16 of 1964 - Amending Title 20, relating to licenses, by adding to Chapter 5 'Closing Sale'. ROLL CALL Salt Lake City, Utah, T'�ch 5 , 196 4 VOTING Aye Nay Christensen - - I move that the Ordinance be passed. Catmull . . . , Harrison . . . . i ( Smart —l t�, Mr. Chairman . AN ORDINANCE Result . . . . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Title 20 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to licenses, by adding thereto a new Chapter 5 to be entitled, "Closing Sale." Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Title 20 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to licenses, be, and the same hereby is, amended by adding thereto a new Chapter 5 to be entitled, "Closing Sale," to read as follows: "CHAPTER 5. "CLOSING SALE. "Sec. 20-5-1. Definitions. As used in this chapter, the fol- lowing terms shall have the meanings herein stated: "(1) SALE. 'Sale' shall mean: "(a) Any sale of, or any offer to sell to the public or any group thereof, goods, wares or merchandise on order, in transit or in stock, in connection with a declared purpose as set forth by advertising that such sale is anticipatory to or for the purpose of the termination, liquidation, revision,windup, discontinuance, removal, dissolution or abandonment of the busi- ness or that portion of the business conducted at any location; and "(b) All sales advertised in any manner calculated to convey to the public the belief that upon the disposal of the goods to be placed on sale, the business or that portion thereof being conducted at any location will cease, be removed, interrupted, dis- continued or changed; and "(c) All sales advertised to be 'Adjuster's Sale,' 'Assignee's Sale,' 'Administrator's Sale,' 'Closing Sale,' 'Creditor's Sale,' 'End Sale,' 'Forced Out Of Business Sale,' 'Going Out Of Business Sale, ' 'Insurance Salvage Sale,' 'Last Days Sale,' 'Lease Expires Sale,' 'Liquidation Sale,' 'Removal Sale,' 'Reorganization Sale,' 'Quitting Business Sale,' 'We Quit Sale,' 'Wholesale Closing Out Sale,' 'Fixtures For Sale,' or advertised by any other expression or characterization or phrase of like or similar language which would reasonably convey to the public that the sale is being conducted as a result of such occurrences as enumerated above, which are not intended to be all inclusive but refer to type or class of sale. - 2 - "(2) PUBLISH, PUBLISHING, ADVERTISEMENT, ADVERTISING. 'Pub- lish,` 'publishing,' `advertisement," 'advertising' shall mean any and all means of conveying to the public notice of sale or notice of intention to conduct a sale, whether by word of mouth, newspaper advertisement, magazine advertisement, handbill, written notice, printed notice, printed display, billboard display, poster, radio or television announcement and any and all means including oral, written or printed. "Sec. 20-5-2. License required. It shall be unlawful for any person to publish or conduct any sale as defined in this chapter without first obtaining a license to do so. This license shall be in addition to any other license which may be required by any other ordinances. "Sec. 20-5-3. Fee. The fee for the license required by the preceding section shall be Twenty-Five and 00/100 ($25.00) Dollars. "Sec. 20-5-4. Application. Application for such license shall be in writing, executed by the applicant under oath and shall con- tain the following information: "(1) Type of sale to be conducted and reason for conducting such sale. "(2) A description of the place where such sale is to be held. "(3) The nature of the occupancy, whether by lease or sub- lease, and the date of termination of such occupancy. "(4) The means to be employed in publishing such sale, to- gether with the text of any and all proposed advertis- ing matter. "(5) An itemized list of the goods, wares and merchandise to be offered for sale, including those on order and not received. "(6) Where and from whom such stock was purchased or acquired; and, if not purchased, the manner of such acquisition. "(7) Any additional information that the license assessor and collector may require. "Sec. 20-5-5. Year in business required prior to issuance of license. Exception. No person, company or corporation shall be eligible for a license nor shall a license be issued to any person, company or corporation unless they shall have been previously