163 of 1978 - Amending Sections 5-2-1, 25-2-1, 25-2-3, and adding Title 10 establishing the Department of Developm ROLLCALL 34 / VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, November 1 19 78 W.Chairman .... I move that the Ordinanc ed. Agra - 9 /454. Vi(7/11 -- Phillips Result AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 5-2-1 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to department organization; AMENDING Sections 25-2-1 and 25-2-3 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to officers and employees; and ADDING a new Title 10 to the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, to be entitled "Department of Development Services". Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 5-2-1 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to department organization, be, and the same hereby is, amended as follows: Sec. 5-2-1. Department, divisions. There is hereby esta- blished in the Department of Development Services, a subordinate Department of Public Planning and Development Services, a Depart- ment of Building and Housing Services to be under the supervision of the Director of the Department of Building and Housing Ser- vices, hereafter referred to as director, which department shall be divided into the following divisions: Division of Building Inspection and Services. Division of Housing Inspection and Services. SECTION 2. That Sections 25-2-1 and 25-2-3 of the Revised Ordin- ances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to officers and employees, be, and the same hereby are, amended as follows: Sec. 25-2-1. Department of Public Planning and Development. There are hereby created and established within the Department of Public Planning and Development the following offices, and the Board of Commissioners may appoint competent officers thereto: (1) Superintendent of Parks and Public Property (2) Director of Airports (3) Director, Development Services. * * * Sec. 25-2-3. Department of Public Works. There are hereby created and established within the Department of Public Works the following offices, and the Board of Commissioners may appoint competent officers thereto: JL63 -2- (1) Public Works Director (2) Transportation Engineer (3) Superintendent of Streets Maintenance SECTION 3. That the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, be, and the same hereby are, amended by ADDING a new Title 10 thereto to be entitled "Department of Development Services". Title 10 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Chapters: 1. General Scope 2. Organization 3. Separability Chapter 1 GENERAL SCOPE Sections: 10-1-1. Administration. 10-1-2. Purpose. 10-1-3. Function. Sec. 10-1-1. Administration. This title establishes the duties of the department of development services. Sec. 10-1-2. Purpose. The department of development services is established for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals, convenience, order, prosperity and welfare of the present and future inhabitants of Salt Lake City, including among other things, the lessening of congestion in the streets or roads, securing safety from fire and other dangers, providing minimum standards and practical safeguards against threats to life and limb, influencing details of the design, construction, alteration, occupancy, use, repair, and maintenance of buildings, structures, and certain equipment therein, providing adequate light and air, classification of land uses and distribution of land development and utilization, protection of the tax base, securing economy in governmental expenditures, fostering the city's industrial, business, and residential development, providing residential rehabilitation, energy conservation programs, land acquisition, relocation and general administrative services. Sec. 10-1-3. Function. The department shall provide general administrative services to supervise, coordinate, and adminis- ter activities of the Planning and Zoning, Department of Building and Housing Services, Redevelopment Agency, and shall perform all of the functions and have all of the powers of and conferred on the Director of the Department of Development Services by the ordinances of Salt Lake City. Chapter 2 ORGANIZATION Sections: 10-2-1. Department. 10-2-2. Director and assistants. 10-2-3. Duties of director. 163 -3- 10-2-4. Delegation by director. 10-2-5. Allowances for exception to title. 10-2-6. Personal liability. 10-2-7. Books, paper, equipment. 