16 of 1930 - Amending Chapter 33, relating to advertising by balloons, etc. f• ROLL CALL Salt Lake City Utah _L)Ti3 10, 193 0. VOTING AYE NAY I move that the ordinance be passed Burton I � Fehr F 7 Fmelt Lake :::m AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCF 1 fLNDI 10 CI3+ l'' ?' III, evioec Oruinances of lit Iakc City, Utan, 10,0, roleu1i to licenses, by saciap in and to said Chant(.;• a net section to be kno+n a^ aection 1350 5e it orcaincd by toe 3oarcu of Commissioners of "salt La''e City, Utah. SLCTION I 'hat Chanter XYXIII, lovised Oruinonces of all, Lake Gity, Utah, 19 ,0, rela.tinp to license-, be ana the same i- hereby amended by aodin in ana to °.id Chanter a ne+, "ection to in 'nown as "ection 1350, to read as folio SIC 1350 It snail be unie ful _or any oerron to advertise by means of any balloon, kite, glider or other aerial device)sus)ended in the air within tan corporate limits of Salt Lake City, inthout first nrocul-np license ^o to do Persons recu?red to na, a license unbar this ^ection shall pay e.5 00 ,er annum in advance No license shall be issued until written anrlica- tion therefor has been mane to the Commissioner of 'ublic afety, signed by the party intending to fly sold balloon, ',ate, glider or any other aerial aevice and settin- forth the niace where the same is to fly, nor until the asplicant has filed l pith the City Recorder a bond of indemnity with sureties to be an- "proved by the Board of Commissioners, conditio.nec that the I -2- licensee will comply with this and all other applicable ordinances of alt Lake City and rill save the city free and harmless from any and all claims, liabilities, demands or damages for any and all injuries to persons or property aris- �' ing in any manner out of or by reason of the use of said wr x tictstxballoon, kite, gliaer or any other aerial device, and shall pay to the person injured all damages either to person or property arising in any manner out of by reason of the use I I such aeeldeiditec balloon, kite, glider or any other aerial device Such bond shall be in the sum of $5,000 00 for injury to one • perc.on or property of any one person and $10,000 00 for injury! to more than one per-on or property of more than one person No such license shall issue for any such spx balloon, kite, glider or any other aerial device within the limits of the congested district or within one-half mile thereof, or within one-quarter of a mile fron 2Ist South and 11th Last Streets in sale city And it shall be unlawful in any event to fly any such I ' Aftftgik balloon, kite, glider or any other aerial device in excess of fifty feet from the ground In addition to any* other penalties prescribed by the ordinances of alt Lake City, any villation of this or any other applicable ordinance of Cait Lake City shall subject the li- censee to a revocation of his license after hearing and notice by the Board of Commissioners and no license shall be issued to any person whose license has been revoked hereunder for a period of one year from the date of such revocation I SECTION 2 In the opinion of the Board of Commi^stoners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Walt Lake City that this ordinance become effective im_edi2tely SECTION 3 This ordinance shall take effect upon its publication / r r�-- Pasted by the Board of Commissioners of `att Lake City, iOth April C 19'0 Utah, this _yth__ day of __ _ , Temporary( irr n —"belt I et&A4C24., City Recorder II � it I f II I ,I jl t 33. H K. r .,r,....„, K 7 3wi ; iW t4 �, a i f Proof of Publication llilllllllllllll UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ) STATE OF UTAH Sl os f County of Salt Lake Milo e.velei gh being first duly sworn depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM a newspaper of general circulation published every day at Salt Lake City State of Utah On Apt I 10 ���; g'eatci amount of play An 0rdinance Bill 16. n the that ; ,'.