+ be done
by tile city 2:;)icirtaer a Offico, o cf; it whom wort done in said
offioe 18
In all Plata, and in all tv.i,titiona ; •J f
tally zn!,,•••-1,1 y 0 i 1 r,11:" :01.27e-fri are found
to azree subota%tialLy Ifita rAciory1,3d :)lat thereof:
'or locatinr,r the four oo. ,..:iers of a
,t4.14:41- or nearly rectnni]ular lot
POT locating 'three_eorhers -4,„.% tan •
Po., locating two oorn•-i•-• 7 00
Fcr 3.caAttnE CrP ou.nr 6.00
1'01' ua0:1 additional point on 9:.imF: line 50
F0-2 burvey kmrtifionte not 1tn them one aollt.-r and
r.Ct ton 1012 rtru, t '•,
saL;ibebr ira000rdaaoe with toe nature an emcItat of work. to be done.
cotablishin building graloe a ea',•.2.,;:e of 50 for
each corner olla,11 be made in allitIon to the rate for locating oar-,
'For t1iGuifl aidewallt grades for a frontage of twenty
five f.',3et or lass . .
Tor establishing sidewalk grades for each
additional twenty—flve feat tilati,of on
tile ammo bloolt . •
- A-
,71, • -
For estic,17tir rndes for clr7,int.;, I-It:bell, etc., or for
doing any other aurveying or not provided. for inor.31,n, ,an wount
es t4i3P.ted by tlio city Lincineor to It 7 o 2 actual %;oat. Any excans
over :Actual coat shall ba rlful.i11. to t):iri,,,, ,:,c. ng tile survey 1
,ac 17-art' sizall-nitv-e-ofa': one, r.nd. the f?.gtunl (lost ascertain
' ' 1
et'. ,
, s Si /
S E GT 1 o N ? Ail ordinances anll parts orfcprlinanoes in ;!0..i'lL
'... .
of.1:ct l'dreuri.th ar t;hereby.repealed to the ex,tif.-, of 8 ucill conniet.,
.c.1 •,, i y, ' / :,k,i.s 1
TION Ot-ib.10,ordinence shall .i.,....1:014flet upon ripproviii.•
1. .,
..d p.,,,: C73 • J.'.''' J I
/ e,,-
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,/,‘ i././
Passditchy thaillity'. 1120ii of Salk:halo dityli Halt, Jul 1104144.4,66 1
, •
aid rofessid to the NIA, f9fs appseval.
' c' -:,4
• , -
lippeoesid this pl. day if July, itili.
• Az_e__6„:„.-__,
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To/ zo v.03e tiOci;J 1J. 011111.1) :col seL r:a.t:i.'..i . .fF C .:o,.
J•rusoJ ,an. tc:i`..1ori 101 be.bivtSil for ii`1071 3i1i'i0Y'I116 'Itkdo VL.i 3(2LOb
seeoxe `(iA .*ro:., i::,.L'tC„ iev :DJ Toet-.11..:. 't,t.t' c;i,1 Vcr .1.;o:1N..Jen r
/ev7:irs siLS 3r:i ;i'xo ',::t'Tc:c: o;t i ci r,�. .c et Zt:,cio ts00 .1.4ifbn Tevo
no* ni nsonnni It a.tTn,q ban 009:'r0cx.11.0 t1:1 c 1,:OY. laa
Liam!)m!) ,i:?,r<: I }! o aii E6od. Delneci•:r�y 97rti ''soti o.9r: W.. ?
.b vaz r rn+c:.: *sd`..., .l;:,; +i iia aotzrzri.t,d dri L ti.y � --`'
--)".'k ? ,A'ii " 1 Fi- --,,.., '
. i - et eau& eishittSf$ a \
t<: f'r-'flea to tietro, Ofipio p4eei! tii: ,
N N. y c .to.oso • 'l,, I Awl off of ►iiselei, biro
.aett ette6 To tab „ *US i.wIS**
'c4441 .i