166 of 1908 - Ordinance 166 of 1908 – Repealing the whole of Chapter 24 of R.O. of l903, relating to intoxicatin N 0 I - .
n ordinance repealins the whole of Chapter X11V of the -ovised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1903, relatinL; to inte:;:icatino,
and each and every part of Sections 307 to 334, inclusive, of said Chapter
and all amendments to said sections, or either of then, paosed by
the city Council, and approved by the Eayer prior te the conation
of this ordinance, and enactinu a new chapter to be known as Chater 7.1CIV
of the Ordinances of Zalt Lake City, relating to intoxicatixso
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Chapter XXIV of the Revised Ordinances of 6alt
Lake City of 1903, relatins to intoxicating licpuors, and, every section. of /
said chapter, including amendments thereto, and to said sections, paosed 4
by the City Council of this city, be, and the sane are hereby repealed-
SECTION 2. That a new ordinance is hereby enacted to be known
as Chapter XXIV of the ordinances of this city, relatinio to intoxieatiC
liquors, to read as follows:
shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to man-
ufacture, sell, barter, sive awn: , serve, or in any manneo dbal
out or otherwise dispose of, anyspirituons, vinous, malt or
other intoxicatinc; liquors without first obtainin a license ! o
to do, an hereinafter provided.
• Oi , .
wholes or retail any spirituous, Vinous, nalt or ot2:cr intoa--
icating limier hall be granted to any persi,n or firm unless
audh person and ,the me vs of said firm shall be citiseo of
or who have dec d their intention to become such
the United States able to mit. id write the 1-,s,oiish
and residents in the county where ouch ,,iness is .roposod to
be carried on. If the a]:plicant for any arch sac
a corporation, the manaorr $:)r the rernon rite Ic tc condn onch
LiCaSEE nu,..o BE 0.21.1E2 ( ' STOCZ:. c. ,e 94i1
/41,license to sell any spirituous, vincos, malt or other intoii 'iml
- ,
liquor shall be srantee. to a.ny person, firm or corporatie:: asioc
person, firm OT corporstics is the onror c.,J' the =[ntres
stock in. the place nheres'id business is proposed to becsrrieden,
=thus sztossestor and.ua.14*-s either the osnlor of the boildi in
which said business is proposed to bccsrriod en, cr Ts le se
in1,their or its
for the said place from the owner thereof, lice Icbet,on nacle, We,h
facts shall be mode to c;ppour by an affidavit made by so:.0.
or member off sold firm, or the probident c2:2 saie. 1. (sssporati
and be filed with the hicence L.ssessor at the tiLe of a'ppipin
for such license.
an n force on the 31st day of December, 1908, to a retail dealer
within is city, shall be renewed or re-issued upon strict con-
pliance with he laws and ordinances in force at the time tho
application for 'oh renewal or re-issue; hit no new licer:se to a
retail dealer shall - any tine therefter be pn.antea or i coed
until the number of licen-- in force at the time shall less tham
one for every 1,000 of the po ation of this city, or ascertained
by the then last precedinc City Di °tory, wherenp7In sch now
licenses may be issued from time to ti, to lawful ,splie., ts
accordinc., to priority of aTplioution, . .11 compli,.nce by the
applicant with the lace mid ordinances in force this city
the time of the application for such license, until tie totsi
number of licenses in force shall equal cne for every 1,. 40 0.1: t.ne
population of tills lity, as ascertained by the ther, l. st pre
>YECTI:.'11 0. T.:1 :12, T-TLJED. manufacturer, no centelated
in this ordinance, is cue who from raw material .:etn any
spirituous, vinor , malt or other intaxocatin liouers, rd rolls
the sane in 7e.-es, 0C,E7CO, barrels, bottler or csses; of no s;.).&]
manufactued acticio shall be sold or othorgise dis-:Jcsed C S tc be
drunk on the premises of the manufaCturor. A wholesrao dealer,
as contem2:1_0ted in this ordinance, is one who sells or otherwise
dis-poses of spirituous vinous molt, or other into=1,o ,tlyJouors
in any quantity of five .,aliens or more, or one do'ei boi"L].on or
more; but to such li iuors shall be s i:l or (iisl,osed to :e
daunt on the premises whore sold.. R manufacturer's a onJ;,
cor_te_riated in this ordinance, is any .;'canon, firm or co ,c_ '.i-ion
who a. , -ent or representative of a manufacturer or manuctoreos,
of ma t—o Usec outside of Salt Lake City, soils the same in kegs,
casks, batters, bottles oroasos, at wholesale to wholesalers or
retailers doing business in said city. ,, retail dealer, con-
templated in this ordinance, is one who sells or otherwise 'disposes
of such liquor in any quantity of loss than five ;;alion;;, and
also by the glass or dram, to be drunk on the premises Where soli:.
.:s restaurant keeper, as contemplated in this ordinance, is
one who makes the cooking and serving of food to the public his
principal occupation, or one who runs a lunch room or eating house
in connection with a bakery, boarding house or hotel, Of other
establishment, excepting a ealdon.
