161 of 1920 - Paving Extension No. 141, Ninth Partial ROLL CALL VOTING AYE 14AY Salt Lake City,Utah, ]..)CC• 7, , :Barnes Burton Crabbe I move that the ordinance be passed. Green -- NM= Mr. Chairman "-- Result j AN ORDINANCE All 011DIE.:11TC.1.E' ;J;i,a jo3.in;eDt -{' ixoyerty on V-.o east side of 3evert1. , Eth to 'de.reirt. , Distri at No. 27 (PLvin,::: aKtons 1.an No. 141), for the .L)orl:ose iirovi a utg: for the rcd i.n , tor 773 with 00. 10t, eor,s t- int':; drainage system to c.1:Lrry w. ter 3ccJso .±!. ..loacj otroele .1nte.r itetj On 3, C onstructitw r iv velvo.yo .,And t the rear. BE I2 011DAII.F:]1J 109 thw Dourd of doocuicor.e:,.‘ .Lit)2,11 SE(... .L'it.)IT I. Tlo1 the f 031,)1` t Toofe Citt, T.Tt hereby levy the tax ;-).nd ocjvl S for the 3,;3.:10 m,on tho i)ro per ty he reLla ft el. de iDcd LwV iyL 770. 27, ::;xten:A.on No. 141), for 1,10 Use o for Thu , 03r.:71in and gutter IL with (.;e to carry to r croee '11,1. al 011F: 3 ti`E ;-1"; -,1,; ri. pavint: with .J."2.1e o t Vie o;', t: In Lots 2, 3, ,d. 5 of Block 26, auS Ito 1, and 5 of dluah 17, Slot B, Salt Lake 0 1 t;/ This tax i.e levied tcane of tr.!' 1,LL fo-2th gradillg, euxoing and ..-o_tterint- . coant, 1 .0 tc!'ctf, ;y stem to c,,,rry water [Lc ro.3 s. ai u10135 oSieceand. inters t ;, c353 te-Ling riva Ic irivelva et LJ-1)11a.1 S therf. A.a to Tie tho east of two 24-foot To, it_ 26 f cot 'Jr.! 3evoiitl 161_ II I . I , 4.1 East from Fifth to Seventh Eieete Stroot.i,, Oft 2 L..;ji_ :1-,VE, :c-'11t, to be nine (9) inches to e with , 1_,:e. (6) lecil eoeel ete "0,..:ie, ono :and one-half (1-k) iee.h bin ier oaf ant) ,ed cue-half (1- ) ince i sheet asphalt topping), ti:e ii 0 rt.?:OM '»'. cc hi etreete uevoa.ito the ;ii.eoperty herainbefore ad hereinaftee lesce,-eed to lea eseeciLlie 'affected and benefited by said itherove,eint, ene it Le eerebe at judged, de terele na and e.,',,,lelie).;e: tret :.;d..a ;reitort will he :especially benefited there-be to -e e fell re.eeit of toe tee hereby 'levied, and said eareele of it-'210. are Le fob,: aseeeeed .t an eeeal I fend uniform rate in amceedeeee ,.: 'th to linoer feet fr.e•ttege ...:'keel said portions of said street fronting e000 and to a deet. of fifty (50) feet heel: theeefrom, ._LIJC, the tea: .c.,,reee levied eed to be assessed upon said lea,:e1.3 of lend is Sieteee Ti.e.send Three .adundred Forty-one and. 30/100 (1)16,341.30) dollars; Fifteen Thousand. Three Hundred Eighte-one and 30/100 ( )15,381.30) doll ar4 1: or leven and 80/100 (011.80) dollars ee.r fra_t or lieoer foot "of abutting property for ee id 2-24 foot roadways with 26 foot park there being 1303.5 feet of property abettire, et -hi eertion of said improvement; Stine hundred Sixty 0960. .0) dollars for private driveways or .;P60.00 for each er;vc.te dleiveway, there :e)eing sixteen private driveways, end tl.e cue'. of coestreetioe of :v-vhich private driveways end 1-;le eroperty le:nef-Ito,i tlierebe is :hereby set out, a/id all ..ethie the b,e,al'ories of tne lot , '_.1.0e1,4 and streets above mentioned in sale oll.e.tr::c,t, wlich ie the total coat and cost per fr on t foot 0 2 3 s'.id r--1:,:r ovement, eceordir.e to the e ontract entered jut a n1)7 t''C e erf erme-ce of Said were eeed inching said improvement ieet ,T. "7. le.e el in, dated the 2.