`atoetu e roost old raal,t That the notice tmg of owl aids of millions Is G TI Is actlo`. .I3ake1 Whose name a eheew-a 0 =:�' ,td nventions 0 `Ongl the five n deed me ,atries by se t?Civ lea He Is Indeed o e c ots and lnvontt o,v roma lung ] sate lows fli petlts of the slid n an of 90 he remains actly, Tla seldom seen except by 1Is 9 ho Yea begining on- °ppla it is said that he silt tent System 100ls at Ito Wail street office, ales In tl at in the winter season he disap Ntutak weee hn the gene al dlfeclion of nprehenslve ataland l3 eO,gia Unl ke tl Cl L yugot thin aye such as the Moiga, lots [o it p eaent'moons into'tie t to L10inle I al of which a cop) hereto attached was first published in said news pmr things it lganlyed vast c ipo,at ons is lice to be attaci°hus Plunged int the 111 ohgln ent o1 state at he 1 as influenced tl e 11voa of R,s to be a cemol them Ho is on the heal paper in its issue dated the 10th.day of April 19 30 to rt Dr vWe sited States Steel Ai ie 1 a heal appeals apl and J elepl 0 ° New the ,ommis`Ant III a d la v the Itentabu ty ,e awhile John 1) na l erene inl and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper on hodthing nngt-for agolf he his dlvtet 1 d the a to s[I y haw' he ill t le eI it ty of 70 OIL131,11 1 ti11kKh Wtj n uaefulmutCopyiwilt 1030NBA Se/vice, forLio **** thereafter the full period of One 7 tip ex t i o n the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the 10th, day of April Q s A D 19 30 7:7,3,4 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1.2th. day of April A Notary Pubitc My commission expires Nov. 25, 1933 Advertising fee $ Proof of Publication IIIIIIIIIIIllIII UNITED STATES OF AMERICA !"`' STATE OF UTAH S` s County of Salt Lake AN OR�tDI'N{�ANCE AN OOOINANGPI vleed rdl ING nIl ef.of +it LA ' Revised Ordl }Alnt ng to lIce ees by addinghInlga I Mile .]JVelei being first duly bo kn o Vn Chant Section jgg0 5octl ilL to ISit Iasi tad by tl e Boater et sworn depose and oay that I am the Chief Clerk of THE SALT LAKL Capm ssione a f Salt Lake , Utah GTION 1 That CI enter'AY II Davi d O dins TELEGRAM a newspaper of general circulation published every d'iy ush L 1920 lat1tl f Salt Lek ig t Ile see' $la the a is " ZY i 1 ¢ awsasingom'inabtol alwn a, get at Salt Lake City State of Utah lion I o to lead as ioliewa89 'oIIC 1 0 It al all be u I wful f nany pale 10 0 e l'y An Ordinance hill # 16 p of ,1 bi a lire guaer That the notice Io aP eat I of e s 0 Idaper i t tl e In CIII' wItl otlt 11r tl pro rf Ib se o f d Pease s r t0 pay a Menlo and r this ',)tall pay $21 00 per annu n -'0 -II5o sh It be leaned until tit attppll talon therefor 1 e bee 9i,dahltl l,omt11ss1onet or P b Ito Sa aifl tad by the pa ty In t nd1 d to fly old balloo1 kit 3g do of a y oth r serial aevl I d I a tin&*fait; the )lac AO tl 4 atip t dly nor u III the apnll IA 1 a flied will th city Pe. ender a hood of I a n ]ty will a not t b asp yea by n a E a of which a copy is hereto attached was first published in said news of C mn,i on ra ndlti 1 ea II at t e 11 area will amply with this and oe City o II ordinances f Snit I ka a w n mar u o ny,,rr a a 11a Riess flan a,y and all in its issue dated the 11thsda of April 49 30 Iahns liabini e d nds P paper y gif r any and all ID Ile i song of I aI ner t of 1 by it f t I nor lair All n ialllten l]isnyand was published in each daily issue of said newspaper on the p 1 1,7 red all agesto pe soo r p p rty t f ity ****** oapn t P by 1.-,' Ik>I'>f'tk*'k K'* thiisu 1 ia111de l q S ,_Iy for g tt,the um f t ?.'Y Yb On person or per Insert ion pper8o and slo 006 06 f a i io thereafter the full period of One1 'I blotp ila of p raon of prbfe ) 0 p'"0 el 0 h li nape 1 all I ue for ny elicit balloon kite, gild 1 b a y lith. o�jjhp a la1 acts'witl,th the h nu the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the hf 4l a congest. tell let`01 w tt I, one I alf olio ll I will t On qua to of a 21 t b till and 11th Ea t St ��11n sal I eltl A D 19 30 event to flvalllny Shell tofu)hallo la, y day of Apr 11 d tat$gad o v otl ggqpelin t (Qt I (�f�/e/,5 p s P fifty 4{a tl 0i ortl /� Ill ldlnon y all P pltle q1 gtl Ilb d by a qlt nn .5 It rat otlllr,ft a tAV a lP Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th. day of y-- lo.i+, r hie rl g)satin if a thelic Bo f Copt ocelot e a o liter -kllall b leaned t 1... ••r on wits 11 _ ens ha bee 'v evoked h r de Am ii —',far a l e lad f'• year fro the p A 9 i 0.6 of such revocation sneTroN 2 In the opinion a the i Dowd of COmmisalonera is Is race eery to the peat health ene aaltety City that tillnl ardinance beta,a Salt of Salve l�-a_t2.-y,c,f4-. im I ad t 1y a _-- SECTION 2 Thla mQlnanc Akan �_ Notary Public I tat a ffe t up 1 its publla!del P s ed by tl a t a a of y SI ner f Salt Lel e city nle isTdOV. 20 1933 tpth day of Al III A D 1020 r r LIAS N vr't't My commission expires Pomp IY,Chair/uad i&l I Staid eld City ritegltd$r, B1,L1 NO 18 '1 'S Advertising fee $ Falai-led Ap1li 11,t10ddi ti i 37 ✓Le Proof of Publication From The Salt Lake Telegram arc-t%61/- (b3° County Entry No - - - Proof of Publication From The Salt Lake Telegram a , / -/9;7 County Entry No