L druggist, as contemplated in this crc;_i.nnoo, is c;ne)who .akeE
the compounding of medicines and the sale of drne and medicines
his chief occupation, and who, upon occasion, soils into icutirrp,
liquor by the bottle or pac:ape, but never c�>ceoding five allons
in quantity in any one sale; Provided, that any sale of into:.-
boating liquor by any druggist in quantity of five gallons r
more, shall be deemed to make of him a wholesaler, ,ind subject
hi>.. to the payment (f a wholesaler's license as in this ordinance
S:CTIOii • ULTL.i,:7FPL TO ;; ,L LI( UC f5'?3LLIT LCr.fi1;; `ri.
LICE ir.:E RID) GIVII?G. :-;"ill). ONE P 1? Giii Y TO P ilC ; 1R) ?' iMIR
EAOII TIt"r =,3E. USE OF CELLAR FOR iC' Ci.. i'i,' _CSI;: t [PP,,D. II;
shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation er.D.;era in.
the sale or other disposition of spirituous, vinous, malt or
other intouicatin liquors, or enLuped in any business where such
liquors are at any time sold or otherwise disposoei of as an ad-
junct of said business, or vrhot:her enp;'•bed in any sack busire::s
wholesale or retail, e a 1, or both, to conduct ,_a..ic, i-,lls „u 5°rit;}.o1 <,/
first Lrocnrin a liquot liceno and Jiv.u: thcl • 1Y! 'Jac
manner hereinafter 1.ros0ribod; 'provided, that 'no nere cno
bar shall be operated under one license, end izovided further,
that any person, firm or corporation, to vda'n a ).1001r11:0 to ranted.
under this ordjnance may use a collar or storehouse for storae
purposes only.
i,pplication for liCuor license shall be rnsd.e by petition. to the
City Council by the applioant and filed with the xxxxxxxxmt
XAM4MXXXMCMOV. hail petition must state definitely the partic-
ular place at which said liquors are to co manufactured, sold or
otherwise disposed. of, whether at wholoss.:1.0 or rdail, and if at
retail at a new location, in case of a 1:rotest against the
application I, the owners of a majority of the foot frontage,
the application shall not be granted,
City Trousurer the amount charged ky the Assessor for the period
applied for. ZamplattpciAsztxmlowaxxoptillizubtzioxittecmg2ft
XxxxxisswkirettX1. In case the licence 1.)etitioned farshall uot bo
granted by the City Council, the sira of money deposited with the
City Treasurer shall be refunded to the apT,dicant. The
applicant shall also file with the -petition a bona r ]Lin.,
Salt Lake City conditiced that during to cey,tinua:oe of his
license he will kee-,T en. .-.rderly and. well re:zulated house, an0
that he will net allow gambling in any form within the. Tomices
where his business is conducted; that he will pay all dame43es,
Tines and forfeitures which may be adjaded Lu;ainst under the
provisions of this ordinance and ander tho !,rovisions el title
52 of the Revised. 3tatuten of Utah of 18CC, and the aendents
thereto, which said. bond shall be in the sum of ono t,.onand
( 1,000.00) dofl,ars for all wholesale axd :Asia ii ncr deslrs
manufacturers and manafacturerls agent, and the raPm of five
hundred ($.500.00) dollars, for all other iiCOROCC 1.2SILela. under
the provisions of this chtAT)ter, with two or more 1
sureties, or one corporate surety, said surotles to Co
-- ,
first pro-cur.pro-curi a signor" li,e _e ,:ma ,ivy b^nc
asa•rnor hey rc afi r r prescribed: �,rovidod, that 'no ,.:IIN,, t'; '. ra::
bar shall be operated under ono license, saC ovi edfurther,
that any person, firm or corporation, to whrn a ieen:;c• io ;rac.teC
MI.c or this oruzsz;dce y use a cell:e ._ .Jtr; •eh cr _:i• u vo^-wee
purposes only.
aii.0T1C11 " F'C711' OR 1._'-TUATI(,IP r,11) d(.i) FOR IfirJ!tR 7,ICEL: .R
:1''plioation for 7.icazcr license shall be made by petition. to the
City Council by the applicant icant and filed with the :xxxxxxxxxe
Recorder 1
Said petition meet state definitely the partic-
ular }Mace at rh .eh said 1y,,_aor•s are tolhe mono o.ctci:!_etL, sold or
otherwise disposed of, whether 1 wholesale .•r ardailA -,t the 1
time of filinc his petition, the sprlicai t shall be furnished a
bill by the L•ssessor, and. the applicant shall deposit with the
by the I,ayor. To :.:no nsid b(t21. shall be attached a juntiileation
to the effect that, in the case of the individual suretion, said
sureties are residerts within. salt hake County, Otto (hZ Utah, and
worth the amount specified in said bond, over and above all just
debts and liabilities and eclusive of property exempt from eAecu-
tion; And in the cane of a corporate surety, amid justification.
shall be to the effect that said sursty is eualified and (:), ed
under the Astute of Utah to do business within the said. state as
a surety cenapany. The said bonds shall be filed wit;?-,. the City i
] eoc.lor by the. said Assessor. ,
5ECTIC1. 4 LIOE TO BE I:...11D (PLY 20 iMLE P1kOI:,iiE4Ii OP 1
TIE Iln. E ICIatOlL, . LICELi ECU-TE,..,,bSPOhE. o retail liqua( i
firm or corporation
license sail be issued to any person other than the -...roietor
of the place for which it is ic]Iluod. A retail lit .ftee assail
be non-transferable.
