165 of 1976 - Amending sections 5-9-14, 5-9-15 and 5-9-16 clarifying electrical, commercial and industrial fees. NULL WALL '4
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, October 14 ,19 76
Mr.Chairman . .
Agraz I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Phillips ', ' (-
Result N O AN C E ,?./
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sections 5-9-14, 5-9-15 and 5-9-16 of the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to the building code.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Sections 5-9-14, 5-9-15 and 5-9-16 of the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to the building code,
be, and the same hereby are amended as follows:
Sec. 5-9-14. Residential electrical fees. The following fees
for a permit for the installation of electrical materials in
residences, including multi-apartment buildings, shall be paid to
the city treasurer before any permit is valid:
1. For issuing the permit $ 3.00
2. The minimum fee for:
a. Minor remodel and additional circuits; or
b. Service change with 1 or 2 new circuits; or
c. Service change or alteration 10.00
3. The square foot area of new single family
dwellings, as determined from the building permit,
shall establish an electrical permit fee as follows:
a. Up to 1500 square feet, per square
foot 0.02
b. Per square foot above 1500 square feet . 0.01
4. Permit for total renovation of electrical
systems in existing single family dwellings 15.00
5. Permit for total renovation of electrical
systems in multi-unit apartment buildings shall be
as follows:
a. One or two units 15.00
b. Third and fourth units, each 6.00
c. Additional units, including house meter,
each 3.00
6. Inspection to advise on and appraise elec-
trical systems in existing residences (consulting) . 15.00
7. Permits for multi-unit apartments (excluding
transient occupancies, such as hotel or motel,
which are classified as commercial) shall be
established as follows:
a. First three units, per square foot . . . . 0.02
b. Units four through ten, each 7.00
c. Units eleven and above, each 3.50
8. Projects including multiple buildings and/or
row-houses shall be computed for each building or
house separately.
9. A power to panel with no issue fee 7.50
Sec. 5-9-15. Fee for temporary metering. The fee for permit
for temporary metering and service facilities shall be:
1. Up to 100 amp load capacity 7.50
2. Each additional, or part thereof, 100 amp
capacity 7.50
Sec. 5-9-16. Commercial and industrial fees. The fee to be
paid to the city treasurer for electrical permit covering work in
industrial or commercial properties shall be computed as follows:
1. For issuing permit . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3,00
2. Minimum fee shall be 10.00
3. For new service, change of service, altera-
tions or repairs of 600 volt or less, capacity
service entrance equipment, fee shall be computed
in accordance with the following:
a. Up to 100 amp 5.00
b. 101 amp to 200 amp 10.00
c. Each additional 100 amp or fraction 2.00
4. Fee for installation, alteration or repair of
sub-feeders, including supply taps from sub-feeders
shall be computed in accordance with the following
a. Up to 30 amp capacity, each 0.50
b. 31 amp to 60 amp capacity, each . . . . . 1.00
c. 61 amp to 100 amp capacity, each 2.00
d. Each 100 amp, or fraction, capacity above
100 amp capacity 2.00
5. The installation o "transformers shall be
subject to inspection fee when such transformers
are an integral part of the consumer's distribution
system. Such fee shall be in addition to the
regular system inspection fee and shall be com-
puted as follows:
a. Transformers up to 50 volt secondary . . . 0.00
b. 51 volt to 240 volt secondary 10.00
c. 241 volt to 600 volt secondary 20.00
d. 601 volt to 2300 volt secondary 50.00
e. Greater than 2300 volt secondary 75.00
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect 30 days after its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
14th day of October, 1976.
BILL NO, 165 of 1976
Published October 20, 1976
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sections 5.9.14,59.15 and
59-I6 of the Revised Ordlnences of Sall Lake City.Utah.1965, Shana D. Palmer
relating to the building code.