licensed to do business at the same location of such closing sale for the 365 day period immediately preceding the beginning of the said sale except in those instances where e bona fide hardship would be created and in such instances proof must be furnished to the license assessor and collector that: "(1) Such hardship exists; and "(2) At the conclusion of such closing sale all and any busi- ness transactions of that particular applicant will completely and permanently cease and desist. - 3 - "Sec. 20-5-6. Issuance of license and term. Upon the filing of an application and a finding by the license assessor and collector after investigation that the statements contained therein appear to be true and are not false, fraudulent, deceptive or misleading in any respect, a license shall be issued for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days, upon the payment of the fee herein prescribed. "Sec. 20-5-7. Renewals. Term and fee. Upon satisfactory proof by the licensee that the stock itemized in the original application has not been entirely disposed of, the license assessor and collector shall renew such license for a period of not exceeding thirty (30) days. In no event shall a license be renewed more than twice. For each renewal a fee of Ten and 00/100 ($10.00) Dollars shall be collected. "Sec. 20-5-8. Display of license. Upon commencement of any sale, and for the duration thereof, the license therefor shall be conspicuously displayed near the entrance to the premises. "Sec. 20-5-9. Revocation of license. A license granted pur- suant to this chapter may be revoked by the license assessor and collector if: "(1) The licensee has failed to include in the inventory required by the provisions of this chapter the goods, wares and merchandise, or any part thereof, required to be contained in such inventory. "(2) The licensee has added, caused to be added or permitted to be added, any goods, wares or merchandise not described in the original inventory, "(3) The licensee has violated any of the provisions of this chapter or of the laws pertaining to advertising. "Sec. 20-5-10. Rules and regulations. The license assessor and collector may make such rules and regulations for the conduct and advertisement of the sales defined in this chapter as may be necessary to carry out the purposes thereof. Such rules and regu- lations must be submitted to and be approved by the board of city commissioners. "Sec. 20-5-11. Mingling of goods prohibited. No person con- templating conducting any sale as defined in this chapter or during the continuance of such sale shall order any goods, wares or mer- chandise for the purpose of selling them at such sales and any unusual purchase or additions to the stock of such goods, wares, or merchandise within sixty (60) days before the filing of such application for a license to conduct such sale shall be presumpt- ive evidence that such purchase or addition was made in contempla- tion of such sale and for the purpose of selling it at such sale. "Sec. 20-5-12. Each sale separate offense. Each sale made without a license and each sale of goods, wares or merchandise that is not inventoried and described in the original application shall constitute a separate offense under this chapter. "Sec. 20-5-13. Resumption of business prohibited. No person shall, upon the conclusion of any sale herein defined, continue to conduct a business or business operation of the same or similar I r; - 4 - nature to that for the discontinuance of which such license was issued at the same premises; nor shall such person within one (1) year after the conclusion of such sale resume such business at the same premises. "Sec. 20-5-14. Records to be kept. The licensee shall keep suitable books and records and make them available at all times to the city license assessor and collector. "Sec. 20-5-15. Exemptions to chapter. The following persons shall be exempt from the scope and operation of this chapter: "(1) Persons acting pursuant to an order or process of a court of competent jurisdiction. "(2) Persons acting in accordance with their powers and duties as public officers such as sheriffs and marshals. "Sec. 20-5-16. Compliance with chapter required. It shall be unlawful for any person to violate or fail to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter or any rule or regulation adopted