17 of 1905 - Ordinance 17 of 1905 – Franchise to Rio Grande Western R. R. Co., to construct track across portio AN Oit?INANC3 GRANTING TO TT,s.; RIO GRANDE I`SSTa4 RAILAY • COFPANY, ITS SIICCR.SSORS ANT' ASSIST'S, A PRACNIS:E AND RISSIT Oi WAY TO CO'ISTI UCT ANT) OPE iAT': A RAILROAD TRACK or A" ACROSS A P iETIOS 07 WLS TRIOZ UTW1,; SOUTh Tt;1EPI.. Awl-) "'I ;S.T SCUTT SIRE TS, At") ACROS:' A. POR- TION 07 SOU'ST' TTi 9P.?I;; STREET BETWE N SI X'T.P -'E T '.;TREE AN` ',IirT'R WEST STREET, IN SALT LA-KY CIT7, STAR. Be It ordeined by the Ci,r Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: Section 1. A franchise and right of way is hereby riven and granted to The Rio Grande Western. Railway Company, its successors and • assigns, to lay, construct and. operate a switch or spur standard gauge • railroad track leadin,<gfrom a convenient point on its main line in Sixth Weet Street between South Temple and First :south ?tre, ,,e, in nr.k iVonna, rnrvino' to the right: On .atr"rifx'tt7Y.Yi'i (Amended description to correspond to amended plat) an eighteenth (18) degree curve across 6th West Street, crossing the corner of lot 5, Block 49, Plat C, Salt hake City Survey at a point 72 feet, more or less,eonth from the northwest corner of said Lot 5. and 68 feet, more or less, east from the northwest corner of said Lot 5 and thence continuing to the right on the same curve Streets in said city-. --_ Section 2. Rurina the term of this franchise t]a; Lruntee shall • be subject to the ? 1 ollowing conditions, viz.: (a) That said switch or spur track shall be laid upon and con- form to the established grade of said street, and if said grade is afterward changed by order of the City Council the grantee shall at its own expense crhanrc.. Lp,e elevation of the, trock so as to Conform to same. (b) Whenever said. Sixths Test Street between South Temple and • Wiret South Streets, and cola South Temple between sixth West and i+Ah AN ORPINANCE GRANTING TO T'S:; RIO GRANDE 'nSTieEN leAMAY • CT-PAIN, ITS SUCCESSORS AN ASSICKS, A rRA:101iIVE AND RICHT OF WAY TO COUSTEUCT ANT) OPERATI. A RAILROAT TRACK On AS ACROSS A -P,')ETIOV ;eine: e,-1le,Te siur SOUTF TETTLe AN'S 'TIRST FOUTS STEReT2, ASS ACROSS A POE- TION OF SOUTu TEkTVE STREn 1314.TWEEN SIXT1, WEST STREET AN' VEST STREET, IN SALT LAKy SITS, LUAU. Reit ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake Cit,y, Utah: Section 1. A franchise and right of way is hereby given and granted to The Rio Grande Western Railway Company, its succeesors and as sins, to'lay, construct and operate a switch or spur standard gauge railroad track leading from a convenient point on its main line in .Sixth West Street between South Temple and First South Stre. te, in -at Lake City, Utah, and thence curving: to the right on seeviLetsen OfnyersA A 1A.)---diegre,e_raerve-merasweSi,Xtb_ratiteStreet,. crossing the Corner o-f fre'e no WV eoirtoeIrt-157-1314Ck--4",-Plat wd" Salt -Lake,,Cily...„Ztervey-,- e51 431"14"4"1"‘"446'4"4 /4-444*414440-, 'OWN* to a convenient coneection 1A T ith the track of the san Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad • bmpany on South Temple Street between Sixth West and Wifth West Streets in said city. Section 2. During the term of this franchise the crantee shall be subject to the following conditions, viz.:. (a) That said switch or spur track shall be laid upon and con- form to the established grade of said street, and if said grade is afterward changed by order of the City Council the grantee shall at its own expense chance., ihe elevation of the truck so as to donform to the same. (b) Whenever said Sixth at Street between South Temple and vire. South Streets, and said South Temple between Sixth Weet and Pif /1).(\ yp 7. • -2- Wert Streets shall be paved, then said grantee, its euccesoore and • assigns, shall pave between the rails and for a distance of two feet • outside of each rail with the same materiel as that used in the street pavement; provided, that the said grantee shall not be required to pave in any street where any railway company has heretofore been • obligated so to do. • (c) Said grantee shall put in and maintain such crossings over said switce or spur track as shall from time to time be required by the City Council. (d) The seie switch or spur trcck shall bo laid, and tee road • opereted, so an to cause no unnecessary impediment to the common end ordinary use of said streets upon which it is laid. • (e) Good and sufficient boxes to convey water shall be laid and • maintained in good condition at the expense of said grantee in all the • water ditches crossed by the said switch or spur track, Bo an to • admit of free passage of water. • • • Section 3. Nothing in this grant shall be so construed as to • prevent Salt Lake City or its authorized agents from paving, severing, laying ,as or water mains or pipes, altering, repairing or in any manner improving said. Sixth 'east Street and South Temple areet, but, all .• such improvements shall be aade with as little injury an practicable to said spur track and the operation thereof. • Section 4. This franchise is granted for the period of one hundred years from and after the approval of this ordinance. Section 5. This grant and all the terns and conditions thereof • shall be accepted in writing by the grantee herein within thirty days from the approval of this ordinance, otherwise the same shall be void and of no effect. (I: ea •• • Passed by the City Council of Salt oltr tah,Apri th,1905„, and referred to the Mayor for his approv a-- ' ee _ .•.••; Approved thraday o April,1905, city kteoo r. • • v. 1 s 'yRr.rr?�s'.%j§'s.. 11a'�/.�' S - -yJj. " • . 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