-'..d day July, 1919, and the Tree;Jur er i 2 hereby author i e ed and directed • to assess, in acc:ord:.lhoo ;;1 tic t,:cs-:, irov.1.;i.311-: o 2 'e.is ord le_ale e, fox the purpose herein Ineetionet; TVO-TWELITI-FOUR 1'001 a0.::D1/7<,I21 7ITel Tielleei-SIX FOOT PRlc The west side of Lot.,3 2, 4 & 5, the west aide of the I :::.: --- , 2. ., , , , I —J north 8.25 feet of Lot 3, end, the west side of the south 110.25 feet of' Lot 3, Block 26; the west side of Lots 4 and 5 of Book 17, Plat B, Salt Lake Cite Survey: PROPEBTY ASSESSED 7oa e.DDITION TO THE REGULAR ASSESSIIIEET The west side of tne eontk 19.5 feet of Lot 5, the west side of the north 41.25 feet, the west side er the south 41.25 feet of the north 82.5 feet of Lot 4, the west side of the north 49.5 feet of the south 99 feet of Lot 3, the west side ,of the south 49.5 feet of Let 3, the west side of the north ,149.5 feet, the west side of the south 57.75 feet of the eorth 107.25 feet of Lot 2, Block 26; the west side of tIJ e north 165 feet, the west side of tic north 66 feet of te cneeth 165 feet, the west side of the north 49.5 feet of the ece,th 99 feet, and the west side of the south 49.5 feet of Lot 5, the west side 1 1,of the south 44 feet of the norti] 77 feet, the west side of the ',.seuth 44 feet of the north 121 feet, the west side of tee. south 44 feet of the north 165 feet, the west side of the sJuth 14.25 'feet of the north 231 feet and the west side of the south 99 feet of Lot 4, Block 17, Plat B, Salt Lake City Survey, as the curse are shown upon the official plats of said city to a depti. of fifty (50) feet back from oeld streets, and to collect seid tax. SECTION II. Said teee shall 'ice oee elle be delis:pent An ten equal pearl; inetellneets, with 'eterest oi the whole sum unpaid at the rate of sir or neat jn r annum, ee.ye 1,1e at lire time •each installment is due, t..)-nit: One-tonth thereof one year after the ordinance oonfirmine the levy of the tz.-tx for tee paement for such inair or ement bee wee, effective; one-te th hereof in two •pears after said oedi eaeee "eoe.,,ees effee t ; one-tenth thereof in three years after said ordineece bee riles effective; one-tenth •,thereof in four years after said ordinance becomes effective; one- tenth thereof in five years after said ordinance ',eoatiei effecttfre; 1 1 one-tenth thereof in sic years after said on nance bee ones ef- fective; one-tenth thereof ii1 s even Jeers .after said ordinance becomes effective; ono-tente thereof in eight year 3 aitor ed d ordinance becomes effective; one-tenth thereof in nine pears after said ordinance bee ueee'effective; and one-teeth thereof in! ten years after said ordinance becomes effective. one or more of said installments , in the order in welch they are eayable, or the whole special tax, may bo at any time within to days after the ordinance c en fj.rn:ing the lavy of the tax.bec one s effec- tive, without interest. In the event e any installment or the ' interest aforesaid not being paid or, the date the sane becomes the time said due, the whole amount of the apeciai t aai�rpaid at installment and interest are due, Shall become die and payable, and shall draw interest at the rate of eight leer cent per annum until the sale of the property .,assessed; provided, one or ..;ore installments, in the order in v:nich they are paeee,le, or the whole spec i.al tax waled , no paid on the: d e. ell elle in stel lment bee ones due, by paying the amo;nt thereof <:.nd interest to se ea date. SECTIOid III. This o20in ehall take effect one day after it first publication. Passed by tee 'Board a 1 Commie ei or•ere o f Salt I ake City, Utah, December , „ o City Recorder. Paving Extensi on rho. lil. 9th Partial Estine,to. 4. �. • } t { • • i . . , . cmr o 1.1 A Col] ii!: II .COSI � �,F 1 j f t-' ,_i j F. L. I 1 f 1 I i 'ii , ., ,