17 of 1914 - Providing for Smoke Inspection VOTING res ,.V Salt Lake City,Utah, Lo 191 Shearman '______ . + 1 move that the ordinance be passed. OA LC--+,1,�.... . ..C,.- �,..A Wells I"_ 0 Lawrence ... 1" hA11 III/ tkillL 1 Morris .— ... ,...._. _ --__ f 8� ..._ Mr.Chairman Ar' _—Result VU LING —one.a� ,...i.%/L.•....!}.Lu Spearman I move to strike out Sections Nos. 1, 2, 3, 6 Wells ' 40001010and insert in lieu thereof the following: Lawrence Section 1. There is hereby established as a Morris division of the Department of Public Safety a bureau Mr.Chairman ---, of smoke inspection, the chief of which shall be Result known as the Smoke Inspector. Section 2. The Board of Commissioners shall appoint as Smoke Inspector a competent person who shall be a mechanical engineer, qualified by technical training and experience in the theory and practice of the construction and operation of steam boilers and furnaces and in the theory and practice of smoke abatement and prevention. Section 3. The Board of Commissioners may at any time remove such smoke inspector without cause, without charges being preferred and without trial or hearing or opportunity to be heard whenever, in the opinion of the majority of said Board of Com- missioners, the good of the service will be subserved thereby and the action of the Board of Commissioners in/making such re- moval shall be final and conclusive and the City Recorder shall forthwith notify the Smoke Inspector of his remov,a1 and from the time of his removal the person so removed shall in no case be entitled to any salary or compensation w tever, — Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, / 191....... city Roomer. _ — _ May,... j A', ., Shearman 1 . - i slt Wells let I move to strike out Sections. Nos. Lawrence . ' (6, 7, 8, 9)and 11,V/) Morris R; oi t ' t- ,- Mr.Chairman Result / Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utalr, e 191 . .. .AA, City Recorder. 7 -:7 -•.,.). : Shearman r Wells I move that Section 10 be amended so as Lawrence to read as follows: Morris Mr.Chairman _ Section 10. The. Smoke Inspector shall appoint, —- with the approval of the Board of Commissioners, Result the following assistants, deputies, clerks and employees for service in the bureau of smoke inspection; '., r deputy smoke inspectors at a salary not to exceed $1200,00 per annum,ysa(i One stenographer at a salary not to exceed $900.00 per annum and such other employees as the Board of Commissioners shall deem necessary at such compensation as may be fixed by the Board of Commissioners. Passed by th Board 9f ommissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah,./...._.._ 19,-....... J1 Y\ .......... City Recorder. MO. � I 1 Shearman • I move that the sections of the bill be Wells Lawrence re-numbered to conform to the amendments. F- Morris 17- Mr.Chairman .., Result . . Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,lita 19 Viel.)10;tAir' May Feb. 4. tes J "•••• Sale Lake f" Shearman /he7-.,, • Wells 7vt. 4, Lawrence Morris Y Mr.Chairman Result --- Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,I.J10.143 ,' natijiteLt•A t.4.,Viol/ . .. y Recorder. Mayor " ., pf An ordinance providing for smoke inspection in Salt Lake City. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake _ City, Utah m Section 1. There is hereby established as a division of the Department of Public Safety a bureau of smoke inspection, the Chief of which shall be known as the Smoke Inspector. Section 2. The Board of Commissioners shall appoint as smoke inspector a competent person who shall be a mechanical engineer, qualified by technical training and experience in the theory and practice of the construction and operation of steam boilers and furnaces and in the theory and practice of smoke abatement and prevention. Section 3. The Board of Commissioners may at any time remove such smoke inspector without cause, without charges being preferred and without trial of hearing or opportunity to be heard whenever, in the op)nion of the majority of said Board of Commissioners, the good of the service will be subcerved thereby and the action of the Board of Commissioners in making such removal shah. be final and conclusive and th City Recorder shall forthwith notify the Smoke Inspector of his removal and from the time of his removal the person so removed shall in no case be entitled to any salary or compensation whatever. �' .Lya O:rnEre'-tom ntl1.e LP/--C:rja-ceu v"Z,i t;ii.cvi u.o3+.