:.:TIC:1.71. .. .Ti hiPUR 'fiTAil L.L,CWli LluEsE di AIL i
TO Za:i (1 _L„J (_:-P PC cdt. ...ILiT ni0iiIii02, S..,(„SO UI ITHHEhD.
:JP.Eril 'J',,ff.: „hn.:.Y. 12,E 'RET.:ED. All al. l.ication 0 for retail
liquor license shall be naCe by petition to the City Council,
and shall be immediately referred to the Chief of Tcalico, who shall
reort to the City Council within five days after ouch -:eference
as to tho c(Jaditien of the place where such business in to be
Carried on, in recxrd to the matters hereinafter mentioned, and
es te .any other matters ef which in his )ild:-flent the Council
shcbid have anewieo , before mranting such iicensewith his recom-
„ mend01011AsAlewgrantirigher:Withholding the license applied for.
no sa.Loor, license snail hereafter be granted. oy the City
Comacil to amy pors(nr, airm or corporation until the !,lace where
said buolnons is prossed to be carried on has been Zirst inspected
and e:•ami:led b. the Chief of elice. lio license shall be c,-ranted
if it shall appear by said report that such lace has within it
or in. any occirner connected with it, any enclosed wino room, card ,
room, lunch room or booth.
Ary and ove:ey stacon license shall be revoked by the.. Oiti
Council if, after c-ranting the 2,i-M.O the person, firm or cor-o -tion.
6 •
to whom the same is ranted, Lr nay other •
person, firm or corporationt
. --
-C- .
With the hnowledie, corsest or acquiescouce w.:: tle Licensee shall
ope-i . place, maiatain or conduct within In: ;lace wLere slid busi-
ness is licensed. tr, be can ice: on, or in any mai:-nor connected
therewith, any enclosed wino roc , esr0 roori, inrush room or booth.
/ SLTHLii li'./ 'i_Mi]::; 0 O,I . ,T.: X:::..L=i7,-; 77f: ' ,, T,GDGIEG
iZ7",-. Tt shall Ix
unlawful for any i)orau firm or corporrtion. oLufacti-o s, restaurant
hetl, bcard:L::1C..; licals er l'sdag house to : •..-± , J.,!'( Jw,:1;„/ 0-:: in .
a .:; ammner Cispsso of, cr to fnl.slh w'-!,- - os w .:hru ileale, ally
spirituous, vinuo , mait or other iatenio 1 , or, without
:icvhp first oPtairad a liceruc no to C.o. Tic iloose of any
person, f:m7s1 or corpor.tion to cc It a rin;l2osrm hotel, board-
inL: houso of lodging-house may, at tho ai:tion of iho City Council,
be revood, cra renewal of or anlicatiom. Zor -J., license be do-1
flied for any violation of the -.drovisiens of tiii3 net Lao and any
such action by the City le-a/loll shall rat affect ":,,o enforcement
of t;ie ponalty providedifor in 3octicsa Z0 of this Chapter.
SOg a.. i .:.T.E ri2 J17,20.:ICa= MI ,iiU LI] :::asnTITY EZ. :CE,D'
IDJ FIVE GAM,i',i',_:T3 CR h:.: .1jiM' AY.1)1ZC) ig(. 0(:g.gTion
:.'. ..61-C, PHOIIIBIT it shall be unlawful to any lap any any wholesale r retail drag store) cont%)rocin Jalt I,akc City,
to coil or otheiwlas dispose (:..,: any lim_or .....,. iatonicating Carla of
any :-ind, hy the drinh, to bo da.n. h on *,':::o promiiss,. at a...y tiae.
It shallalso be uniswfal for any sl.-.ch peon.n Co scll or otherwise
ose of any lipuor-or' intoxicating arin::: hi :m,y 'Jottlo r
paoaae In q-uantity leas than five L;ttlions, unios said luprson,
firm or corporation shall first have procured. a STug_ist's license
to sell liuors as hereinafter :,rovicioC.,. 1-6 r. i1,1-.1. i-j, 0, 20 be
unlawful -.E'er any pofsoa to sell or othoryilso C,iso Yf :: y liqs.or
or intoxicatinL, drinh in quantity eaceodinL five gallons, unless an7
such person, firm or corporutionshall first have procured. a whole-
saler/s license, as in t is chapter provided. It shallA'.)e unlawful
for any drugist or person esm .loyed in or about any drop stowle./,fl
havin a druccist's license, to cell, lye away or ii2:1c20 ,y1: any
intoyAcatin liquor or drin in any manner oy form oacopt in. orijmal
packac,os or bottle containing not less than one-half tint.
iycTI('it itIEE OF I&1;.L5G
FORM. Upon the grantinL ofAigya license in this
chapter mentioned, the applicant shall be entitled to receive from the
City Recorder a certificate of license for the ::,urpose specified in the
o. plication and in the P4rant by the City Council. The cortificto
of licence °ball show the name of the person, firm or corporation
licensed the amolint paid to the City Treasurer, the kind. of license
issued, the place of laciness of the licensee, the dtAo of commence-
ment and the date of expiration of the license and Vtit the ncrson,
fire or corporation therein named. is duly authorized to carry on the
business therein specified. at the vjace and for the o thorein
named, and If. raid certificate of 11,2.w.:;:m is net transfer.ble. 3aid
certific to ef licence shall be sired by the City ecorder with the
coal of 301t Lake City affilred. v ho licere (!;rantod. or issued under /
any provision of this chapter hall Do in any a; c.cci -nable or
trtnsforatle, or authorize any person, firm or corperatio . other than
is therein mentioned or /1,11102'., to do bneinoes, or octirria any
other business than is therein mentioned or name to be done
or transacted, or the businecs therein mentioned or named to be done
or transacted, at any place other than is therein mentioned or 7.."..amed.