10-2-8. Services. Sec. 10-2-1. Department. There is hereby established in the Department of Public Planning and Development, a Department of Development Services to be under the supervision of the Director of the Department of Development Services, hereafter referred to as director, which department shall coordinate, admin- istrate, supervise the following departments: Department of Building and Housing Services Planning and Zoning Public Property,Redevelopment Agency Sec. 10-2-2. Director and assistants. The Board of Commis- sioners of Salt Lake City, upon the recommendation of the Commis- sioner of Public Planning and Development, shall employ a qualified director, and such other assistants and clerks as the exigencies of the work of the said Department of Development Services may from time to time require at such compensation and for such periods of time the Board of Commissioners may deem proper. Sec. 10-2-3. Duties of director. The director shall maintain public office hours necessary to efficiently administer the pro- visions of this and related titles and amendments thereto and shall perform the following duties: (1) Review, plan, organize, coordinate, monitor, and direct the activities of the Department of Planning and Zoning, the Department of Building and Housing, the Redevelopment Agency, a municipal agency of the State of Utah organized pursuant to Sec. 11-19-1 et seq. of Utah Code Annotated, 1953, as amended, within the policies of the Redevelopment Agency Board of Directors, the Salt Lake City Planning and Zoning Commission, Salt Lake City Board of Adjustment, Salt Lake City Housing Advisory and Appeals Board, Salt Lake City Board of Appeals and Examiners, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City and within limita- tions imposed by the ordinances of Salt Lake City and the Utah Code Annotated. (2) Meet with various public and private groups and individuals regarding complaints and plans for major building and development projects and the effect of present and future building, housing, planning, zoning, and redevelopment requirements, and solve pro- blems in accordance with established rules and policies. (3) Attend the Salt Lake City Planning Commission, the Salt Lake City Board of Adjustment, the Salt Lake City Redevelopment Agency Board of Directors, the Salt Lake City Board of Appeals and Examiners, the Salt Lake City Housing Advisory and Appeals Board, and the Board of Commissioners. (4) Develop and manage the functions and operational proce- dures of the Department of Development Services. (5) Prepare regular reports for the Commissioner of the De- partment of Public Planning and Development reflecting the current activity and status of the Department of Development Services, including the Department of Building and Housing Services, Planning and Zoning, and the Redevelopment Agency. (6) Prepare a yearly operational budget for the department and submit it to the proper authority for approval. Oversee 163 -4- the expenditure of funds budgeted for the department administered by the director. (7) Perform other related duties as required. Sec. 10-2-4. Delegation by director. The director may dele- gate any of his powers or duties to the Planning Director, the Redevelopment Agency Director, the Director of Building and Housing Services, or other assistants. Sec. 10-2-5. Allowances for exception to title. Where condi- tions are extremely adverse to full compliance with the regula- tions of this and related titles, the Director of Development Services may grant special permission in writing to deviate from the regulations, provided that in the judgment of the director such deviation does not create an unsanitary or unsafe condition, and further provided the deviation is submitted for review in writing to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City. Sec. 10-2-6. Personal liability. The director, or his assis- tants, when acting for the city in good faith and without malice in the discharge of his duties, shall not thereby render himself liable personally and he is hereby relieved from all personal liability for any damage that may accrue to persons or property as a result of any act required or by reason of any act or omis- sion in the discharge of his duties. Sec. 10-2-7. Books, paper, equipment. The city shall provide such instruments, books, papers, and equipment as shall be necessary for the proper performance of the duties of the members of the department. The director shall have charge and control of the books, instruments, papers, and equipment used and employed in his department and shall deliver the same to his successor in office. Sec. 10-2-8. Services. The Department of Development Services, under the direction of a Director of Development Services, shall provide administration of laws, regulations, and rules governing zoning and subdivision control, land use planning, housing ser- vices, including building inspection, redevelopment activities, economic promotion and development, capital improvement, planning assistance, and review, and citizen participation. Chapter 3 SEPARABILITY Sections: 10-3-1. Separability. 10-3-2. Conflicting provisions. Sec. 10-3-1. Separability. The invalidity of any section, clause, sentence, or provision of this title shall not affect the validity of any other part thereof which can be given effect without such invalid part or parts. Sec. 10-3-2. Conflicting provisions. Wherever conflicting provisions or requirements occur, the most restrictive provisions or requirements shall govern. