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164 of 1976 - Vacating a 5 foot strip of property located on the East side of 600 East Street, between 500 and 600 RVLL VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, October 14 ,19 76 Mr.Chairman I move that the Ordinance be passed. Agraz Greener Hogensen Phillips Result AN O I NCE AN ORDINANCE VACATING a 5 foot strip of property located on the east side of 600 East Street, between 500 and 600 South Streets. Be it ordained by 'the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That a 5 foot strifiof property located on the east side of 600 East Street, between 5.0'0 and 600 South Streets, more particularly described as follows, be, and the same hereby is, vacated and declared no, longer to be public property for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian way. Commencing at the Northwest corner of Block 25, Plat B, Salt Lake City Survey and running thence West 5 feet; South 660 feet; East 5 feet, North 660 feet to the place of beginning. Containing 3,300 square feet or 0.076 acres. Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights of way and easements of all public utilities located in, on, or under the confines of the above described property, and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the purpose of maintaining, repairing, replacing, removing, altering or rerouting said utilities and all of them. SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 14th day of October, 1976. (SEAL) BILL NO, 164 of 1976 I Published October 20, 1976 TEMPO ARY CHAIRMAN CITY RECORDER Certified copy to City Auditor's Office for recording with County Recorder's'Office 2-7-77 161 „; o,deFEB 91977 ,l � 290 214 atefKA'rI_ U11 r Sait STATE OF UTAH, By _� ,. �. 4i: . ku0.11ePutY SS. .i'n Le Brown City and County of Salt Lake, '1EF. % S� I, MILDRED V...IIIOHAM ., City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the attached document is a full,true and correct copy of an ordinance d, vacating a 5 foot strip of property located on the east side of 600 East Street, between 500 and 600 South Streets, passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, October 14, 1977 as appears of record in my office. WITZNRSS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City,thisi �.7th day of.__ February, 1977 c, . . ,(SEAIta ,�- la Olir-CTty Recorder �I �?,'J gA<< c) Published. October 20, 197Z.... lU BILL NO. 164 of 1976 16y AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE VACAT- ING a Soot strip of properly located on the east sloe of 600 East Street,between 500 and 600 South Streets. Be it,!I Commissi aonierrss of Salt LakBoard e City,Utah: SECTION I. That a Shot strip of properly located on the east side of MO l between S00and treet,600 ast SSmith treets,more particularly de- scribed 11ebyll Is, be,and vacated end declared no longer to be public • • property for alley es a ij , y avenue, or pedestrian yyCommencing at the North. \ t corner of Bock 25,Plat B, ,.:� r�sill I a 0MCit west Sy fee e nn \ J\� North 640 0 feet to to Ethel plafeet:, of beeltminp. Cenfelnlnp 3,300 square vacation 0.016E me, x_Said v Nan Is ado '� ex- pressly of way and to all of allrunder public sdilitlaalocated in,on, oaaeweedderscriribeconfines Prop erty and also nl to ry theereeoon Inc theme nu rpm Ms of maintaining,repairing.rennet. ougol�iirertindutlties all of Owm. SECTION 2.In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners It Malts and safety of try to he Inhabit- oants is of Salt Lake City that this rdinance become etective Ins medlately. Nall take effect N 3. upennIItsn first WPalssed by the Board of Cote Utay this 16th Wv ofeOct ble 1976. GLEN N.GREENER. Temporary Chairman MILDRED V.HIGMAM, City Recorder (SEAL) BILL NO.166of 1974 PUW ISMd Oclabsr 20.1976 (PQ) CO 149 14:1Ib 141 l_Vt ��y Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE VACAT Shang D. Palmer ING a 5-foot strip of property _... Eared on the east side of 600 East Street,between Sop and Be It ordroain dsby the Board o} Comm) loners or salt Lake Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver• City,Utah: SECTION 1_ rn:d a s-foot rising cleric of the DESERET NEWS, a daily (except Sunday) strip of property located on the oast slat f 600 East street, • • between mop and 600 south newspaper printed in the English language with general car- Streets, particularly do scribed as(follows,be,and me culatutn in Utah, and published in Stilt Lake City, Salt Lake hereby Is,vacated r d declared no longer o e public Cou.nty, in the State of Utah. Property for use a street, alloy or as wro corner r ma North- west That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto a Laker Ciy Block rvevl a A So red. then.west S feet; South 660 fart; East l reef, Northing feet to the of Pub notice of an ordinance vacating a 5 ft. somber feet Containing ],]00 - ----- Said vaccar 0 tios, Is6 acmade ex- rlpressly to an existing strip of_property phts of way and easements of -— all public utilities located In,on, or under the confines of the above described theproPerty,ts of also sheleoi to the Nerds of entry thereon(Bran g,reply of - �oahnainlAs,0.elf repairing,replac- rou,r rwid of hies ns or them said uf141tlos and all n} diem. SECTION 2.In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners It Is to the health and safely of the Inhabit- _____ and,of Salt Lake Clio that this Me diatlw Mcorre effective Im- y. SSECTION].This ordinance Oct. 2O 1976 shall take affect upon its firs) ems published in said newspaper an ____. l________ Publication Passed by the Board of Com- missioners lath dal Lake e ofOctober, 1076. GLEN N.GREENER, foil.DREG V.HIGH Temporary AM Ch,airman (SEALI GILL NO 161 of 1076 Published October TO,ly)6 _ Legal Advertising Cleric Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of Oct. A.D. l9 76 Notary Public My Commission Expires February 13, 1978