167 of 1977 - Amending section 9-1-2, 9-2-1, 9-3-10, adding section 9-1-4, enacting sections 9-2-2, and 9-2-3 defi VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, October 5 ,19 77 Mr.Chairman . . I move that the Ordinance be passed. Agraz II 1'' 1 Greener Hogensen Phillips ;'4.14 't! Result AN ORDINANCE l/j AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sections 9-1-2, 9-2-1 and 9-3-10 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965; an ORDINANCE ADDING Section 9-1-4 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965; and an ORDINANCE ENACTING Sections 9-2-2 and 9-2-3 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, all relating to dance halls. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Sections 9-1-2, 9-2-1 and 9-3-10 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to dance halls, be, and the same hereby are amended to read as follows: Sec. 9-1-2. Public dance hall. Public dance hall shall mean any room, place or space in which a public dance is held and in which dancing or providing space for dancing is the principal business. Sec. 9-2-1. Public dance hall license. The license fee required for a public dance hall license shall be $200 per year or any part thereof provided however that a daily license may be issued for $25 per day. Sec. 9-3-10. Minimum space required. No license shall be issued to a public dance hall, restaurant, tavern or private club unless there is at least 300 square feet of suitable dancing area in addition to the walkways of said public dance hall as required by this title, provide, how- ever, that this section shall not pertain to a dance studio that is used solely for dance instruction at all times and never for other public dancing. SECTION 2. That Section 9-1-4 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to dance halls, be, and the same hereby is ADDED to read as follows: Sec. 9-1-4. Dance studio. Dance studio shall mean any room, place or space in which classes in dancing are held and instruction in dancing is given for hire. SECTION 3. That Sections 9-2-2 and 9-2-3 of the Revised Ordin- ances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to dance halls, be, and the same hereby is ENACTED to read as follows: 167 -2- Sec. 9-2-2. Dance studio license fees. The license fee required for a dance studio shall be $75 per year or any part thereof. Sec. 9-2-3. Public dance license. The license fee required for a public dance license shall be $100 per year or any part thereof, provided, however, that a daily license may be issued for $25 per day. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect 30 days after its first publication. , Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, October this 5th day of Simbeilikam, 1977. — °/41-12L MAYO CITY REC DER (SEAL) BILL NO. 167 of 1977 Published October 14, 1977 167 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake Shana D. Palmer AN ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE AMEND- ING SOff 1,s 9-1-2,9-2.1 and of 9-3-10 ice Revise_ Oral names of Salt take City.Utah, 1965, an ORDINANCE ADD ING h;aecttio'nr'SaoftLe Be vise Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal Utah, 1965; d n ORDI- • NANCH ENACTING Sections advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily Ordinances and s of a,me kRevised City, (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English Ordinances of olatIn to an e n,ils'1PG'a°rldanngraaane° language with general circulation in Utah, and as 11 ordained at fM Board of City,,Utan:"°'� °' salt Lekc published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the SECTION I. That S^dons State of Utah. 911-2, 9-2-1 and 9,3-10 of the Revised Ordinances M Salt Lake City,Utah,1965,reialln9 to dance halls,be,and The same hereby are amended to read as That the Iegal notice of which a copy is attached hereto follows: Sec.9-1-2.Public dance hall. Public dance hall shall mean glaicna°runii ace orl" «wand Pub notice to amend an ordinance-: Bill #167 which dancing or providing toy ror dancing Is the in inci- pal Iwxiness. Sec.9-2-I.Public dance hell I license. The license tea e • le nOr a public dance hall. Ilcyna shall be$203 per Year or part any part(hereof provided trev:- isOr that a done Iiwnso may be sued for$25 nee dov- Sec.43-10.Minimum space required. No fiance shalt he tilled to a public dance hall, ce::tau tavern 0 private lub Onionset there is at least 300 re feat of.suitable wal-ui In addition to the w Ik- ways of said public dance(tall ice,by Iat title. shallowevert in tothis section vide,not main to dance Oct, 14, 1977 studio that ction of all Iti for was published in said newspaper on and never for other public. dancing. SECTION 2 That Section 91 S It the e 1 d O dlnances re San I ak City,hall, b lYO, relating,o d h II. 1 0,anti the d;as•nil°hereby-Is AUDLD r0 ! .,'V\ s. . - -{—-.. < ...:�/Y LL . - °Ser. 91.d. Dam studio Legal Advertising Clerk Da studio shall y WOO or space inwhich lasses n dancing are held and Insirucilen in dancing Is mvelt for hire. SECTION 2 and 9-za°f nine Roving^ 3rd Sl Ordinances m salt Lake anv, n to before me this day of Utah, 1965, relating to dance hells, b anthe same hereby follow, red ash A.D. 19 78 license S f22 D. studio -1 ees The license fee required for dance studio n / / / thereof.II S/5pe Y ryv - l // / S . 923. Public dance / / //• / -- II ittl license foe re- quired fOr a publicdam ii L (!. . It,� :l./ license ha$100pervea-fir ._....- .-.. .=., however,part,bn4"`"danCr�'o'de Notary'Public may be Issued for$95 per aaY. "'SECTION 4.this ordinance shall lake affect 30 days after its first publication. Paise0 by roe Board 9f Com- missionersoi Salt Lake City. hi 5th day of October, N19Y/. • T[D I..WILSON lees Mover MIL.SIRED V.HIGNAM City Recorder (SEAL.( RIL NO.162 f 1977 Published October Id,1971 i (D-12) ,r...