�a— an, smoke inspector, who sha be—ai nted by the smoke inspector ' a.bjecfr do the confiia„ai,ion of the OBOT ION 7. The— / inspector shall be the same ice, ions herein provided for 43Te rteiee—i r eefberr • entering upon the duties of his o ice, and to Salt Lake / City, in the sum of r' 1 sureties to be approved by the Commissigi, 04 ed upon the thful nwr=117 UI Section 3=1.4i, The smoke inspector shall appoint, with the approval of the Board of Commissioners, the following assistants, deputies, clerks and employees for service in the bureau of smoke 4 inspection: Three deputy smoke inspectors at a salary not to exceed .200.00 per annum each. One stenographer at a salary not to exceed My00.00 per annum. and such other employees as the Board of Commissioners shall deem necessary at such compensation as may be fixed by the Board of Commissioners. assigned to this bureau as shall be provided b ty Commission; their compensation shall be = -by the City Commission and they shall be appoint-e the smoke inspector subject to confirmation by 317 SECTION mcm. No new plants or any reconstruction or repair of any old plants for producing power and heat, or either of them, or any new chimney connected with a steam plant except in private residences, shallrbe erected, reconstructed, repaired or maintained in the city until plans and specifications of the same have been .led in the office of and approved by the smoke inspector and a per- mit issued by him for such erection, reconstruction, repair or main- tenance. Plans and specifications to be filed with the smoke inspect- or shall show the amount and kind of work, the manner of construction, reconstruction or repair and the anount of heating to be done by such plant and all appurtenances thereto, including all provisions made for the purpose of securing complete combustion of the fuel to be used and for the purpose of preventing smoke; said plans and specifications shall also contain a statement of the kind of fuel proposed to be ueed,. and said plans and specifications shell also show what provision is made in the room or apartment in which such plant shall be located for ventilation sufficient for the proper comfort of the operator. Upon the approval of such plans and specifications, a duplicate set of which shall be left on file in said office, and upon the payment of the fees -2- .after provided, the smoke inspector shall issue a permit for .e repair, reconstruction, erection or maintenance of such plant. As soon as the smoke inspector has examined the plans and specifica- tions submitted and has issued a permit as above provided, he shall then notify the Building Inspector to see that the execution of the work permitted is carried out in conformity with the plans and specifications, with special reference to the amount of space used, the size and construction of the chimney used, the provisions for the prevention of smoke, and the provisions for ventilation, and main- taining of proper temperature in the engine and boiler rooms. ltr SECTION iffft It shall be unlawful for any person to use any new, repaired or reconstructed plant for the production and generation ' of heat and power, or either of them, except in private residences, until he shall have first procured a certificate from the smoke in- spector that the plant is so constructed that it will do the work re- quired and that it can be so operated that(no dense smoke is emitted from the chimney connected with the furnace or firebox. SECTION 2S No owner, agent or lessee shall alter or repair any chimney or any old furnace or device, except in private residences, which alteration, change, or installation may affect the method or efficiency of smoke prevention without first submitting plans and specifications to the smoke inspector and securing a permit therefor; provided, however, that minor necessary or emergency repairs which do not increase the capacity of such plant or which do not involve any substantial alteration in structure and which do not involve any alteration in the method or efficiency of smoke prevention, may be made by or under the engineer in charge of said plant without a permit. Any person who shall violate this section shall be liable to a fine of Sj;25.00 for each day upon which he shall prosecute such alteration, change or installation without a permit, and each day's violation shall constitute a separate offense. -3- 4/i i /b SECTIOflii , The emission of dense or thick black or gray smoke or cinders within the city from the smoke stack of any loco- motive, steam roller, steam derrick, steam pile driver, tar kettle, or other similar machine or contrivance, or from the smokestack or chimney of any building or premises except in private residences, for a longer period than six minutes in any one hour during which the firebox is being cleaned out, flues blown or a new fire being built therein, is hereby declared to be a nuisance. Any person or persons, or corporation or corporations, causing or permitting such a nuisance and who shall fail or refuse to cooperate with the smoke inspector in endeavoring to prevent the emission of said dense smoke shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this ordinance, and upon conviction� � thereof shall be fined not