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect 30 days after its first publication. Th3 -5- Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 1st day of November , 1978. C-2(‘OR GIG !/• tje:);24-Pt....CITY RECORD (SEAL) BILL NO. 163 of 1978 Published November 8, 1978 163 ADM.the Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake AN ORDINANCE Shana Do Conaty AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Section 5-2-1 of the Revised Ordinances or Salt Lake City,Utall.1965,relating to depa�t)nent organization; AMENDING Sections 152-I an 25-2-3 O the Revised leers Ordinance,of Salt Lake City,Utah,1965,relating to Revises d emcesof c' d ADDING a , Title e0 to the off leers oentofDevofpm Lakevicesuian",�965,1°tie«nflned Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal "Department imam of Development Board of cos". Be n ordained by me Board°' °°'n,iaslenes 9f Salt Lake advertisingclerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily City,Utah English 1,That Section 5-2-1 of the Revised Ordinances of (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English Salt Lake City,Utah,1965,relating to department organization, be, s 5-2-1.Department, i°o ssThe°esis hereby tale language with general circulation in Utah, and Delppaartmetnt ofpPucnc"PirDevelopment ing and o Services, ices,a published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the Department of off the Director of of"Ire'Oaeartmlent to Buiim under State of Utah. Housing Services, hereafter referred to as director,which department shall be divided into the following divisions: Division of Housing Inspectilon and on and Services. SECTION 2.That Sections 2b-21 and 252-3 or the Revised That the legal notice of Which$copy iS attached hereto Ordinances of Salt Lake City,lltah,1965,relating to officers and employees,be,and the same hereby are,amended as follows- Sec 25-2-i-Department of Public Planning d Develop. tit.There hereby seated a n a tamisheth within the Pub notice to amend an ordinance relating to 'Department ent of Public Planning and Development the following 'offl a and the Board of Cornmissiormrs may appoint competent officers thereto: (2)Superintendent irecia anirrpo Parks and Public Properly rts department organization !I/Directorp ,,Development Services rested clod established witht in thet De epartment of Pure blic Works the following,offices,and file Board of Commissioners may appoint competent officers thereto: (`11 Puhl a Works Director 2i Traneoertatlon Enuineer 3)Superintendent of Streets Maintenance SECTION 3.That the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City. Utah,1965 he,and the same hereby are,amended by ADDING n Sew Title 10 thereto to be entitled"Department of Development rvices". Title 10 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMCNT SERVICES I.Deno al scopeNov, II 1978 2.organization was published in said newspaper on , 3.SeParabl Illy Chapter 1 Sections: GF_Nf RAL SCOPE 10.1a.Adminstratio,. 101 2.Purpose. 10,1.3.Function. $ .10-I1.Administration.This title establishes the dutes°, \ thedepart ,f of development si e Sec. 101-2.established 111h udepareneet OI development Legal Advertising Jerk o prpmnttip the health, safety,morals r convenience,order,prosperity and welfare of the other • and future inhabitants of Salt Lake City,including among other things,the lessening of congestion in the streets or roads, securing saafeley from fire a lid other dangers,pravidlugrrdnlmm» lStandards e nfiuenclllerddetlails of Om deesign,constructiaon,,altelrat on,, 'ore me this 15.th day of tucupancy,tand maintenance of buildings,struc- res,and con tal repair,ment Therein,providing adequate light and air,classification of lend uses and distribution of land development and utilization,protection Of the tax base,securing A.D. 19..78... governmental expenditures,fostering the cliy's ' " industrial,)bsand residential development, providing residential rehabilitation,energy c0 yahoo programs,land `,t a uislt ion,relocation and general administrative services, See.10.1.3.Funcil Tito department shall provide vented, administrative services s l to sunervlce,coordinate,ad administer //(( activities thePlanning and zoning,Department Of Bml din and Housing Services Redevelopment y' I Agency, and boll perform all of the functions antl have all of the powers of and ` (erred on the Director f Department of Development Services by the ordinances of Salt Lake City. Notary Public Chapter 2 ORGANIZATION Sections' 102-1.Department 10-2-2.Director ad assistants, 10.2-3.Duties of director. 102-4.Delegation by director. 102-5.Allnwnnces for exception to title. 1026.Personal liability. 10-2-2.Books,paper,equipment. 