163 of 1916 - Amending Section 874 - relating to restaurants - _ ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City, Utah,....DeOe_Mkar 2 , I9l6 Green I move that the ordinance be passed. Scheid V Shearman V j‘\ Wells Mr.Chairman Result AN ORDINANCE An ordinance amendinc Section 874 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1913, defin.in,,r restaurants, etc. , and enacting fifteon r.ow sections relating to restaurants, to be known as ec- tions 074x1, 874x2, 074x3, 074x4, 874x5, 874x6, 874x7, 874x8, 074x9, 874x10, 074x11, 874n13, 874x14 and 074x15, following Section 074x, enacted by the Boarl of CommisE.isners April 22, 1914. De it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: L;ECTIO.J‘J 1. f,fit Section 074 of t1,0 Revised Ordinances of Sal:6 Lake City of 19L,, definin restauxants, etc. , be, and the same is hereby amended so as to rent J2 follows: SZCTE,;ll 874, A restaurant keeper is hereby defined. to be any person rho shall for any consideration furnish food in any cluantity to be oaten on the premises where sold, within the limits of Salt Lake City. It shall be unlawful for any person to commence or carry on the business of restaurant keeper in Salt Lake City without • first obtaininii; a license permitting him so to do. Every person desiring a restaurant keeper's license shall make application therefor to the License Assessor and Collector, and shall vlith his application file a statement under oath showin the street and house number of the place where he proposes to carry on said business; the proximity of such - • place of business to a saloon or other place licensed to sell intoxicating 1: ouor; the greatest number of welons such applicant can feTnish with food at one time in such place of business; and wheter it is the intention of such applicant to serve OT permit the frisking of intoxicsting licuor within the licensed premises. The application for such license, toa:ether with the swo statement of the a2plicant aforesaid, shall, by the Licence Assessor and Collector be prespnted to the Board if Commis- sioners of Salt Lake City at its next regular meeting, and. shall by said Board be referred to the Chief of Police for invectiation and report, and he slall within five days after recei7inE such application, make report to the Board of Com- missioners of the general reputation and character of the person making such application; the general reputation and character of the place sought to be licensed; the general reputation and. character of the persons who habitually patronize or freomont said place; the nature and kind of business conducted at said place by the applicant or any othar person, or by said applicant at any other place; whether intoxicating licplors are or have been served or permitted to or be drunk at said dace/by said applicant at any other place, and if so, whether with or without meals; the extent to whic regular meals are served; ;Ilether said place is or has been conducted in a lawful, quiet and. orderly manner; the kind of entertainment; whether female waiters are employed at the place; the maximum number of persons that can be accommodate. at one time; and he shall add thereto his recommendation as to the grant tsp or denying of said application for license. Upon the receipt of said report from the Chief of the Board. shall act upon said application as it shall deem just and proper in regard to granting or denying the same. • -2- SECTION 2. That fifteen new sections be, and the same are hereby enacted, relatin • to restaurants, to be known as Sections 874x1., 874x2, 874x3, 874x4, 874x5, 874x6, 374x7, 874x8, 874x9, 874x10, 874x11, 874x12, 874x13, 874x14 and 874x15, following Section 874x, passed by the Board of Commissioners April 22, 1914, the same to read as follows: SECTION 874x1. It shall be unlawful for any person to serve or othcreise furnish, or permit to be served or fur- nished, or permit to be drunk, or to drink any intoxicating liquors in any restaurant or public dining room in Salt Lake City, unless such restaurant of public dining room shall be duly licensed as one •where intoxicating liquors are permitte. to be drunk withAmeals, as provided in Section 874x3. SECTION 874x2. The yearly license fee for restaurants where intoxicating liquors are not permitted to be drunk she. 1 be at the rate of One Dollar per person for the ma:cimum number of persons that can be accommodated. at any one time; provide , that no license shall be issued for less than ten dollars no more than one hundred dollars �•u �*� It shall be unlawful for any rest urant keeper operatin under the above mentioned license to permit the drinking of intoxicating liquors in or upon the licensed premises, either with or without meals, or at all. SECTION 874x3. The yearly license fee for all restaurants wherein intoxicating liquors are permitted to be drunk, shall be five hundred dollars per year or any part thereof. SECTION OO74x4. I:, shall be unlawful for any person to drink any intoxicating liquor in any restaurant, cafe, dance hall, refreshment parlor, soda fountain, or in any public place or place where the public are invited or resort, except OYd&J in a duly licensed saloon