2ECTIC.11 At, 0-imIlimTE5 (1 T,ICEIT C O BE ISUED .20R TflE.:a
EU.1E2TIClf. All certificatoo of lieenso issued under the
provisions of this chpter shall be for ':!e., ular quarterly periods of
three months commendinc Janurny let, April 1st, July let, and October
1st, for the first, second, thrill and fourth quarter, respectively
of each year. -:,,rovided, howeve that rion on application, is made
after in cervenceent of the first, ceed or niP quarter the
apaic:=t r0ll eT.osit vj111 he City Ire o ii ament money
oo.al to the chario for a fii aurtr c.n6 loloapirod pertLen of
the c2a,.ter in hich the. ap7licatior ic made, aad the cortificalf
liceso shall be for e oh tht 12, betjunin to dt,14,e4f 1
clC da7 of .CCJ,d-r
quarter; L,,nd tint fl oa „lioAlcn isac oc
of the fourth cir,:..L.rtoll, and tho a, lic. tior 1 :rovoc by the.:
Asseosor, the an.Lic..),nt oiali do.cosit with heOL ty 2re,a;;-rc..,2
an OCt cf laoney 011-.11 to the oharc.;e for the Lalc .priod of
such z..nd the ooltificato of lice. -0 " c for
cctificate of li(:unc
shall extend bery,-,6, the o,1 yer in ,7;ic:. 1.1, to
oertil'icate of liecnoe l0000 under it'in; .;ectIcns.11.1
lessor t an three l'.1onthL2., c-xeeit eo2ti.fic:Aca
the lot of coal; 'ear aJl. before certifiotos :Lc '
lesser pe).1.0(:. a:1 .;."J' e )r1U2t
be aTTroved h7,/ the .:,-,so;,sor, as
b.t.MI(7.1 10„4,. 7*":
1I10.11 CC, ant. are hereby est-,h1.1.shea in
quartorich,ire for the iyrovic.ic,ns of
A0 L'Anufacturer of -1-eer •,Lo
1000 b.7..-crel:; 01eYs 100.00
r of
over 1000 1-,arrel per quarter, 1L0. 0
*he aiTlicant for o liconEle ;.1all ci]e . 1r(' in( 00
strtin:: jr0006'LL, i:Lre0
trecm, -1(1c,-,' or o:cr 1000 -Ja-crel , ,f
.As Retail Dealer, 300.00
i50.00 1
-s T.estLrilralit, 150.00
p ,COV;_cle0 no 7,icuor eJtscd Cron
:": Inn; 'c c,i1j
01 .4t.ttr-r,01),i1OH7141/14/iG.g/al
-.MoLes;Jc De„Iler,
100. 0
100. 0
IlOonsee td' ecnL.Ict 0000 '6,..an one ;).1.ace 01 bu.si.,eas Iilol101OtLI
her iG1', or liconL,o Z00!. onc., of 11,inwo
licenJe to 0 husin01-:
Iliad of li.(:uor hJ, once; thLt ii.:, 4 sol.,al'ao license
shall 'co 0;.ydt.t.illed to carry Gn each cinti of ho.sines
this c11ult02.
„J,..:01,s.ur Ai. 1:-..zu:L..02,u2_,,,J 70r.E
3 _f L-) xmxxx.
_ —
arplicrtioll ha. (.1.a2 ot:
quartc:c; and t'.1,IiicL.Lien is c,tb.:orlow.ten
of the fourth clurter, and tLe b,,,/ the
21.2sci!00or, the ap,1.11c.J.nt do,[>osit with -the :-;-tty Trcre.L.
an arIQJzt of no.qoy e:.11.-1 to the obt,rc fr tle anc-,:prio6
such z..nd the tfit of lide oni.L CZof non
expired -1,ortio.'. ho cc: tificate of licoL,:e Lx n ado , huoctien
shall extend be.1,7ond the mr,_:1.ioi ol yo:_r in tt to
certificate of 110C:130
lesser 1 t throe ‘')Yce-rt 6:
the loot c ,,rtcr cf eachyer.r a d bo2cre cel-t.i.fic;ttof.;
be a: -; rived by the .t,o(%loo-..:•, .
b.r.V.i2I(.1i 04.
follo,aiy!6 shall be, and arc hereby estbled ,
quartu:ciOcho fer toe a.connie. the i.rovi:tions of tis
As .tlanui,...ctureris Acent, .2.14* )
As Retail Dealer, AWL '-4300.00
vi ,mlt,-
beer-- leex-
icatin Tos-teursialt,,,,e*
restwantEc Sar71411th----restevrmtt--To
As Restaurant, 300.00
As Wholesale Dealer, Exclusive, 2611101.00‘00
Druczist, aEa44:1 /00,
All said coons shall be paDuble strictly in advance, iyovided,
that in no ca!'.1e oL...1.1 any payment made or licer.an ia2.3.od enttie the
licensee tc one ijlace et
her .L. .yinent fc,r, cc' iiouno ont oz
;ii,enoce to o..r2;,; -n 't,lero,EaCor
Lion ".dad of iiPGr iii enoe; t11.'t sear1.1,..,: license
shall L:o obtained to carr;)- on onch clad oh hccnine ii .m defod
this cha.,C....o.c.