less than one dollar nor more than ten, dollars for each offense; and each day of such emission of dense smoke shall constitute a separate offense. // SECTION Ma. The fees for the inspection of plans and issuing of permits and for the inspection of plants and issuing of certificates shall be as follows; For inspecting plans of new plants and plants about to be constructed, vP 2.00 For inspecting plans for repairs and alterations, 1.00 For examining a plant after its erection or recon- struction and before its operation and maintenance, 3.00 The fee paid for the inspection or examination shall include the issuing of a pli"nit or certificate, in case such permit or certif- icate is granted. The smoke inspector may, and. he is hereby directed and in- structed to remit all inspection or examination fees charged, or that hereafter may be charged, against any€nd all charitable, religious, and educational institutions when the furnaces or other devices inspect- ed are located in or upon premises used and occupied exclusively by such charitable, religious, or educational institutions; provided, that such charitable, religions, or educational institution is not conducted I or carried on for private gain or profit; and provided, further, that •h�' ' the smoke inspector may require every application for remission of su4 to be verified by the affidavit of one or more taxpayers of the city. At/L SECTION I*. Prosecution for all violations of this ordinance shell be instituted by the smoke inspector and shall be prosecuted by the City Attorney in the name of halt Lake City. The issuance and delivery by the smoke inspector of any permit or certificate for the construction or reconstruction, or any permit for the alteratio:v or repair of any plant or chimney connected with a plant, shall not be held to exempt any person or corporation to whom any such permit has been issued or delivered, or who is in possession of any such permi‘ from prosecution on account of the emission or or thick black or grey smoke or cinders issuance of dense/NNW caused or permitted by any such person or cor- poration. ag SECTION •. The city shall provide such instruments, books, papers, and equipment as shall be necessary for the proper performance of the duties of the members of the bureau. The smoke inspector shall have charge of such instruments, books, papers, and equipment, and shall deliver the same to his successor in office. tt/y SECTION MO. The smoke inspector shall cause to be kept in his office a complete record of all plans submitted and of all permits issued and of all examinations of plants made by members of the bureau° and also of all certificates issued. inermillY SECTION Of, The smoke t sp. for sha qak report of the v�[ C'�rs cwalww 4 �A+.�a.+ a .,..-Aac411 k vy!` work of his bureau to Whelk ion or before the krst d y of January, and at other times as often as required by the ikkir9 Commission 4' 4.!6 SECTION '!!!.►. It shall be unlawful for any person acting on behalf of the City under the provisions of this ordinance,, to take or receive any money or any valuable thing for the purpose of deceiving or defrauding any person or persons, or for the purpose of favoring any person or persons, or to recommend the issuance of any certificate of inspection without havinglat the time stated in said certificate), thoroughly examined the furnace, device or apparatus mentioned therein 2 Any person violating the provisions of this Section shall upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine in any sum not exceed- ing n100.00, or by imprisonment in the City Jail for a period not ex- ceeding sixty days. The court may in imposing the fine, enter as part of the 4udgment that in default of the payment of the fine the $efndant may be imprisoned in the City Jail for a period of not ex- 5 4- N ing si d7 .S 4%S2/G r, /7d// e% 4Gt 1/ Y /173 -1; ONrssil.AZld.inances and parts o£ ordinanc a re ,`;, .$ 41,tons & arts ,.,;'reSelutione .-conflict with this o ;ina ce, ,,paC'd' yre)qby ripe e�i 'to rti.e gxtdnt gf soh conflict. . r' .SE ZO$ t77ehits *dt ailea`;shall take effect upon.:it 'firs "ioublicaton'.; , Els Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, February 4th, 1914. l !i V//2Y /yi" Jf l 4 t� t7 ecorder _ -M or Y 4 -6- F) t.---▪ :4- 1 , I tt i =at ..„ 1 , lIaria .tio.14te:-.', .9,_tat To iino_talvoa-cr ar::a nrtitsio t...- not:v.c.9cr vr.A m7T_ g7 ' -.6 0 0 OX9 j'Off ItIftl V.0:0 III 01:111 a V bell aLcurcf ocf A'L.-....s Tarr t IN1 tO.LIT.Cf.C'9 110Q1, ...lie ton bolt eaq s -.17 ot list 1 t.t 0 sift ill /Tram=Ea vu A 00.001.;e .317 1 aa et o.rTo3no arlit srit 31T.tEtOcr.fiTi fli X.EPT I'V.I0 0 earl .a%-sh •11--xle ?„,.cribeso v t_ ill: e.f. - to trfol-srz rag egt to t.C.craleb al tati't kiegabt.r.t„ s,Ht,:to,,47,4,sq„ _ 1 -sot ton lz bail's act a . .:"... 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