17 of 1907 - Ordinance 17 of 1907 – Sidewalk Extension No. 125.,'0 ' 4 AD 0 R i D A 2 0 D . An ordinance levyine a tax _.nr°. for the a.sseesr.ant of _ .ro)enty onI the east side of post Street from the south curb of Fifth both btreet to the north curb of Sixth South Street, in bideulk District ho. 21,1 for the construction of r. cement sidewalk. Be it ordained by the City Council. of 5 It Lbke City, Utah: SECTIOB 1. That t`be Cite Council 0.‘:)oo hereby levy the tax and I ' provide for the assent of the saooe upon t7:o property hereinafter i described in Lots 2 to 29, inclusive, Block 1, city Park Subdivision of .lock 21, Flat "C", Sit hike City- S rv-.y, abuttint; on tan east side of _r t St_eat,between Fifth oath i:.iid Meth South Streets, in I Sidewalk District ibo. 21, said property h: vin;; a fronts;!;:e of 712 feet) alone said street. This tax lb levied to : no e p000i. of conetro.Oti;h b. cement sidewalk four (4) f�e�. -�i 4l inch&s th_ek upon eid per- _. i four ( tion of .coin street op o: ite the property hereiru ftor described to be especially affected and benefited by id i:eprove;:-.eet, cent it is hereby adjudged, determined and established tat the same will be especially benefited thereby to the full bo.ouet of the tax hereby levied, and said parcels of land are hereby- assoesed .:7; e,lu.b1 anal uniform rate in accordance aith the lire r l'ect i out l o . o sai.d portion of said. street frantin;; upon _..el to a, depth of boor.ty-five (25 feet back therefrom, an . the tax hereby levied bud to be assecseld upon said parcels of lent is five hundred and thirty-f'olo0 ( 5f4.00) t dollars, or 75/100 ( 0.75) Collars per front or linear foot, which is the e sti,._etet total cost a_d e ct__-,.t-;d. cost :per ii ir.a:r ct of .,..id N_ ew<;L'•::, and the Treasurer is hereby authorised and directed to a.,sess iii accord,. wit; ti:o pros _e. .. o7 G?iie ordinance icy the pe pose herein ,-.e•is uo d, the n::.t :ido of Lot„ 2 to ti , incleai e 1 block 1, City- .lark ,,nbd-i-eieion of baock 21, c:-:'t ";C", Solt L a City- Survey, as l.. .con .,:h .ii ,.:.o , Clio o 'i.ol-.l pl .ta or G;.id City to a depth of twenty (25; feet back frola ., ..id etr .,t, ,.nd t�\ collect „aid tax. �:- 1 -2- SECTION 2. Said tax shall become anC be delinquent in ,;ix equal installments, us follows, to-wit: One-sixth thereof shall become and be delinquent one month after the approval of this ordinance; one- sixth-thereof in one year after such approval; one-sixth t!lereof inI t#o,leers aftcrkuch approval; onesixth thereof in three :Terre after such,,approval ona-siitlithereof in four yArs after each v.p_crevEl; aad one-sixth':there:# 0-eive years aftex Stich approvsl. Each andrAiVaTY:1-4stlkl,lent of said taxexcept the first, shall A _ interesttit tbE.rat0Of six per sen nuin icon date of levy U4V1,1 delinquelytV and:e *.and every installent of s id tax shall ; . 1;aar interestfilt;to rat4l*f eieht per cent Per annum from and L.fter itsi-date of delinquency. aEGTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. Sidewalk Extension No. 125. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, March llth, 190'7, and referred to the ::layor for his appro,ral. Ci ,zr rre:coRer. . --.=--,----,-,--:-:.% = - —- . - - .. ' ....." -.,:. --'..-- ' ,.,.: - i..s.upo -..-Lt. c.,_:: .i•.H.;:paii3.t.; u'... ;.i.:: :,,-wcf“.1 11.3.:;-: )c-,,-I r•,,l-4Z .,•... 1.1 .11;„.41',.; o,,j.,Dd 11_11a '100--t.).ist c_jc_a...,, A) ..,,.1-:, -t-,:.J. ,,,-o.',1-,,1 '6 ,.-!6"rie.,.1.1teui „•:.;4p4.19i ,ciz,. .i.,!;,7,.) al-ai::,1 'lc, 1,5vo•tfilia 9 j- ,f,‘r rr.a-;c4 Evt.to J'fio•T,..ti -,,, c) iiic,.„.:•_,,. ,, ,c1-,:.:. -el'n . -,,-i-F,7- 91'0 —' r.:i'!.., ,... '::,:.,i.oric ,,,v-i. .7,,,,, 9n-, -1.i- -al .r,A... , I.: ...i_pi... • ,o ,„L.;.,,, ..,(4 1 -,: ., , _ \, , ''''''' .;.1 v,,.i,„_1.•.. .!1•_1,••-• , •,.-,".''.,.-; ,-",F1,--„ -_,. ....:.A.t •lo-dIs,-•.#71110,,,4.7o-rii•o II vt.,.1.t., _, .• ‘ v ki-01 ,.',. • .v..i ,.41, ilte-4.1,3f s, 1-lw, , —el .: T 7 ',I' , -,:.; -';',i I...ist: .:21, ,',.:-:- 'li•FZi, J,--.&.•-r 4,..;••'',,4(04*Vgid--3 Li,' '' '•.11, , , ,.., , ,y, ,_, , , .. ,„ q-I '''-';, ,gr ,:1,0 ."-‘,:\;,. ..:x.a,"J•• . ;:e-1,-,.1.::1 -,.. , • V . -4 • •. ., i.ve =. ,,,I :..,,, ; -,.3i 11.140 1;"..., =1'-r, t3 . ,Ielli71 lief, 7',o ' I =: .5.12,, ).L',:,1-,.: .--,.'.:,,J; .,t—:‘,::‘._ &?:::,,.:o 1 i'.r..'—; t)t f'. -L.'. '•-ru ..A.,;irii; .C. ''.1.:.‘,./;;+44, '., . 1 . .I.'!.i. . -f,--,L 1' rt, . . , ... . . , -.- ' 1-• i t-i .- ',-,-.•• •1.; . . ri.. .., .,,.