.;.1J11;jE 7r,R
OR OA; Li ;3 MX.XX: laty -10,4/iy)i
L _
to oboate in Wio busninorf, of botilior or cao;oloo any
intoniootino liouors rot monufoctored in dolt oaoe3OximmotT, sholl be
deemea o oloruToctliror, ord it roil bc onlowfl cr to
rry r :1 ell bus Inc r,ithOiLt fl oot a -nJ n, Afflefrigreiallialga
miif, ctorert s 1ICOILOC. .a.E.1.60,6.40614"114_14*344,-6-mganntt.atilr+EwA
kit.k (14' Li( :-ILIO"oo, 1:‘.1)1, , 2
n C1 72 CC n'ontl
oR gTgclo1,3 -12,c7-oBIT It oholl be oolooffol jL yoeoo,acti'gAo'bother
tTor hmoola' or or :vent, oervart of enol000e o-O ao,:, other
firm or colooLtioo
rerSoo,1\to oell, furnish or deliver, ,T °then-floc Ois,00c of
001.77 into:cioatioo lioior to o.,y Indian or to ony occoo• o onuo iho
* '
aoo 'wort -one years, fr to any perron nown to 4he
al, an halmitual drunT7ord, or - o/any in no or 1daotcnorsoo, ohotl.Co
said Inaian or minor 07 insane or idiotic 3:01"nf-, phcLL h:c71J0001.77.0
the sold iiouor for his WO Ilse or consomptioo, or in whole or to port
for the are oe' consumtion of any other person or persons.
011,(. oFt ',U:LJ. It shall oo for aay
rm or coiooration
peroon to vend Cr talc, or f(r any owner, 000nt, bortorder o2
employee to 1,orait Or allow any person moiler the oe t ooto-one years
or Indian or i10 of iaiotic ors n to ;:o to or reinaii al or be in
any soloon, wino roc.: oo ap000tliont ohatsooveo, whereintooicatinu
Grin . io oold or CisponocC., cocootiou dun ot000s Wtka ximotoraletrW
21X110**i 310tols ,_,.11(1 restaurants; or to pero:it any such cicor to
visit, freouent or ran. to in any billion] or room -r
S2OTIOU gelto Uf1L.,,FULF FOR oiluGo: WO 1,Lo1E.11-t,t:oOOT It
shall be unlawful for any 7:croon under tt.) aoe of tweotywone TO TO
to cantor or remain in any saloon or other )11,e0 where intcotiootioo
liquors ore scid or aispenoed, eacopt drao otoroo, notels, and res-
taurants, or to misrooresoot his aL,o and state o'uoroli to be over the
age of twonty-ono, in order to gain admission to soy saloon or other
place where intNicatloc liquor is sold or dispersed, or to secoro
the sale to hio of any malt, spirituouc, vinous or other intolt 0
liquor. '
_ _
.,...W..:''.L:-.ii#:1. Fk.r".....3,. .r.k,:',.-q.'11:'.L....., .!:', .:„: ,J,. . A'i- ,•!.. - ,...:L,C(11 011
:L-;.;; 1.( t:.:..;. 3.;Li.':.;1.:ii ... 37 hCJ11S .`)2 .,..SI4J .;-'. l''... -.Th .:.J .... ..,:. It
fin-.1 or er.rromtion
shall 'oe unlurf;,11 fo:," any ""eicsonAce.• i.n:" any saloe.n 1 h-..nro or hoop
in co,lanoction wild). (,2 s a fart of "his -:,1ce ..s.i7 imsinc00, any en-
cicr, d -wino roci'.!-., card rcom, lunch 2....no or 1:oot1i into vit.thh any
fentlio Tetton olp. 11 be oj.lowod to enter :1:7 ' ,tr-.? C.Ilt: ".;.0, or from
sl..cn saioor,, .....c.6., thorc to ;...--„ ...)Aod 1.7"f.th. c.7,- .-ind of lir vthaLove ;
Ln.',,rte-:.ijor or omlJoyee of a'.:Ly saloon, to oorl;it (:','..son to
I be or rorr:An in such sL.leuz. ...)ot,;cen 4.- 1,2; o.,Yc,r8 of sevoyo'cloc77
1.J.1 ..hc.: afternooh and seven o'clock in Ito fc,roioon; OX tO ariploy any ,
Zeit:4.d0 in any suohsaloc-;1 at any tine.
L; 2„T.U.. if D.,--.0. 11.1U ,..:;. ,: Hi) MIA... "7 c- iojo,j, iv
fiin Jr' .;or:.:c-ira-Gion.