pursuant thereto." SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is nec- essary for the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City, Utah, that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 5th day of March, 1964. MAYOR Ajn410MfrOAIR D E R (S E A L) BTT.T NO. 16 of 1964 Published Msrch 12, 1964 ADM-3•A Legal,N6llieftsY, AN O1bINANCL -1 AN ORDINANCE'AMENDING Tille1 ']Tot the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,wan,1935,relating to II-. � by atldin9 thereto 1 Chapie�r S io be cnll+letl, "Closing'See,it ordained by the Board of Affidavit of Publication •'Commissioners of Sap Lake City. Utah: _ SECTION 1. e t Title 20 of the, Revised Urdlna of Sall Lake CITY, a Ulan, 1955,r sung to licenses, be, 3dtl the same erebe is,emended DY r dame here".Rd w Soler t r+°-TAH be titled, Closing sales"to read • es follows: 1 "CHAPTERS ssa 1 "C-1.Definitions. SALE. Lake "Sec.]0-5-I.Definifi0ns.As used In L halVecIrer: 'Fins°'Ibe 7,,1¢tatcdshall '/I SALE7'Sale"s11,,fr sell to the public o'any eroahlinere� S M Ockey oFiegr°�ertransils oar m r"ioc'1',;n¢ se flora itn tells t tsuche°" set fntiii by ayverlising that purpose a iormlinaiin,'tigvleaib�",0r ieon, Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal advertising o24on a""oaae8�m¢dr`mr°°+e bass- clerk of the DESERET NEWS AND SALT LAKE TELE- Coeaa or fhat portion f the business ndyaee at anY ladverp;and GRAM, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the Eng- lish public manner sos ne sales advertised in Y calculated to`°" Y t°+h¢ lish language with general circulation in Utah, and published in I c the belief trial upon the disposal ir in a ma+°be placed° ale. Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Count in the State ofUtah. ris naam¢+a Mat lion meteor r being conducted t any vocation illy' ,be removed, interrupted,will cease,"I'C ed r changed;a d l' sus A" d1e, dVIgneed t° be That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto 'Adlustor's Sales 'Assignee's Sale; I., 'Ao dItor'ralole,Sale; losing ale; 'crealf°ra sale; End Sal¢; egress Out of Slnsorance 0Saalvage Salt Lake City Bill No.16 of 1964 Sale; Last Oars Sale,' Lease Ex- pires Sale; Llqultlallon Sale; 'e� ale,v 1 Sale,' 'Reoreanlzatlon Sae: g Blesale sai;Out awe An Ordinance relatin to l.i.censee b' ad ink ale; Wholesale cloying ert sale; f ,)' matures rot wain,'or aaverhsea by Y or er ease lion or cnaraaerlxa- ada a phrase of would er similar Ian- adage 'which m amy - thereto a new Chapter 5 to be entitled o0gt°the pvhlic tharslho s le I 0 0 tone goes as a rasoI °soo ewsive¢aout refer tto lePebo a1cla°a °closing Salel1. of ale. '(N PUBLISH,PUBLISHING,AD- ' EbTlsE MENT,Ag,"advSING. Pobits verttisingllshlhall mevertiay �etie'lo tide of of le or noticef of,lien l remora le conduct a`sa , whether by word of mouth,newspaper saver- March 17. ].964e ,semen,, magazine dvertisen,e n 1, was published in said newspaper on : handbill,written notice,printed no- tice, e aislaY, billboard l- PhaY1 p°le.radio,y ra television ean- nouncement i r and any and l Iniri 1"Sec, tOTP License 4,`,,,3.•It shall be unlawful tor any.person t° elisnf or conduct ray le s de- fined ths chapter without first t to d0e so Weis / <� ${h$ �' �5;&fir may tea ea b v to elgnnceaf 5. 10 S J. ordinances. me fee for me -; //i '--- (, a [v II required by the receding l 00/!on hail be Twenty Five d - '--- 0o0 csz5.om Dollars. Legal Advertising Clerk tion"Sec. ]031n ACI Ise llphallA bel¢In writing, executed by the applicant under oaths and shall contain the fol- lowing information: and reason son of for conducting ing such conducted 11,eaA description of tile place where "(31 The natures of the occupancy, whether by lease or sublease,and the data of termination of such o- pan Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of March A.D. 19 64 Notary Public My ComnAigjo 5Ef Ssp '•141,The means to be employed in FhT4',Vofproposed such sale, 049eiher with a ad, "(5)An itemized list of the goods, wares and merchandise to be offered for sale, including those on order 61 and not received. Where and from whom such stock was purchasee or acquired, and,If not purchased,the manner of /71cA'nd'IT I • " "'61'1'nn that the license assessor andco ec-1 tor may require, "se,20-5.5, Year In business re- quired prior to issuance of license. 