16 of 1940 - Amending Section 1362, revised ordinance 1934, relating to traffic and travel--how to approach curb ROLL CALL I , l
VOTING AYE ,� I Salt Lake City,Utah,__._ MAY —1_R L t . 113-
Goggin ✓ I move that the ordinanee ye passed. -,,/^
i „/
Matheson - - - - .f
Murdock - - - - 01111
Mr.Chairman - - - AN OR ANCE
AN ORDINANCE AMENDINC SECTION 1362 of the i:evised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by an ordinance passed by
the board of Commissioners on May 1, 19:35, as amended by an ordinance
passed by the hoard of Commissioners on October 6, 1936, relating to
traffic and travel on streets.
he it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION I. That Section 1362 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by an ordinance passed by the
hoard of Commissioners on Lay 1, 1935, as amended b;; an ordinance
passed by the Board. of Commissioners on October 6, 1936, relating to
traffic and travel on streets, be and the same is hereby amended to
read as follows:
SEC. 1362. HOT TO APPROACH CURS. Every person in charge
of a vehicle when parking such vehicle within any business dis-
trict, or on any street in a residential district where angle
parking is permitted, shall approach the curb at the angle indi-
cated by the signs or painted lines placed on the street by the
Chief of Police and in the absence of any such signs or painted
lines at an angle of forty-five degrees and in such a manner
that the front right-hand wheel of such vehicle when stopned
shall be approximately twelve inches from the curb; provided,
it shall be unlawful to park any vehicle
(1) on any street less than four rods in width; or
(2) on any street where parallel parking is directed
by signs posted or painted on the street or curb; or
(3) on any street outside of the business district ex-
cept the following, to-wit:
;South Temple street from West 'J.emple to Third Lest
First South Street from Vest 'Temple to Third. West
0econd Louth Street from V.est Temple to firth Cest
Third South 1trcet from rest Temple to Rio Cranae 'venue
unless such vehicle is parked parallel with the curb.
It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle with any
wheel of the same in the putter.
rFxcept where angle pa.rkinp is permitted as aforesai ,
every vehicle stormed or parked upon a roadway where there is
an adjacent curt shall be stor7>ed or parked with the ripht-
hand wheels of such 'vehicle parallel with and within eir;hteen
inches of the right-;'¢land curt.
SECTION F. In the dpinioda of the Iidaro of Commissioners,
it is necessary to the peace, nft.& h and safety of the inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that 'this ordinance shall take effect tameoiately.
SECTION b. Ihis ordinance shall take effect upon its
first publication.
Passed by the board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this day of , 1.D.
°p _„,.a.._,_,
�; 1 1 laity ecor
MAY^ 11940
First Publication in
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Legal Notice
Lake f the Revised ors amend sal1 Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
Lake City, Utah,seed by den•bv
ordinance passed bI, the Hoard fded by
an ordinance
n May L 1936, amended by
tiers o passed by the 36,rel of ating m- vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
•ra tfic an o travel.
on t, et. relating to'
,w Be and on
¢ bents.
pe a ordained „Y tine Board'tf�com- published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
a P Sait r.aho ity, 312
Revientl Ordinances cast Section lta3 f do
Revised- Ordinances f ball Lelca''Vance
of Utah.
Otsse by4, a amender) by an r los ocn
May b1 the Board df C mi -ordinance
a ce
parsed 1,
I836,a amended by is- once on
pawed by the Hoard f relating to t affice o ts
travel s, Sets, d t to me ifn and That the advertisement_OxcLinai�ce Bill No. 16
travel a thirsts, a and the sumo is here-
byC.amended ie Wad fls follows:
Every person in charge thin any 'when DDglating.tp-Traffic -
darrict.orch vehicle within any b sine. ..i4
district,orre any streetpark in perreal enlist
s district a where gle nabbing is per e ill-
hall nmtthe the curb at ed an e l ill- salt Lake City Corp-.
aicoted by the a Cue or painted line 'plac-
ed on the street by the Chief of Police
ana in the absence of any such signs e
painted lines at an angle of forty-five de-
and in such a manner that the front
right-hand wheel of such vehicle when
• stopped shall be proximately twelve
hen from the curb; y vehicle it shall waspublished in said newspaper,er, in its issue dated, the
be Ion a 'peek any Mete C 1�
(w or "street lord than fou�• rode
in width; o
a"I any y signs .ores,park-, 2 tl A.D. 19.40...
••ng on tin hedstreetdor sibne pO6l4d of painted• Jrni4 day of May
:ne(3) o an street.outside of the bust.
e district except the following, it:
'. b t on
South Temple Street from West TomDle and was published 1 time
to Third West Street;
First South Street from West Temple to
Third West Street:
Second south sheet from west Temple the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
to Fifth West Street;
Third South Street from Wes( Temple
to Rio Grande Avenue:unless such vehicle
u parked parallel with oho curb. day of A.D. 19
It shall be unlawful to park any ehiele
•with any wheel of the came in.th gut
• Except where soots parking 11 narmil-,
led i aforesaid,
:6 it •10.0 6G B1I ay �.. _ ... .-. ..._..<..._
�-:a� yt f�-�—� :I. A rtising Clerk.
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Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of
May A. D. 1940_..
• kPublic.
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