: 0'.11 :71 . It 8i.,:al be uillaw'r:ija fc,- ..!.7-iy ro„m-oAtr or
:.l'irl.i'or"col'oration 1
an7 uont mcz,naor or bartender of Qftdo7ree (f)f u:,--:.:.. uers(i.cler,.r:w:::0d. in t7.-to 1
businoos of oellin into-z.ic,Ain lillors .,,t rot,.11, to i.,om:"..t lodcinif
jaix=ca.....luLir.k.vf5tiemia, dal-,0i-,:L,;, onneon a. sicerdnE, W.0 to i"0.11.,At oily i
1 clife::::„.7. ccp.:';-!. t, -.7:' !,-ii ;..,:-.?.1.00y1 2 xucc of ns-i_ e ,-..;.
SALE ;. .F1,. T.1_-. ..:.1.!.
It f"-,'-11 .5o 1:Fii..L..wfca for .'..-..ny -,-..crsni., fin or cor:.r.rc.ti(ci.1, or . y !
nax:.zer z..t ..c. t OLIftellcf sc , t or e1.?jo;TA2 0: J,11 . 'foec :.,, irn
or ocyz. ,.. vtio1-1 -',.. 00114, five at, .,.', ;, rye or Oilic,rwfte ecifli.cC C1,7 u.,•77 I
1li.)11-3.21;oxra:, ,.-11.1.-.:: , lault)"be or, or:: .,.:;n:r i.t...toni ci...:Li•,-.L. (..r in' , ..:.t n y tine
ant uotwoen 1:-1; o T oi.ock t!,i.(1.:.,ii I ..,.,•ci6o',:ii ocki;..1].. on L.J. .......-,...',. 6.,.:,y o± t;Ic wee.,. ooh.u..way called. ..; n6z.,.yoJ.x,e A0 L0 C.:, Ctrr
druLuiLt, L'..Ta'. t .ela crLy for nel:',.ci vartosok; ai.o-o the Drescrirtion of
a reoLia.,...rly lice%tod physicial.
ai, olc,,"nt)cnd ba,..L, v,.hero 1,a4 sivirituouF, vinuas or iiait
ligon Icor, or ai_Li. intoxic:.ctini-z, licer is f...)(..,3j,, :Avon n..,",.,„:* r.,,:,:'
othewico iii:.. d of, or .Lept fo-2 tf,,de, on to serve, eithoc .!.t ,,•jholo-
salo or -.,".eqail, .'11.'.11 'Lc.c cioed on the ii,..nr;t day or to "ioct connonly
callcd L;undaW. It shLR.,11 to Tri4a f,-:..c'ic evi0.8.- ocl oi the violevtio.n of
otno..c - a-n 1.710 :!...rofrietor cr., r,.., n.l.....r cc:-.-i]joyee
thik r.:. ction if :::.ny :)elT,C,I1 .i.',.: a0 ::(diii6 in, co,. -,-,L ont of or within
said . lee on Id day.
ITA., . ..
. ,
:;;;E:..-;T:-.,'..i-:•it; 17,7.,,'.T.IC T.,7,.': ,,;',11,1(7117,r,,T.L1D 33'r,s':.- Liatiaril. ,,,zc,i.-LEPTIciiik;
liT .IILL.117.. ("i UT 1:.TTETV1.2"::-:" 1.1,11T1,,. 1.1['.-.172,1FT? !le V.1631,-.,..1.1E '.1.111r11..; CP1...5 . .!..t
' shnid. bo ri-J.! -fl:.1 ,E'cr a.n7 1,1.1,1-;;;31ciz,..3- 1,.... i......:-.-: i ...,..;',-,:, 1..._011.. -J!...;.'f.--,::, -.'.. ,tion.
or •pro;:.ari-,-,1:1..os ir 4.13-'71,, or -iv. --.• -,-....1..-.. ., , r ''..,-, ,..2,.-,.. ,,-;..,.•..; , j.. the
pc_reso (IT 01fl..:iijr.:-: :271.',7 Of th,.,. Trcvic,1-..c, c.,...." t,!-.1',.s oh.-:204,,:-.'.
3.EOTTn3.41: 71_1i'.L., ,..fj.i,'.. 1,:r," ',, -.i;Cr',17,.:1 T.0 111..1: ,-..1.1,.,.1 T(1.., ,I71'....1.1',.11,,;.?..1.,1'..1-1, PIIM
.r.frifFi ,Fi"P.e. ..r.‘.)P, Cl. 13.1..1111D,....Y. .L1,11 blinds, c-o.rt,ins L,r.:1. ocroers shall be
withJrurvin fror: •,..'f',. (.71, c--,', '.7,,r1.. r,-1.ilowr.,. o.:: f.'...11 ,,..:.lovy„ .,.-JT., ,-.jr,o roltie 1
:•:.ald ",;t:C,CI' .•-i-L:0 00 -,,he-rc 'Intcyict,:1',..11.!:, li..ILtors v.ro scji.1., .....c11. ..111.1,. ir.ito•Awv
/ .