or in a restaurant where intoxi- cating liquors are permitted to be drunk. -3- �J 3 i SECTION 874x5. It shall be unlawful for any restaurant keeper or any other person to sell, give away, serve, permit to be served, or permit to be drunk in any restaurant, publi& dining room, or asp other place of public resort, and intoxi eating liquor on the first day of the week commonly called Sunday, or between the hours of taelve o'clock midnight and six o'clock A. H. on any day of the week, or on any day on which intoxicating liquors are forbidden by law to be sold, provided nothing in this section shall prevent the sale by registered pharmacists of intoxicating liquor upon prescrip- t tion, as provided by law. SECTION 874x6. The door or doors of every restaurant shall be and remain unlocked and unfastened during all the time any person or persons, including the keeper of such restaurant or any of his employees are therein, and during said time no person shall be refused admittance to such restaurant; provided, however, that no prostitute shall be permitted to enter or to remain in any restaurant where • intoxicating liquors are permitted to be drunk, after the hour of nine o'clock P. M. of any day. SECTION 874x7. That no restaurant shall have within it or in any manner connected with it, any room or booth having doors or curtains thereto; and rooms or booths in all restau rants shall have but one entrance which shall be reached oni. from the main outside entrance to such restaurant, and the tables and chairs in such rooms or booths must be so arranged and maintained. that they are plainly visible at all times from the main floor of said restaurant. SECTION 874x8. It shall be unlawful for the 'lecher, manager or aer:on in charge ci any restaurant or public dining room to permit o,ny s_.igin;, dancing;, playing of musical instruments, or any other form of amusement or enter -4- tainmont to be carried on in ,.aid restaurant or public dining room, or in any room, booth or ot'c.or place connected there- with on or after one o'clock A. M_. , and before sir o'clock A. M. of the same day. SECTION 874x9. It shall be unlawful for the keeper, manager, or the person in charge of any restaurant or public dining room to permit any Corson employed as an entertainer to circulate among the patrons or guests of such place. And it shall be unlawful for any person employed as an entertain to circulate among the patrons or guests of such place. SECTION 874x10. It shall be unlawful for the keeper, n manager or person in charge of any restaurant o4 public diain: room to permit any loud or boisterous entertainment therein, or in any room, booth or other place connected thcrith, or lc-orQwor,Q.Q�,. to permit any person to so conduct t lf byd or act in such manner as to offend against good morals. It shall be unlawful for any person in any restaurant or public dining room, or in any room, booth or other place connected therewith, to so conduct thomeclf by cord or act in such manner as to offend against good. morals. JE:CTIub n74x11. It shall be unlawful for the keeper, manager or person in charge of any restaurant or public dining room. where intoxicating liquor is served or permitted to be drunk, to permit' any person under age to enter or remain therein, or in any room, booth or other place connected therewith after nine otclock P.M. unlese accompanied oy parent or. guardian, or to a,t eny time serve or permit to be served to any person under age, or to permit such person to drink in such place, any intosic�.ting l.ibuor. mm SECTION 874xl It shall be unlawful for the keeper, manager or person in charge of any restaurant or public dini g room where intoxicating liquor% permitted to be drunk, t employ any female person as a waiter in such place. SECTION 874x13. The licence of any restaurant keeper may be revoked by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake Cit at any time upon notice and hearing, for any violation of any ordinance of Salt Lake City or law of the State of Utah. SECTION 874x14. Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed as a license or permission to any person having a restaurant license to sell intoxicating liquors within the licensed premises; or to permit the serving or drinking of intoxicating liquors within such restaurants, except in stric ''. . compliance with all the -provisions of tho laws of the State o '# Utah and ordinances of Salt Lake City. SECTION 874x15. Any person violating any of the provi- sions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine in a sum not exceeding fifty dollars, or by imprisonment in the City Jail for a period not longer tha thirty days. The court may in imposing a fine, enter as part of the judgment that in default of the payment of the fine, the defendant may be imprisoned in the City Jail for a perio. not exceeding thirty days. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board. of Commis ioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, �' December , ' , 1916. is a y o r . /, i7 LI City Recorder. -6- . ._ E . , : :1 , . :. ot j • • • . ,Fz 1) ,-,; '}-;,6 1.-A-; .. . , • .. • ;: c:-?, f:J :7-3 . . : ,,,-f. il 1..45 4:21'.. 4. o �'z , • • . 44 3 i