10,2.8 Services. t Sec.10-2-I.Department.There Is hereby established in the De artmeDevelopmefnt 4elvrcoenelne and Development,supervision a Department Director of the Department of s to Development Services,hereafter referred to asdirector,which department shall coordinate, administrate, ueervise the ronowing depart meals, Department of Building and Housing Services Plaeg and Zoning Pphllcl Property Redevelopment Agency Sec.10-2-2.Director and assistants.The Board of stoners of Salt Lake City,u n the recommendation of the m Comisslonnr of Public Plann ttoing and Develnnment, shall employ a qualified director,and such other assistants and clerks as the a of the work of the said Department of Development Services may from time to time require at such compensation and for such periods of time the Board of COmmissim,ers may dmm proper. Sec.102-3.Duties of director,The director shall maintain public office hours necessary to efficiently administer the provisions of this and related titles and amendments thereto and shall erfgorm the following dillies: the IaCftivVltlesofothe Departmencoordinate, of Pli note and rZoning,rMe Department of Building and Housing, the Redevelopment Agency.a municipal agency of tee State of Utah organized eorsuant to Sec.11-19-I et seq.of Utah Code Annotated,r1953,as amended,within the policies of the Redevelopment Agency Beard of Ditchers,tine Salt Lake CI1yy Planningg d zoning Housingslon,Salt Lake City Board of Adlustment,S it Leke City Housing and)Exam A,met Board del Salt mmiss onerss ofrSalt Salt L akte Ciir an within d the limitations Code Annoy Eby the ordinances of (2) Meet with various public and private g and Individuals regarding complaints end plans for molar building and develppntent prolacta and free effect of presort and future building,housing.plenning.zoning,and redavelaoeeent rlmulre- fp• tJss,,and solve emblems In accordence with established rules andLake City B ard of Adlueltneni Meg Soil Lake Citvl laedfevelo- Redevelop- Meet Agency Board of Directors,the Sall Lake City Board of Appeals and Examiners,the Salt Lake City Housing Advisory and Appeals Board,and the Board of Commissioners. in, revelop ana manage the functions and operational wec(5 u Prepares regulars eporrtts ore1the Comt misoner of the iitpansausmft aparentfie the current aactvydtto and Development Services.Including the Department of Building and Housing Services,Planning and Zoning,and the Redevelopment Agency. and summit It t0 the proper authority oraperoval.Oversee tone x sMiture of funds budgeted for the department administered by the director- ' (7)Perform other related duties as required. deleggate all s4.of hiss powyers or dutiesation director. lather Planning The )rector may Director,the Redevelopment o a elg Serena aeotheDlir tor,the Director of Building and Sac. to-a-n. Allowances for exception to title. Where conditions are extremely adverse to full compliance whit tine regulations of this anti related titles,the Dirac-tar of Development Services may grant special permissionsein writing tbdevi eta from Ole nt of the director such deviation does noftureaovided that onnun anit�ary or unsafe condition, and further provided the deviation is submitted for review In writing to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City. whenaactin.forie Cite liin good faith airector,or nd withouthis malice In tau+ discharge ofof his duties,shall not thereby render himself liable for soy damnd he age this at may accrue relievedrtfretn eer,onis orsonal eeoee rty liabilitysa result of any act required or by by reason of any act or omission In Use discharge of his duties. Sec. such Instruments,books,paper, equipment. equipment shall shad be necessary for the p enrorma ice of the duties at the member of the department.The director shall have charge and ndtrol employed nhssdepartme tlandpapers, sshall dand li er Me sameeo hint used successor In 0-2-Sr Services. The Department of Develoemani Services,under the direction of a Director of Development Services,shall erovide administration of laws,regulations,and ruing zoning and subdivision control, land u rules l governing housing services, including bidng inspection, redevelopmnt actives.economic promotion and development, co ital im rye planning assistance,and review,end itizen perticipengls SEPARAhaABIL CBiL ITY sections: la]1.$epaConflictin iv. _ see. 0,1. sap provisions. rrnuilio The title shall of a ectlMe 'validit est any hp provision thereof re thisw which shell not effect ace without of a other parr thereof which can he given affect without such 1 vend pact Conflicting parts. sec. 1 or re men provisions..hemrestrictive conflicting 'provisions or tsshalments occur.the most reatnnwe provisions o e SECTION a.shah rdinan. r r SebTIDN a.This brtllnan<e shall take effect Jg days otter its first publication. by Passed 1st the Board b Commissioners,tale. of Salt Lake City, !Uteri,this Ist day of November.1918. TED L.WI SON dyne MILDRED V.HIGHAM Meyer City Recorder BILL NO IN of 1998 Published November 8,1918 (A.-/8t Je3