&clove, screffre, blindo ...:,,,(7, eo.rt..„,- .F..• &"oil 1.-.,t or e),)c,,.1c-.
unobctritote0, view ci t,le intericr of f..,•c1^. :-.1.-7cc-..., !''.;-..,..T 1 ,.'„, 11•....c1,,, f....c..',. the
sidewalk or ext,-rior of all fi-,'oh -.i:•.-.,.1ocr.7, 1.2,,trr.., 71.-.,e. 1.1'••fl:.1;', 01' ;
oth.or ,,,1,•,..ceEl %7:1-....oreir.i.o7A.c,!:;.ttric ,Lir-, f.T ,-.i ore cc,-...U, ..Jr-' ...11.-.1.. (..,',7 the time '1
r. 1,11-lo 1.1.-i-r-ri: 6•0: c:' -{he •,,celo o.:n:z.,.-.^.-.. , callcd ;;;...-i' ;...:.:,.. ...•...6. It ;,T1lo:11 1j
firL or ocrporcAion
be ilinl.r..7: 1. 1".7re any . e-,lon. lice,n,7. d to f.ld-.1. .i.-t,-,-..:71,-.. ;.,,,T•-,
,l il
occch o'loop, enr, wiyle rr:.'!.. or ot1..,.07. .,-1'...;.T.:c, -Y.,' if" 3'cot'. ..,...,...,. '... ot'lor
-:.e...1.-.......:-.y.:,•-lt a...A.,..',.e -.1.x -, irc , •16,-., .11.••11:. .!;0 COMplW
711 th tilE1 ,.,..•ovi.,-Jir.x.; 31f: .1.).:•. s soctiol'i.
• V
6..•11,111:111;71:1,0tte.. ,i...(. -.. .;•-:'i. r,.',.: .'..;.-., ..,...111-JC.:;11.11Z1; 11.:11'. 11. rf' •• ,,''.'' .'.' ,,...; ,"::-.,.: .
firm or ,...or2enTtion, _.
I:10V.I. •C 1'. , ' T"....; C.1J1.,,...'1:7.,11. .:017 ..•r.,.T.,•.•:1A i 1-:',-,.:_;T. ' J.'
Of this chm7;te.,:, in uhom.: -:13..,..co ,'f '01.1.r.:..7Lc .'.. .. .1.,7.,-,... oy ...,,,,-,- -0...e offelloer, 4
StXtOd :LI tA2 oll,T.pto u.,nii -.)n conitted, 07. -,..17.-,:....
found r.,-;....1.1.1t,, ,..::f c,,,..1.-tilTz o2 Lin,',, e,:. r:.id. o2fe:1E“)c, t:,-.! :.1,-11 ;:,:i,.:-. ,,,,:•.Hy. -;:nr- 1
-L1,.eir or i.ts
'Lou 3ilo .1.1colv,,ci, ,.-...-.1(1,. -1:-Le !,•.,,.ro ,...C.-.all at o?.-..co, u.-.(..; :, C„,,c; .,...-1T1.;:...c. ;J...
Ire.so:oi.bod. by 1.,..A.r, Ice revo7ted 1N;, tlic.,.., City Co-o.:10,-1.1.
,1'117,.1 C.• '
T ,"1c,'-'1--i,,,,,TC,T1'
Ri.VU.,••:114.4? T,T -....1 '..-1,•y:: 7!(.. 3,:-... 'it-:-I ''). -..1-;. r-fc -...;',::'11.•.::,..., „ .t-,,, .117..,1N-1-67,...
21) OF..ir.T. virr,A,H,.qi op '2,:.!:..1 (.11121.:',FT. , crc W.' •..11;.....1.1': :J. ,......,1. -c.',/ .,. .rn,,r.1
firy.: or oorj.oration
A wlio;,.le lieolTo to ;,,ell into- -',(..!.•tir._;.- 1-1.--.7(;rs Ti, . .1..ccl. l'ev(',;A.,,,,
City 0,,imc-,1 Toll. any ca-i.7so, f2-i-,_..i...L the LreCZter toI -inoitgible Co receive
any license to sell irtoc,,.,ti ;E j.i,...,..tors ir. :1:1r....ii; -1,..LL.e ..1ji.1,-,,„,., ...•,--,(..{ no
licelme f.3.1‘ral ,O .-:."1":-:Irt 0+1 't.;0 .b 0 ursoa .-...:11; 1.7.te :•1:.,0,,: •.:1-1,..;:f..c '...1.,j
11,aenco vp.,., 7.3.'.-,( 1, f C,1' r.,..".`Z.' !:1Unt:-;.--; '.:,..'11-ter 0.-oh rov:.,:..v.1,1',:::',.
0TICII 22 ifii 11{1T :"Ci'J'.] 1-...-,..i: ri"..1iL.1.-:: -,_[..,:.].;,,.--: TO -T'.., .-1:..,.>
'*Ty 1-1;.27;1,,,Cli„11 C.--:.:.cr ,,„ .;,.,,CI;,, ,.,__,, ,_ . (tZ
A"... ., .! c, ,,,„;,.;., , L,:.J 0:, ;!, '2:L,.;, Jjj.ii. . I,;-0 t Y.^101'0 V.I£M. t1.11% 0 li 0 Ch2U"f.3
-12- ,
to soli io: )
c li,- ,.._:. i'zi Sat 4*.C. "_!!t.e.i , f.7. 1 ' f! lif.CC7L
at ar,y 030 tle .Lo t7:..; ..3mo ,::rf."n:n, -.L.,.r':: o.f 0s:cra,c63, xi, ._-; ::.c
licence to cell inticTIL.. -mors nhall ic, .H;cce6.. to any 'In.
ot/cori, rctioll, any members or stoc7,:helder:'., of ,.ij• !oh corle , hola c tot:oi of three sue; licenses.
