17 of 1924 - Amending Sections 607-610-1272, relating to Electrical Wiring ROLL CALL
° Salt Lake City,Utah, arch. . 1,
Barnes 1924..,..
Burton I move that the ordinance be passed.
Green (�
_ elk%)
Mr. Chairman
AN ORDINANCE Al„ENDING SECTIONS 607, 610 and 1272 of
the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, with
respect to electrical installation and wiring.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Sections 607 and 1272 of the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, with respect to
electrical installation and wiring be amended to read as follows:
SECTION 607. Each application for a permit to
install electric wiring consisting of more than eight (6)
lighting circuits, or more than four (4) motors, or more
than four (4) electric ranges, must have attached thereto
a sketch or blue print, showing in detail the proposed
method of installing wiring and apparatus.
be unlawful for any person to engage in, commence, conduct
or carry on the business of a contracting electrician with-
out first obtaining a license so to do. The license fee
payable under this section shall be twenty-five dollars
(425.00) per annum. 'or the purpose of this section a con-
tracting electrician shall be defined as any person having
an established place of business in Salt Lake City and regu-
larly engaged in the business of installing electrical wir-
ing, fixtures, apparatus, or appliances for furnishing
light, heat or power, t fgraph, telephone, district messep
ger, or other electrical work.
SECTION 2. That Section 610 of the Revised. Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, be amended by amending paragraphs
e, f, g and 14 and by inserting in and to said section paragraphs
lk and 1, as follows:
(e) All conductors entering buildings from overhead
lines shall be enclosed in approved rigid metal conduit hav- I
ing weatherproof threaded joints and equipped with approved
service head, and all wires of same circuit shall be placed I
in the same conduit.
When approved by the City Inspector, armored, flex -
b1e cable may be used instead of rigid metal conduit.
For low potential systems, except where switchboar
I '
is installed, the inner end of service conduit shall enter
an approved metal service cabinet enclosing service switch 1
and service fuse, or fuses. This metal service cabinet shal7i
be grounded, and shall be of such construction as to indicates
plainly whether service switch is open or closed, and to al-
low the operation of the switch from the outside of the box 1
without opening the box or exposing any current carrying
parts. The construction shall be such that the switch in
III itself serves for load controlling, switching, or meter test-
ing purposes, and when used for testing purposes it shall
have at least one protecting fuse in circuit at all times.
This metal service cabinet shall have a hinged cover, so ar-
ranged that the cabinet may be sealed, either by the Company
supplying the current, or by the City Inspector.
�£) Aai meter loops up to and including 100 amperes
shall be controlled by switches equipped with testing clips,
and the service cabinet shall be of such construction as to
receive the standardized meter trims which the company sup- I
plying the current shall provide. These service cabinets
shall be installed with blank end-walls.
(g) All wires hereafter installed for furnishing
light, heat or power in any building in the districts known
as Fire Limiter ', No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 must be in conduit.
(h) All buildings hereafter erected, to be used
for public or industrial purposes, such as churches, stores,
halls, school buildings, garages, manufacturing establish-
meats and warehouses must be wired in conduit. All apartment{ .
houses more than one story high, containing five or more Ili
apartments or rooms, must be wired in conduit.
(k) All plug outlets or receptacles placed less
thin five feet above the floor must be of the parallel plug
(1) All branch cutouts must be enclosed in metal
&ICTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect thirty-one
days after its passage.
2 ;La
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this iv—___ day of , A.D. 1924.
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j—/ City Recorder.
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