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16 of 1908 - Ordinance 16 of 1908 – Amending & re-enacting Section l0l, egress from public buildings & regulati
/ .S:�r.J f, It,; it AN ORDINANCE . An ordinance amending and re-enacting Section 101 of the Revised) lOrdinances of Salt Lake City of 1903, as amended by an ordinance (passed by the City Council February 29, 1904, and approved by the !Mayor March 9, 1904. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 101 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt ;Lake City of 1903, as amended by an ordinance passed by the City Counoil February 29, 1904, and approved by the Mayor March 9, 1904, be, and the same hereby is amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows: SECTION 101. EGRESS FROM PUBLIC BUILDINGS, AND REGULATION OF THEATRES, ETC. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation owning or having the control or management of any theatre, church, hotel, school-house, or other public building resorted to or occupied by a considerable number of persons, to fail to provide the same, under the direction of the Building and Chief of Fire Department Inspecter„with sufficient and safe moans of speedy escape in case of accident or fire. In all cases the doors of such build- ings when used for public passage, shall open outwardly, and the' doorways and passages shall be so constructed as to allow in the aggregate twenty-four inches width for every hundred people such', building is capable of seating. All aisles and passages in buildings used for public assemblages shall be kept free from obstructions during all performaeoae, services, exhibitiens, oencerts, lectures, and all public assemblages. All doors and exits of concert halls, theatres, er other places of amuemnent where performo ces are givee, shall, during the ccilt n.a.>:;: : f pn7cf,am.__.3o, ^.Jrroort, servine, be kept un7.o.eked, unbolted, and enfestoead eed In e. cauditi,n to poreit of the speedy exit of the audience. '] A� i -:ar. :' ."" �' ....,.... . .r-`7 a�Y1 ., II � r ; 16 platform or stage, and using drop curta8.sda er other ohifti ; scenery, shall have a v-zitable ve,,atilator placod upon the roof,; opening to the space ate'ic the stage. S _ rzr.rtl€.a o shrill be arranged with valves or shutters that can Le readily opened in case of fire, so that a current of air will pass over the stage and outward through said ventilator. Any other contrivance • having the same effect, and approved by the Inspector of Puild- and Chief of Fire Deppartmeet ings,.may be used instead of the ventilator above described. All theatres and other public places of a.mutiee:: ;t: have a water stand-pipe anz Nets ping placed on the .ga o.r platform, or in the immediate vicinity, which shall be connected', with the city water mains, and shall be put in ander direc- tion and to the ;ati>factien of the Chief of the Fire Depart- ment. Hose shall be attached to said stand-pipe, of cant size , as may be directed by said Chi,if, to have nozzle and stop-cook attached thereto; suck kose shall be of sufficient length to ex- tend to the farthest limito of such bedding or place of amuse- ment, and shall at all times be kept in good order and repair. All theatres and ethr7- p ll' i, r;..: :; of amusement be provided with fire alarm telegraph apparatus connected with the headquarters of the city fire alarm telegraph. There shall be no steps in any pasnugc way ar a!,u., n in auditcrivas on the ground floor of theatres or other public: places of amusement, but all must be of a gradual incline. All theatres and other public places of ec,.: i SLi:.,.1 have all the seats not in private boxes, firmly secured to the floor. All egress openings in all t:ho;.tc .s nr.d othr. pobii_ plcor;s of arous ueu :-Y a,. h the :t..