2I.,n lilt iliii, Y. TC, •., I, 1 ,li 1.', 5-,i'.. :I:
firm or corl'oration
shall 1)o cal, on" f(.7 vny pewoun'' either liconLed or Lnlievaaol,
to cell, e:lvc a:•:..- or -'n u:ly me.17:.er f:AsT.oce -1", C.Irectlie . i.-E-
, .
directly, cny aoirAJous, viTwn.::, oc.lt or file.:- !.: ;o ..:!.(2:*i.r:. 1-10ji0r .:
on the prt of any day set n :- or to be cot :,7•41.f:1; foc a. i:uoJ. 1
or special election for any state, ceunt7 or minis:Li:al ofilce-s,
00001 membe.,T: of . fl bir, of efluc-ten, c:;:oopt _C ,:c ylefi,a
roses 1.1n the prescrien of a iii.,:i.s'icjAn l',2eni0e .::2r'vjeCj•
:M,CTI(T,44 lr,YOR W .L,...U.S .-: C,C7 .* .
Of CE:222B' ]):;n ili DaCITITIGIT. The Za,yor, whenevcr, to
1 his judrment, the peace, coca ore i.&_ saet-.. o:,:- ij!.e il... .i'ic. c.
the cit7T sail rocuize it, .nd on all. lol holieay , ..f,.,y 1Q pro- 1
clamation, forldl tl,e sale er ocu: LiA-.;. eSitrD. of 0,1- y
int07-dcj-tinC liaucrs : csr ..1-7 otted -,e'.cic,-, of '1.:1C, no CZ.CCO .!
in all twer,ty-four consecutive hosm. 1
3EOTICIliiiir. LiCilCLES .....::, TiZt", nIC,',:,. . H Lfla
PROVI'01;.,. .!. .1H.Ej Jiiai'l . oiiy licensee rooeivinJ a licezlso role-c
the provisions oi tAc ohsptor C!Ill be deemed to hove sooe., .
the mAno wii;la ail . ile ,ution, eliot 1±sbilittoc, 'a::to
and .Ji..m.itatios herein previdoU for, inpocod a.c pL2t and .piel f.f
said lice-fa:Jo without othoror fun-ter notice, ':-.c:.: v..the';:t coo ':,,:. sny
' of suon 1.:--.00ViUtOi12 1,0,0 srecifiolly- iLOci' orno U to tho lioe .c 'd
to %in .,ra11 . 1
j,LI.I.c.,, . J.1„. .,,..Y. ,-.....ny po.,:no , fi-I-L („Ii: ocrfor—JW ' ''' • '. 1.1 violatin6 as of the provisions of this c.J;..•,-. to.• e0.ll hi: 400-L.cd cuilty
of a faisdencancr c.ne, u.j_en conviction 4,:le.. of, all bo rnishee.
less ro'' ,cn hY. f',11:Co hl'cal . ''- ±ays ' ..
a floe 0.47, hot rammx: tan one hundred do3.1ars, or by impriseAment ir.
let':' t%,irty 6.s..--c nor or:, .',-, ,,.,-ri ;;i1x: inu2iths
the city jail .. ot MIMIT t,..an unsximmaxacbuiavi, or J'y Soi;n 8Loh aPj44'. and )
inDrisoc.ment;j2rovided, that nothin:.; Lore in contLinod shall be 4 ]trued 1
\_ (;
to prevent Salt Lake City from reccveiN thq Waount of ally liolla- 1
he-,.oir. reouia ed to be DttiO. , in v. civil actior. lirouckl., for bilobi. pox-
L.,;.,, provided iv oi.-6-Lnr,-.3e of thin, City.
SECTI.7N 7, All Ord..1:,,.,.x.co ar,a, roc'.(..trt'..o.n.So..,: •,,,.7-1-.: c:" o ' 1-.7,,on ,:.-rd
rec,o14tions Li arvnflict h.03.•.t.,'=•::1, aro 7-1,roc h.,.., to the) ezztont
I /-7 4-'-i• e.a-\`' t'l ',et 19A'',.• .'.. • - 7 ' A '' Ai, `'f-JH'„•J'
..-. e
-,• - % `.,4 r z ,:- '
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6,6.7,, - 2., te the City Cowen, , t°the CitY Colwell, :/ * ' MAR 2 2 190
fr --7,
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............. .. (...,• Ce.::::::7 2,Z:7:i' ,
-.., •
- .
Presented to the City Council,
. Orr WIMP' , -•A
. ,
e2- ,
Receiv3d and ed Ned,
. ..
MAR 29 1909
. ' ,',-,•-•,,,t-d to the rIt'. 'tin:,. to theAtty ti,ncli,
• • ---. -:- j/.4---- e-e " . .,-./..
•1 d.V...>del'kitirr,-,
JAN't 8 1909 a 011Y MOSE&
t .
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t../.t.;„ orw „
pyaor tothortitysounca,,
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MAP-1 1909
-1 .l''' .. ,...,„....... .......... ........._..., ,
..- Ciff RECetea. ,„ ., • ,
: i ted to the City COUTIC 1 v
-, ri.,,d, iii the City Coe*,
',. IAN MAR I •".'1909
''1q09 , ');.---. ......
n ';‘-;' •
r417I ftE0109, r7 WOVE,
4/117,4"/ .0(e-yi i/