'Excention. lb erson, company or corporation shall be eligible for a li- cene nor shall a license be Issued to any person,company or corpora- tion unless they shall have been previously licensed to do business at the same location of such closing sale for the 36s5av period imme- diately preceding the beginning of the said sale except in those in- stances.where a bona fide hardship ‘ in ouch in' sre'll'c'esnepr'oOf"gests'IVe Oulniuhed to the license assessor and collector that: gehroVgiornelcePtirclos. Ins sale all and any business trans- actions of that partictgar applicant will completely and permanently cease and cleSISt. "Sec.20-5-6.Issuance of license and term.Upon the filing of an applICa- lion and a Boding by the license as- sessor and collector after investiga- tion that the statements contained therein appear to be true and are not fel., fraudulent, deceptive or misleading in any respect,a license shall be issued for a period nor ex- ceeding thirty (30) days, upon the payment of Me tee herein prescribed. "Sec.20.5, Renewals.Term and fee. Upon satisfactory proof by the licensee that Inc stock itemized in the original application has not been entirely disposed of,the license es. sessor and collector shall renew such license for a period oi not exceeding thirty(30)days. In no event shall a license be renewed more than twit°. Far eaCh renewal a fee of Ten asci 00/00(110.00) Dollars shall 4'ec.ec .e. Display of license. Upon commencement of any sale, and for the duration thereof, Tie license therefor shall be Conspicu- OUsly displayed near the entranCe 10 the premises. "Sec.20.5-9.uevocation of ticense. A license granted pursuant to this chapter may be revoked by the li- cense assessor and collector it, "(I) The licensee has failed to Inch:de in the Inventory required by the provisions of this chapter the goods, wares and merchandise, or any parr thereof,required to be con. toirod i'llhe"thilceVee n'nr Ls added, gusg,to be added or permitted to chandisced'nOr drVilied"Innestra -rIVIrgensee has violated any of the provisions of this chapter or of the laws nertaining to advertising. tlo'nle.x'fhr-11-gnseRual:sses:onrdaVol-- lector may make sUch Nies dncl t71Te'r=t of Pro sales dolbned Is this chapter as may Onecessary to carry out the purPoses thereof. Such rules and regulations must he submitted to and be approved by "'Sn'01-5%.cgl'Ingrnnom4'gno'glrs'pro- hibited.No person contemplating cut- any sale as defined in this chapter or during the continuance of such sale shall order any goods, wares or merchandise for the pur- pose of selling mom an such sale: and any unusual purchase on addi- tion "tonerdloe the stock of such goods, FO) dayn;boloro the films Or Ouch aPplIcalion for a license to conduct such sale shall be presumptive [evidence tier such purchase or aoldi• Ition was made in contemplation of such sale and for Me purpose of "''Sec. 25-P-VE'ag'Sale separate •offerge. Filth sale made without a 'license and each sale of goods,wares or merchandise Mat is not inven- toried and described in the original application shall constitute a sena- a'p'eS ncff.'SrA.1u3n.'Pre s!ut '91'busk ness'prohinited.No personnshall,upon the conclusion of any sale herein defined,continue to conduct a busi- ness or business operation of the same Sr similar nature to that for 'c'g.g was blood or Oconame crc- mists;nor shall such person within vne 111 year after conclusion of such sale resume such business at the same premises. "Sec.20-5-14.Records to be kept. The licensee shall keep suitable books and records and make them valuable at all times to the city II- na.75,'ElceMg7Iot to chap' ncr Inn fr="thr specs and tics of this chapter: ' 'II)Persons acting pursuant to an order or process of a court of com• '=V°Lting Iraruerdance with their powers and duties as igtrl=hicers such as sheriffs a. 'hen.20.5.16.Compliance with chap., ter required.It shall be unlawful fornip I any person to violate or fail to con, lAis'ghTpf:;-'Yorn'antr`roPaVi=u1°.! '''SICifrOSV '"guChl'o':,7,',7g.'"or the Board of Commissioners,it Is neces- nry..for.the.peace,health and Safety tl'frA7 VIVTIP gdiSn'aincL."gegge elfectise immediately. JSECTION 3. This ordlnance shall I ta/4,esZetb,botohne itiotir;st publication. lone,of Salt Lake City',Uanh",'"gla 5Ih day of Marrh,toe, J.BRACKEN LEE, HERMAN J.HEN s EN, 211 NO'.°Tdor1964. Published March 12,1964. ((.35) /