16 of 1922 - Chapter 57, bonds for use of streets for building materials a ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Barnes Salt Lake City,Utah, i abu .._mary 4.. ,1922.. Burton I move that the ordinance be passed. Green Stewart / Mr. Chairman ii Result AN ORDINANCE AN OtDINAPCE AeETIDInG CHAPTER yVII, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, by adding in and to said Chapter a new Section to be known as Section 1788X, relating to streets. Be it ordained by the T3oard of Coisrissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Chapter LVII, 'revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, be and the same is 'hereby amended by adding in and to said chapter a new section to be known as Section. 1788X, relating to streets, to read as follows: SEC. 1788X. Whenever in the opinion of the Board of Commissioners the bond provided for in the preceding sec- tion shall be deemed inadequate for the protection of the city or the public, said Board may require the bond to be in any sum not exceeding y;''._0,000.00. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its pub- lication. Passed by th.e Board cf Commissioners of . alt Lake City, Utah, thist44- .71_ day of _ — , l c'20./ ,.----------- ,-- 47..., .4,...,3. _,,6-3_2:17 �/ / '� r. — — — C ty ecor .er. 16 I lii I , ( \ . . . . . . $ \ \ \ / \ » - . ft - «: 1} ) y\ f k« l2: ± . ; 2\ / . . r \ , ( . .\ \ • x ' \\ � & : ' (\ . —• . ,... / ' i V . \ , < . . . \ . b . . . / § / . . . . . . § . . . . \ =