16 of 1942 - Vacating alley running east and west through Block 2, Douglas Park -E-W-alley between Sunnyside and -ROLL CALL LI `-' NA VOTING Salt Lake City,Utah,pM!h � y�2 194 6-4g-ia - - - I move that the ordinance hewed. KePae= / Matheson - - - 17 /�G-/�✓�o�" �. /f Mc o to ;' Mr.Chairman AN ORDINANCE Result - - - - AN ORDINANCE VACATING alley running east and west c througj Block 2 of Douglas Park. 1. . :- Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt -1,- ,�", a Lake City, Utah: �u 4. ' SECTION 1. That alley running east and west through 4 y . - Block 2 of Douglas Park, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 21, Block ,No 2, Douglas Park Sub. of Block 28, 5-Acre Plat 'C, and ,,o,, 1-4 Section 9, T. 1 S., R. L E., S. L. B. & M., thence east 535.22 ft., thence south 14.0 ft., thence west 535.22 ft., Np q thence north 14.0 ft. to the place of beginnings os be amd the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be public property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way. Said vacation is made expressly subject to the rights of way and easements of the Utah Light & Traction Company acquired under franchises from Salt Lake City to maintain, repair, alter and replace the electric transmission, distribution of telegraph and telephone circuits, lines, wires and poles of said companies, together with the necessary stop cross-arms and other attachments thereon or af- fixed thereto for the support of said electric, telephone and tele- graph lines, wires and distribution circuits as now erected and main- tained upon or across the portion of said street to be closed, dur- ing the life of the franchises held by said companies, or any exten- sions thereof. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first . - tt -2- publication. / '\ ,,,,, -t , • ,- 2 \/ '2', L:.'//' ,'A.A.A.'i A i..1"/A:/•"A/A:: 4-A t-4,:-."',A.', `N..... Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake Cii,y, Utah, this /0 114i.ay ofL A__i, , A.D. 1942. • , 4g , /7- May2.7. ,--c, . . / '..„„ •,.•- 1,, 4 ' it --,'' •;-, / •:•'•., -1 - .• City • ecor er.',:,..,;10•, („,. '....' ',, '•,••;•,' 1 '-I" w 0 cx.,,, ').'K •,,q, ,Y• •ii 4.0 w,. .,•'• •'41i'''), # T ''-''• ASP '''''' ,:',, p . ,r1 . 1 &I tg .1f. ,.•44 ';., : '.1 ., 4 0,. 0 c': ..1•A;' WO , ,-41 ' .•,',',11'i`I'',''' ,•I , • , ‹••:s:'',' •i, 1./!4,-„,, 1 . , ;,,: ,/ N, °q ,,5 y7 s t,1,it, wa ''z% Ate* T '' y 4g3. U4 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, County of Salt Lake _N ORDINANCE , T Att 0jrNAnon V1CA.roio a11ey r. i ...sta. atahrouaa Block f Leo--H..-Young 4:1,14060 by thaR04rd 01 cm- ), 0 o - so,1ra�r6:City,Utay �mox= s r t door r❑hning¢ai and Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- e through 1i¢k 7 ib _.., follow.: Dunk,t t tleothw t 1B 'oCIKtog r.the aD,thweat er c+ vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper t 21 , 0-B a Dbva'lse and Sub. 0t T1�&9 AIR.1 E Plat S.L.C14¢&M pane published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State as 012.22.it thence o ih 14.0.It, I he MS west 62622 It., thence north. 34.0 of Utah. ft.'to-the..Dicke 01 beainnin6; be and $the memo 16 hereby.vacated d declared 3io;:is cc s eet, be epublic e alleeyron r De9e than �8aldsVacation is Nay ekpreeey subject That the advertisement Ordinance.-.Bill--#1B- ` l iviaulg.Lielit;&Traction company am kilii'ed under iraachlees from Salt Lake City to:maintain, repair, alter and re• vacating--al-ley-.B1k--2--o.f--Douglas---Park- 411 rlb the electric tranearishi n, aiet ❑• -------- 'MOW 61 teleq Dh nil tel Dh❑9 circuits. jitfa wirea`ap. DOlea 01 s�fl CDmpenl¢& rtoro[b¢r with aha naeeeearY stop cross• $.1...C.--Corp.- City-Recorder 4grme B❑fl.-Others4tachme t ri 01❑ afir,,,,e,her tq EDr 01 'telegraph Df lines, b B,C4rlC� ta(epvhope endcircuss lmee, irect 'sand Maindiatrtained on ore se haw erected and mid Street upon or emote the DhDtlthe l said street t ch closed.'by r. mq the Di 1 the hen m ea held'by 4' ODmDaniea ❑r WV eatenaions there- was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the 2 -o n of a Doetd, �' 'health d a tet' Ot he joint t. Oki.'of $eye make city that thin oral- 2.1th.day of Mar-eh A.D. 19---4-2- ha❑ce bee..efidcifve immediately. SECTION 3.This ordinance shall take effect❑port its.-lir.publication: Paned by.the Board f commlosioaere and was published One. time of,Slit Lake-City,'Utah, this 10/11 daY of March,A.D. 1042.AB JENRIN$, E'j''}TEi.Id4eDCNALD, Mayon the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the City Recorder. (SEAL} ''piLL ze. I day of A.D.19 pµblieLN1•:IIlaor"ch it,1042. 1 . LG ertising Clerk( Subscribed and sworn to before me this Eighteenth day of March A.D. 19.42-- 1,- _,s_Ai,.....s,2„...,.._ --- Notary u c. Ui • ,,,,f lit , ',..„..._ 4, Rr ,...._1 1 -----' ('' '- © --......., ..s... . .... C •,).,;,,- '''-. :, $.•., .00 '.7..,,s ,: ‘,.....: © lel t-•'' ‘ f t w (....Ni\l• '---, ........ t••'''i. ', Ire l.‘::. P <% t - ir• ,...I Z i'/ ,