^d "Exit" c.or,p5 ca curly placed over them. In addition, a red light mot, Le placed o•c^r each rrd light li it -4- I The proscenium: opening shall be provided with a fireproof metal curtain, or eartaln of pure aebeetee, or come vUsiimmr fire- proof material. paid fireproof curtain must be lowered before the beginning of the perforrnaeee eye! betvte:cr; eaeh rao':. A competent man eh,,.l1 be in attenc rce and in position at all times where he oar reach the lever or other attachment used 1 to lower ceetein during the or.' Cu ti.;i: of perfteeeeee. A brick wall or wall of some other fireproof material must separate the stage from the auditorium in apace not eceepied by i! curtain. Every theatre and other public place of amusement hawing a gallery or galleries, must have at least une, depare o pc.see owa;yj from gallery ur galleries to street, besides its regular passage}- way to its lobby. All aisles and passage ways in all theatres and other public places of amusement shall be not less than three feet in width. All theatres and other public places of amusement used for the exhibition of meei e or other pictures projected by means of projecting machines, shell have additionel exits of the same size, ratio end eonstrectiee z,s req- ired by this ordieace. Such exits shall be on the sides or rear of snob theater or other public place of amusement, situate nut less then thlety-five feet distant from the projecting machine or booth. All theatres and other public places of amusement used for the exhibition of, or where movie& pieteees are diuplayed, shall iplace and operate the projecting or picture machine in an enclo 4 sere o'r booth made of so;table _, repee,f :mete: lel hefeTe a mech is anical and fire resistance equal to Ise. 19 gauge sheet iron, covered with or:e-eighth inch 6114.04 asbestos; csald- e;e<s'o:sure shall I be thoroughly ventilated and la.r€;c enough for opE rater to walk freely on either side or back of machine. All opeelrge irto .*hie booth must be arranged so as to be entirely closed by doors or shutters constructed on the same fire resisting material as the booth itself. Doors or cosere muet be arranged so au to be held, normally closed by spring hinges or equivalent devices. Top and bottom reels must be used with all protecting or picture machines, and must be encased in fireproof magazines construdted without solder, with apertures only large enough for: film to pass through freely. All reels and films not actually in use must be kept outside the booth in a steel box constr°ucted. without solder, having a tight fitting cover. A three gallon chemical fire extinguisher must be continuously kept just out- side operating booth. All theatres and other public places of amusement now built: and used for any of the purposes mentioned in this section, shall, within forty.-five days after the approval of this ordinance, be so equipped as to conform to the provisions hereof• and Chief of Fire Depotrtiment The Inspector of Buildingsg or any oftlipirassistants, shall have the right to enter all theatres and other public places of amusement at any time during any performance or any public assem- bly, to enforce this section. Every public building hereafter erected, or which may be hereafter altered, to be used for theatrical or operatic purposes, or for public entertainment of any kind, where stage ossuary or apparatus is employed, shall not be constructed or altered until! the plans and specifications for such theatres or other public places of amusement have been first submitted to and approved by. the Inspector of Buildings and the Chief of the Fire Department, and shall not be opened to the public until such theatres or other public places of amusement ar,: approved by the Inspector of Buildings and the Chief of the Fire Department. SECTION 2. All ordinances and pert„ of ordinances in colerl,iat. ri -a- i therewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. -1//- ("/ -— 47, Paeerdl qr t City Council of aei1i Lak:Q City,tita Mf roh 9; 1918, and refe*e& .to the May f hi e re1. Limey ' corder • • bp„PreNsi this 10 Qa7 o f Na.zsshh, 1.1008. Rlety©e pro t em. I ' Iil ---';',---i-- :. ,.-._... .—. - .— ..:7,..,..,•:-qq. Lociti .,-:-)1'7i !..i18,1 II3rf a soct--,g1.b-so R.::LIT .Z acjiTout; [ [ . , . ,..._ . ,., •p ffo-c..tm ..,..*Jjolko\stit).1,.. : J. . k7,1, It i i,„1,1.11_,111Kitilt 111 &Pak r .- , * .ij• 4,,,,. 10,,alpiWo., 47...' „.. \-- ., . X ' ,. L•2,,- : ., ,.),„: „..Tj .-`--A'..!',, ..: \ :,'--.?.;.,•:-- . .,...,--, k184-, er, . ";t• . -iptle.7:6: • ,.4 -. S1'... : i„ . . Vb it. OW billratill _.:. •-,• c, c, .z.- • • C' -'• Wag *I z_..,4 ,iii7., tie.C.1 ,.- . ',-,:. • v,', .' •,., ,\ (•‘. : . • 7 N.. ..\.)-'. , . ... I - i r , 41.,...