16 of 1915 - Amending Section 1331 supervision of water sheds ILL CALL r.,....r..,,, VOTING Yes l No Salt Lake City,Utah,......_.January"-$8.,._..........191...b... shearman -- Wells Lawrence I move to amend the ordinance by striking out Morris of the title the following, "and creating the office Mr.Chairman of Engineer of Water Supply and Waterworks, defining Result his duties and fixing his compensation", and by striking out the whole of Section 4 of said ordinance. And by changing Section b to Section 4; by striking out Section 6 and inserting the folAp31'tg,.i. "SECTION 6. This ordinance shall take effeot February 28, 1916." 4 g .(J 4t1i1/1M.9..�,n • NBf9U5 Passed by the Board of Comm issioners of Salt Lake City, ... .... ..... 191 ..... r Cay Recorder. Mayor RC ROLL l ,1.k VOTING Yes Oa, awe.,Lty, La.. aunary 191.. Lawrence — Morris $ I move that the ordinance be passed. r F d Shearman ## Wells I -- ✓�-ti�CE 1 Mr.Chairman Result AN ORDINANCE An ordinance amending Section 1331 of the Revised Ordinanoes of Salt Lake City of 1913, in relation to the duties of the Super- intendent of Waterworks; repealing an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners Deoember 29, 1913; amending Seotion 2 of an ordi- nance passed by the Board of Commissioners June 18, 1914, e 4 oreertilTrtire"'L`crPtiverirtlittrellitirr'ef- lser Swpp3:y-s rkte, Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 1331 of the Revised Ordinanoes of Salt Lake City of 1913, relating to the duties of the Superintendent of Waterworks, be, and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: SECTION 1331. The Superintendent shall, under the direc- tion of the Commissioner of Water Supply and Waterworks and the Board of Commissioners, have oharge of the water system of Salt Lake City, including all reservoirs, conduits, water tanks, water mains, fire hydrants and all machinery, property and iloparstis appurtenanoes appertaining to the waterworks. He shall direct the location and construction of all service pipes and the regulation of the water supply to fire hydrants, and to all users of water. He shall also have oharge of and supervise the farms and all water shed lands of the city, so � I -1- far as the same affect the water supply of said city, and all streams from which the domestic water supply is taken, He shall also have charge of and supervise ell such canals as are involved in agreements of exchange for domestic water supply. He shall keep such accounts and books as will enable I � him at any and all times to report to the Commissioner of Water Supply and Waterworks and the Board of Commissioners in regard to his acts under this ordinance, and also in regard to the condition of the water and water supply of the city and the oanals herein mentioned. SECTION 2. That an ordinance passed by the Board of Commis- sioners of Salt Lake City December 29, 1913, the same being Bill No. 142 of 1913, imposing upon the City Engineer the charge and supervision of the water shed lands, canals and water sources of Salt Lake City, be, and the same is hereby repealed. SECTION 3. That Section 2 of an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City June 18, 1914, and being Bill No. 86 of 1914, be, and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: SECTION 2. The general supervision of said lands and all farms owned by Salt Lake City shall be vested in the Depart- - ment of Parks and Public Property, and said department is hereby charged with the duty of oonstruoting and maintaining all roads and bridge on said lands, except such roads and bridges as are orri-d be constructed and maintained by the counties in which such lands are situated. Water Supply and Waterworks, to be connected with the Department of Water Supply and Waterworks. The Boar* f Commissioners may appoint a competent person tQ thO office of Engineer of Water Supply and Waterworks°;�whoshall receive a salary of not exceeding I62106.00 per annum, payable monthly as are the salaries of other I 11 l'city offioers. The duties of such Engineer of Water y and II7'. ;Waterworks shell be to examine all sources of , r supply of Salt Lake City, and all canals of said city, keep a full and com- plate record of such water supplcanals, and of the flow of all streams and canals, and t} "!r dondition, and file a duplicate Dopy of the same with the ''ty Engineer, and perform such other duties as may be requed of him by the Commissioner of Water Supply and WaterwcAs. Before entering upon the duties of hie if office, said Erineer of Water Supply and Waterworks shall take and subeori the constitutional oath of office, and execute a bond wit good and sufficient sureties, to be approved by the Board f Commissioners, payable to the city, in the penal sum of tl, 0.00, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties sct his office and the of all moneys received by him as payment SECTION $ 'All ordinances and resolutions, or parts of ordi- nances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent ilz such conflict. :,i' , '., . SECTION This ordinance shall take effect er ] 1Ll e4#t4404• /Y, 1/, dk�nnnaa,� Paesed by the Board of Commissione January l — , 1915. I. ,,,,,,, /46 1 _. a M yo r . )I �, it City Recorder. i j jj V -3- ,I 1.i0,:t:', '.1r., ,:3 lit 20 of:: •:r.c,...,fr...-': c• v., o :zr..,?, -z ,.; — ";. -_,Ely,.:, ,..; I I. 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