De it ordained by the[Ward of Commissioners of Salt Lake
SEC I- 5-9 ON I.That Sections City,Utah,
1 TI,ralat 6 of the
Revised Ordinances of Sall Luke hereby
Utah,1 en ed ail fw to the
building coda be,andrtlesame bomby a amended in Meows: Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver-
S 5 9-1 A. imtallnflal of electrical
cal are
The folmaterials
in rep fees for p
ing mulehvtnilaant btolMNc shall belpabl to the
tiling Clerk of tin'DESERE`T NEWS, a daily (exeL'9t Sunday)
permit Ing multi-apartment bulltllnls,shall be paid to the city / .�
tie sirerb»roreanypermitIsvalid, newspaper in the English language with general cir-
For.iss.Inamepermit 53.00 I / printedg
2.TheltNnimum fee for.
e.rnl w rernedel and additional circuits;o: culatton in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
b.Service Change with 1 or 2 new clrcolis:or
c.Servicmee`hatag foot:°:o°erattionamrmnydwehings. logo County, in the State of Utah,
3.The as deterltllned from the building permit,shall
establish an electrical Itarmlt ben as follow'.
a.Up lb 1,500 snuare feet,per square!oat o.02 (host the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
b.Per square fool above 1,500 square leer.. r.._ 001
A.Permit Mr total renovation of electrical systems
existing single family dwellings 15.00
5.Permit total renovation of ehgtrlcal systems Pub notice to amend an ordinance relatino to the
in nit apartment buildings shall be as follows:One or
a.One or two wilts 15.00
b.Third and fourth units.each 6.01
c.Addl Iona!volts,Including house motor,each 3.00 buildingcode
6.inspetion to advise on and anorak,elf,
trice!systems 10Otair residences(rensultlno) 1500 ------" - --'----"
9_Permits for mural-unit apartments(excluding
transient occ tsltir cos,such as hotel or motel,
which aro classified as commercial)shall be
established es l'.
a.First three units,per scare toot 10 --
O.Units tour1
through ten,each .0)0
c.Units eleven and above,each 3.50
B.Projects Including multiple buildings and/or
rowirsonall be computed for each build Ina or -- "--
housee separately.
9.A power le panel with no issue fee 7.50
Sec.S9.15.Fee for temporary metering.The fee for permit
for temporary metering and service facilities snail tie: - ----'--" ---" "---- -----
1.UP to ad anon load oast thereof,
7.Each add-ISOnal,titoort thereof.100 amp capacity 1.50
Sec.5-9-16.Commercial and Industrial mes.The fee to but Oct. 20F 1976
pain to
oiae city treasurer electrical Ielldbcovering po'e in was published in said newspaper on.
Mllews or commercialproper CAM
S.For issuing permit 300
3.for Minimum
chshall an 10W ge of service,alterations or new ser
.repairs of 600 volt or less. capacity service entrance
equipment.ben shall be computed In accordance with the
a.Up to 100 an,u 5.00
c.b F N dei Iona'100 traction '21000 �y 11 )
A.P r 1 I
sub-feeders,including alteration I wooly f sub-bra _
_ A`-.1y�/�t_ J-� ._.C�'!_ LA/�_.1�._
shall M ciamputed lit accordance with rho following table:
a.• tin 1°30 atm to bn 'ty ho..Iearh - i'W Legal Advertising Clerk.
c.61 not,,to 00 ampcupacpy,each 2.60
oOOa ch c,0inanon,or fraction,capacity above 2.00
5.The installation of transformers shall be sublcct to tite
consumer's dist ributlun system.Such Ica shall be in
adion to the rooular system Inspection fee and shall be
computed as follows'
a.11'anstor mere.VP to 50 volt secondary 000 27th
b.51 volt to 240 volt volt Ktio pile 10.00 me this __---- flay of
d.501 volt to 2300 volt secondary 5500.00
Greater titan 2300 volt secondary 15.00
SECTION 2.This ordinance shall take cited 30 days alter its 4.1). 19 —76
first publication. - _.._.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Sall Lake City,
Utah,this IAth day of October.1916.
TV ITP010,ChalrmOrl
(SE Recorder ,l�Y
/ v q
PWllshetl DctlIDCY 20,t996 (Udtl)
Notary Public
My Commission Expires
February 13, 1978