163 of 1909 - Ordinance 163 of 1909 – Sidewalk Extension No. 142, First Partial Estimate. Jij
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d`v AN OP. ➢ I NA CE .
An ordinance confirming the assessment upon the property on First
South Street between Second East and Sixth East Streets, and on the
east side of Fifth East Street betoeen South Tem_8le t:nd First South
Streets, in Sidewalk District;, Eos. 2 and 18, for the purpose of re-
placing all.;defective walks and walks not to Grade on said strOts.
.-Be it-Ordained by the City Council of Salt Luke Cityt Utah,:
SEDTIO1P,1. That the`aesessrent .list made by the City Tre asurer
// as*rrecte.d, approved and completed by the Board o P E4ua i7at oaf and
Revde , heretofore duly appointed by the City Council :for'thr t ,pur-
pose, of the property inI;'ots Tips. 5, 6, 7 and 8, 51ock 72, ltt'."i";
C 8',;72lock 51; 4 end. 5, Flock 61; 3 and 4, Block 67; 6, Clock 52; and
5 and. 6, Block 58, :let MS'', Srlt Luke City Survey, abutting; on the
south' side of First South Street between Second East and Sixth east
Streets; on the east side of Fifth East Street between :South Temple •
and First South Streets, and on the north side of First South Street
between Third East and Fourth East Streets, and Set oen Fifth East
of Solt Lake Cit
and Sixth Er t Streets, in Sidewalk Districts fos. 2 and 18,Afor the
pur;,lose of re-placing all defective walks and sulks not to trade on
said portions of said streets, is hereby con.firmed{ aud the assess-
ments made and returned in said completed lists are hereby confirmed.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shell take effect upon approval.
Sidewalk Extension No. 142.
First fartie,l Estimate.
1,2,n o Ue-c:137.1
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