168 of 1977 - Amending sections 19-2-18, 19-2-19(b)(4) increasing fees for various beer licenses; establishing dis ROLL CALL k\''
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, October 5 ,19 77
A raz I move that the Ordinance be passed.
9 �, ._
Greener {
Hogensen v' U-,72//--
Phillips t ✓
1/ o�
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sections 19-2-18, 19-2-19(b) (3) and 19-2-19
(b) (4) of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relat-
ing to intoxicating liquors.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Sections 19-2-18, 19-2-19(b) (3) and 19-2-19(b) (4)
of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to
intoxicating liquors, be, and the same hereby are amended to read as
Sec. 19-2-18. License fees. Application provided for in
this chapter shall be accompanied by the fees hereinafter
provided, which fee shall be deposited in the city treasury
if the license is granted and returned to the applicant if
(1) For class "A" retail license fee $200 per annum,
(2) For class (b) retail license fee $200 per annum or
in any part thereof,
(3) For initial application and issuance of class "C"
retail license $1,500 for the first year of operation or
any part thereof,
(4) For renewal of class "C" retail license $300 per
annum or any part thereof,
(5) For class "E" beer retail license $200 per annum
or any part thereof; or
(6) For seasonal license $50 per month or any part
Sec. 19-2-19(b) (3) . A finding by the board of city com-
missioners that the proposed location will not materially
interfere with the activities and functions of said parks,
school or interfere with church worship or church related
activities. For the purposes of this section a public park
or public elementary, junior high or high school or church
which is located 600 or more feet from the proposed estab-
lishment shall not be considered to be in close proximity
to said establishment and no notices or hearings need be
given or held prior to the granting of a class "C' beer
license or class "B" private club license.
/7 (___4671 168
Sec. 19-2-19(b) (4) . The applicant shall pay an additional
sum of $50 to cover the cost of advertising the hearing. Said
fee shall be paid before said hearing shall be set or adver-
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect 30 days after its
first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
5th day of &El:lbw:11er, 1977.
BILL NO. 168 of 1977
Published October 14, 1977
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
_ AN 0R15INA14CE
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sections 192-10,1919(b) Shona U. Palmer
and 19,2-19 tbl(A)of the Revlsedg Ordinances of Salt Lake
City,Utah;19 relating to Intoxicating linkers.
Be it ordained by the 1}:ard of Co:*Imissiprlers of Sall Lake
City,Ul :
SECTanION I. That ev Sections 19 Ordinances2 of It Lake .City.(3 antl'
965,Ircatih;ointoxicati Nltrs. and„k,'5nm�hee Utah, Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal
amended to read as follows:
Sec.19-9-I8.LiCanse fee,.Application provided ter n1 this advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily
CChanter shall be accompanied by Me lees hereinafter P oYid^a,
JI which fee shall de deposited lnt,c city tiraSgrYI4 the license lsl (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English
granted and reMrned to Me applicant If delved:
((72recee%',? rer neansere¢sagol rannpm, language with general circulation in Utah, and
(2)-F Hass"B"retail license fee 54g0 per annum or in anY
part,of, in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the
(see For for
year nd ieo ion o of class t thereof,
h cot ! published y
license For'renewal
for al ff class
spar of operation s ant,part annumf,
(af refwal of class"C"retell licpnseSUO Per annum or
State of Utah.
any part thereof,
(Si th tFor hereof;
ass"E'•beer retail license 5200 per annum or any
"6)For °` That the legal notice of which a
kc For seasonal �50 by the
any g• copy is attached hereto
Afation wig not
board nfclrYcommewith
rs Mat Ihu anti functions
proposed ions f said
no,s,schvp{ly Interfere with
thecli wore anti luncrch related
aark5,schoolor epurcrcydth
churchwtiorshiP por olls
atpudicrileme,For aryM ear Mob of pub notice to amend an ordinance; Bi:LI. #klh8
hiils section e p uric h r public:elementary,ro, teen I ern or
highro school or llshm which IS located ego or more DO Vern closer
Proposed establishment emeb hall beo noticered'e ri In nedl
proximity rPeld establishmentieto iaitl g a Clans nrhearingsnenl
ber lent or' prior the granting of a class"C"I✓.nr I:rrnse
or lass"B"private clubi I{applic
Sec.rover the co The applicant shall pay ain.a Said
of sSOpal ro cover Me cost hearing of ads using tiot od ring.`:aid iec shall
be pSE hot T sdin shall he out or oftectlyo.
SECTION 7,This ordinance shell take nfrecf 30 our,after its
first publication.
hy Me hoard Commissioners of Suit Lai,City,
ls Sty day of October,,,1927.
MCity ecD VRecorder
BILLhe Leger •
PubPublishedWebernhcr la ta,19]] (11111'
was published in said newspaper on Oct. 14, 1977
Legal Advertising CIerk
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3r1 day of
Fe . A.D. 19..78_.
lir yi,��<, /r'�,•,•
My Commission Expires
June 1, 1981