164 of 1909 - Ordinance 164 of 1909 – Sidewalk Extension No. 142, Second & Final Estimate. A D O R D I N L C - � . 6n ordinance confirmiuF the assessr:^nt neon the property on First ( South Street between Second East end Sixth East Streets, and on the east side of Fifth East Street between South Teriplo and First South Streets, in Side'.'ell= Districts Dos. 2 and 18, for the pur_ose of re- placing all defective walks ;:Sid walks not to grade on said streets. Be.it,. ordained by the city Council of Salt ILseke City, Utah,, SECTTOD 1. That the aasessmont list :node bzi. the Irreafeurer zsrcorreoted, approved and completed by the 3oard of Etiuslizatiwn and Re-View, heretofore duly appointed by the City Council forthet pur- poser of the property in Dots Nos. 1 and 2, Rlook 73, 21 t."i" Sailt Lek,, City Survey, abutting on the north si3.e of First South StrOe between Second East e.nd Third Eest Streets, in Sidewalk Distiiets`.=Dos. 2 and- 18, of Salt Imke City, for tic purpose of re-pl oisg ell defect- ive walks and walks not to ewade on said portion of said street is hereby confir.ued, and the assosomonts r,sde vied returned .n said corn- :dieted lists a. e hereby aonfireed. SDOTIOD 2. This ordinance shrill take effect upon alilnovnl. Sidewalk Extension No. 142. v/l Second & rind Estimate. ':o - . /� <;or,', .2..64 • \' 4?'N ° .. a - .: ti f (.�. r tD _ iamR � rg'� O , tip.,. L/ _ . :6 `� F�-r. - .. �, �" E. i 1 1 1 rc d w . A= • '' ‘fli 1:-,,,