168 of 1910 - Ordinance 168 of 1910 – Sewer Extension No. 273, First & Final Estimate. ' AB 0 I.. D 1 n A L. 0 .6 . An orolinr.ce, levying; a tax ar..1 for t'le a3.3.-.) m.ont of .dr...)porty set both sides of Dim Avenue between Fourth South end Fifth South 3treets!, in donor District ho. 1, fo,- the constraction of a sour. Be it ordained by the City Council of Belt Lake City, 'Utah: SECT-102T 1. That the City Council does hereby levy the tn:.: and provide for the assessment of the scale upon the .,..;ra2arty hereinv.fter described in San : District 7do• 1, doe' the conotraction of a senor, to-wit: i In Lots 1, 2, 5, ,i, 7 and 8, Dlock 'Cl, Hat "ii", ..;.1.nittinL; on 1 both sides of Elm Avenue betv,een Fourth Conti and. Fifth South Streets. This tax is levied to defrey the tr.,t,2,7,.r.I;C.; of oonstr•tot in-!, t. vitoli- ; fled .&i..de sewer eitjit (8) inches in diarf.otoe upon the portioin of I soji :'3 tract ukdosito ti:.e .t.ii-a,c.:.. ..1.-.y. nareinbe fore and hereinafter des- cribed to he esilecielly affectei and benefited oy st-ici iiii.rzoveront, and it is hereby adjudijed, dete.rfuined and established 'Chet said erty 'ail.1 Ice (16,)0c-1,11,-: beiaefitt,d thereby to the fall t.inount of the tax hereby levied, end arid. 1..n.,.roolr of lend tore hereby c..,:;t3caoo;7:,-7; t,.t ant , I a;ine;li and uniform re;yte in acco-.J.darce with the fines foot C,•;:ratti.::e 1 Ini)en said. ,Jortien of ;:3 -1.d .otreet frost i:,L t6 . Z.:',1:1 tO L- de.l.th of Itwe-ity-7ire (25; feet lHch tharefroN, and the tax 77,ereby levied and t ! be assaesed urns said. .; ;--.coels of 7--..nd is al V '10.1'e(3 .r.1.!:,-. 1-:,.}--;:.:1:: Z.'..1)(3, 60/1CO C:6',.:',6.OC.,) (1311...!.r .--;, Or 86/100 (;::i0.36) del'- ts .,..-:,; f.:;....nt 01' 1 lirer:.r foot a 7 abattinj i...ropert-,,,, ICern "hoine U1C foot of abotting property' situ in Lire bort:derio a of tire lots, 1:7 acei- L.toi stroot .,ibays I liaaCC rned la Said (Liat.,.-ict, v.inich ia 'Cle -f-,otol oust nlid cost. .)or fror4 1 foot aS anuS ::.sow,...i ,-,..,0 ,...-f11.-,:':;. tu t7-? .._:nnt•o• ,.:.t ...,--.. ..,a .1.,1;0 ..,-..,..ir the i.;:rforance of unil ;.,;ork eel ,,,,iti-t , a.;. 1.1 lit,s-ovao.-f,l, -eV'''. -7,• in It. Titt, ..7.-:''ued t7,c 7,-,',', ,l. 7 7 -' : ,! ,:. .. ....", :7 r.rj, .,,7 ::" T ,a ::--; by aut7airice.d ,e-ed dicect.o.-7. to ...1...so..... :-.- Lee'', -oad -ee , ..:i '. L.I'ea --ctiell..eni. Tho oust side of the .:eooth 77 7 .-.'., ..7 ',,Th .... ..t ae;-"_,e,f, 2.. .-;-:.: 02 arts, no oat ,i1.7.,: of t ,....;.•;:.t ',J 7,7.7 2., ..t.. Lf I.Iot..., c-ed d, the ,A•ves • •- ...-'-'; .168 • ' i ; ; I . , -2- id,: of the abet 305.25 feet of Lot ? enS 8, the weet side of the 1 I north 75 feet of the eeet 305.25 feet of Lot 1, all is 2lock 34, Plat "3", Salt Lake City Survey, es the same are shown upon the official plats of seid city to a depth of twenty-five (25 feet cool: from said! street, and to collect said tax. CTIOL 2. bail tax shall become and. be delinquent in five equal yearly installments, with interest on the whole sum unpaid at the ! rate of six per cent, Per annum, payable at the time each installment I is due, to-wit: One-fifth thereof one year after the oeerovel of the! 1 ordinance confirmilia the levy of the tex for the eayment for such im-1 peovement; one-fifth thereof.ih two yeure after such approvel; one- 1 fifth thereof in three years after ouch aeerovel: one-fifth thereof in four years after such approvel; and one-fifth thereof in five years after such approval. One or mere of said inetellcients, in the order in which they are eeyeble, or the whole epecial tax may be paid at any time within thirty days after the approval of the ordinance con- firminb the leyy of the tax, eithoet let:rent, in tha event of any instellnent or the interest eforestA.d not beine peid on the date the Same becemee one, the whole emount of the spacial tax uneedd at the time said instelleut and interest are due, shall become due and pay- able, and shall lane interest at the rate of elLht per cent per annum until the sale of the preperty assessed; provided, one or more install- ments, in the order in which they ere eedeble, or the whole seecial tea uneaid may be paid on the day any inotellment becomes due, by payia the amount thereof and interest to said date. • 8E10210In 3. This ordinance shell take effect upon approvel. Sewer Extension No. 273. First and Fine' Eetiaete. Passed by the City Council of Salt Leila City, Utah, October 31st, 1010, ani referred, to the Ee,:.mt_fbr -lil'e( I Cify liscOrc (?.r. Approved this ,/ day of november, 191e. Mayor. 4 ---- 1 n • :ift,)'',7:,, . y E.' •,,,_..... ,, 4,J , • , : . :c... ...r..:• . ji , (75 : . ; ;x *" 'F e•• c) LID \%\ fit?. • �� . 'cp '(/.1 i ill) 111