163 of 1908 - Ordinance 163 of 1908 – Paving Extension No. 34, Fifth Partial Estimate. AN ORDI NAN CE . An ordinance confirming the assessment upon the property herein-! after described on First South Street between Second East and Thir- 'teenth East Streets, in Paving District No. 27, for the purpose of providing for the grading, guttering and curbing, and paving thereof.' Be it ordained. by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That.the assessment list made by the City Treasurer as eorretted, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization and Review; heretofore duly appointed by the City Council for that purpose of the property in Lots 5 and 6, Block 56, .and 1, 2, 3 and 4, Bleek'57, Plat "E"; ], and 2, Block 36; 5, 6, 7 and $, Block 29; 5, !Black 3O; 14 to 26, inclusive, Block 2, Ehrieh's Subdivision, Block 'SO 12 to 18, inclusive, East Side Subdivision, Bloc] 31, Plat "F", Salt Lake City Survey, abutting on the south side of First South IiStreet between Ninth East and Thirteenth East Streets, and on the north side of First South Street between Ninth East and Eleventh East! Streets, in Paving District No. 27, of Salt Lake City, for the purpose 'of providing for the grading, guttering and curbing, and paving of said portion of said street, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments! !made and returned in said completed lists are hereby confirmed. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. Paving Extension No. 34. ;Fifth Partial Estimate. (-- Passed by tho City Council of Salt I' ,_e Tii; ,Jtah_, rocomhor. 17, 190C, and roforrod to bho t yor for his yP pro-. l 0 tp decordor. Approved this a 7a7 of Coocmb:or, 1906, =;" •' . , -.i .;•r•,, .." 1=',..„...;"ft.i :•••111. 1,(4.k. )1(... c :i.i.! .-., . --;"1.\•.--.1-•.., ..- •: .1.".... liA, _•,,,;:•J':' f.l.t,,,3 ts7 i'Ai '" 00874&li losa/e, :i3“,-„, I -- - 1•. . • , ::.: ',.., - ; / ^i- 7 .7",:: .1D: lot-rtairt ....A:-.r..1 , ai ..- T• . ., ••••.1?f,f 'Aril V FA Li'3 ,......“1.2.1:r.i.s F.-:.:..; ;,,,r;"(.11•3rd , J-1:i",i•x s:C.". -.- .; ..,-: •,'1,•,-., etiJ Lo, , I‘, • , f"3 T.11'" ' ,"1"'.4.. '1:,. TH-,i' '''' el il..11,' t:.!11 Irt*.-. .fflut.la : -1",..;,.k .1 l'it) 0.•,-;:: ‘ \ 03 - , ,:•L/ss.r.i.i......,,I.,-e'li. t iZmr-3 %,,,Lf hAte, .1:1 r-tet.'1.-1 II/ ' " .t\ ii v ,\-. - 7 11311t '1'67 r.t;rfet)::.44--Jprf-, i -t:t,ta 10110--i c• b :IA-,0't""L'-',4i r lit'7 ou'' 1-,It; ,,..3 .i ri . ..\§0EX.Ei ,0 tn's a 0 ni-143-Jkaffili or,„ lk., ,,t.y '•''\., , :. ;"- :..-: •.1:. ;az: to oiff 15togi . 4 t.31i " :isi .\, • 3 cte. ...,,. • : .0-',.t•P.1. AtrtiZ; il'tnia ,a 1.. rs.. : i 71; ,".{." 1.-.7.. t. it;o1F31 ,..„).t.nivif1.11 \d'suoill .t.+ • foal 03,L o/ %I. btt:: ..it•-..Tod sift no 5rYtttucfs ,•zsvir: ' 73:..`„.• s.7ft,,- 3 144 'H4j 11: G S atee'-3 l' ;li 4tt:o.•3.11:;r: Ens i-tusa ;13nail, cf.--,-,•••,:te•u- t• t- 4.. .:...1 1:.%-'1'.'i:,..,.:' EA:4 t:..11:7 rf'Lair:. ,T, ,t0ti ;*:1-.1t, et i...-. -11.::(.1 , ...,:,.,1•,..,,, •:-•,-t -.0'1 a,61•11',;) s;4•5.1 3.1:Ai.r. 'to ,7,2 .oli 3o17:totti lit'e'i 'Ai ,s3,E,,...-t•ti.,: -, F•7-•,,,, •-•••,i'fZif•Lus F,n,,, z.n1.13J3i,--„ •Anlb,:r3 ,h,-,:r-rilno* Ncf•fl•21-1 ill itoo-r-tn b.t•I'l '',, ft::tic.c.• :)1.,:-.-, .„ „. 't L/f1.0n v101.e.i 0.-1-, atat C Latalcicaou 61.eis a/ 1)i.•.).-...„.`.0-1 t)us 0 Lel at . L-yolk/L.0 irc.:$4.L1 toer13 :Jiro./ r.rc.:f:-. -;- .3:!`..-to alirrd: ..'.i ii.•12;),!..ii, •-., .1'....' •oU ni.i;inntx:i aliiViti, .: 10.:1110a 1.4131n.i :I'll% 0 '!'