17 of 1925 - Amending Section 2016-17-34 and 41, relating to Waterworks Department ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, June....1,. ,192..5... Barnes Burton I move that the ordinance be passed. Finch Green vem, See —7— Mr. Chairman Result _ AN OR CE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 2016, 2017, 2034 and 2041 of Chapter LXIV, £evised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, and amending said Chapter LXIV by adding in nd to said chapter two new sections to be known as Sections 2017X6 and 2017X7, relating to the Water Works Department. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Sections 2016, 2017, 2034 and 2041 of Chapter LXIV, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 2016. METER RATES - BILLS RENDERED - VACANCY. The rates for water supplied through meters to all places will be the same for all consumers, namely, five and one-half cents per 100 cubic feet for the first 13,000 cubic feet; five cents per 100 cubic feet for the second 13,000 cubic feet and four and one-half cents per 100 cubic feet for all oter 26,000 cubic feet consumed per month. The minimum charge for meter service shall be 50 cents per month. Where premises are being supplied by more than one water service there shall be a minimum charge of 25 cents per month for each additional meter installed. Where more than one residence is being supplied with water through the same metered service there shall be a minimum charge of 50 cents per month for each resident. 1.7 ii -2- Public schools shall pay the above rates less a discount of 25 per cent. bills for water used through meters shall be renderr ed monthly or quarterly. If the bills rendered as aforesaid are not paid within fifteen days after their rendition, the it Superintendent of Water Works shall cause the water to be turned off and before the water is turned on all unpaid water i li rates must be paid in full, together with a turn-on fee of y 1.00. When for any reason the water meter shall fail to II I register, bills shall be rendered at the average rate con- 1 • sumed for like periods of time. Should any water taker, using a water meter, desire] to have the meter on his premises tested, the charge shall be $2.00 where the meter is found to be correct or to register in favor of the consumer, but where found to be over-registez!- ing the cost of such test shall be borne by the city. Any water user to avail himself of en abatement foz} I non-use of water on a meter shall report to the superintendent 1 in. writing and have water turned off his premises and the meter removed. Before water service will again be supplied written notification must be made to the Superintendent to- gether with a fee of three dollars to cover cost of re- I � installation of meter. II ' II SECTION 2017. METERS rURNISIUD 3M CITY. Meters oft type approved by the Board of Commissioners up to and includ+ ing one inch in size will be furnished and maintained by the city. All water meters must be installed in a concrete meter box at the curb except where in the opinion of the Superin- tendent of Water Works it is not practicable. The cost for making this installation will be as follows: 5/8" by 3/4" $6.00 3/4" by 1" $11.00 1" by 1" $18.25 �1 -3- All meters of larger size than one inch shall be furnished at the expense of the applicant. In all cases, type of meter to be furnished shall be approved by the buperl intendant of Water Works. All meters shall be under the control of the Super- . intendent of Water Works. i Water meters must be readily accessible to the meter reader on his regular trip and where the meter is not access - ble a concrete meter box must be installed at the curb for which there shall be a charge of $6.00. This section may be enforced by turning off water until complied with. SECTION 2034, WATER MAIN EXTENSIONS 1.aDE AT EXPENiE OP CITY. Hereafter all water main extensions shall be made it without special taxes being levied to pay for same. SECTION 2041. PRIVATE PIPES. When permission is granted by the Board of Commissioners to any person to put Ij in a private water service, the whole cost of installing the same shall be paid by the person obtaining such permission. All such water service shall be maintained and kept in good repair by the owners and users thereof, at their own cost and it expense. In all cases a standard curb box and curb cock shalll be installed at the curb for each separate premise. I I Should anyone corniest to a private pipe without a permit from the Water Works Department, water may be shut ofli11 1 at the main until permit is taken out and all expense of shutting off and turning on is paid. Whenever a city water main shall have been laid in front of premises already connected to a private pipe, the owner or occupant shall upon notice from the auperintendent of 'Waterworks, make application for re-connecting the ,pre- mises to the city water main. The charge for this re-connec tion will be 0_2.00, for which price the city will tap the main and extend a 3/4 inch service pipe, re-connecting the premises at the curb. �i I - 1 -4- I SECTION 2. That Chapter LXIV, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, be and the same is hereby amended by ;; adding in and to said chapter two new sections to be known as sections 201716 and 2017X7 and to read as follows: SECTION 2017X6. METER DEPOSITS AND f3GREFIrIENTS. sNeter takers, who are not the owners of the premises on whicl metered water service is being supplied, shall deposit with the City Treasurer an amount sufficient to cover the cost of the water meter and any water bills which may accumulate, and in no case shall this deposit be less than 0.0.00. The City; Treasurer shall issue a certificate of deposit. The amount deposited shall be refunded to the holder upon the return of the meter in serviceable condition, payment of water bills and surrender of the certificate. All bills for water rates! must be paid promptly without reference to said deposit. Whenever any consumer of water shall have failed to pay for water supplied to such premises the money deposited or any part thereof may by the board of commissioners be applied to the payment of such delinquent bills. At the option of the superintendent of Water storks' !i I no meter deposit need be made if the owner of the premises ! I• metered shall sign an agreement to the effect that he will bt responsible for the payment of all bills for water used through such meter as provided in Section 2016 of this chap-1I ter. SECTION 2017 ' It shall be unlawful for any person, J i I by himself, family, servants or agents to open, interfere with, injure, deface or in any wise impair the workings of any water meter. It shall be unlawful for any person other than a duly authorized employee of the department of water supply and water works to remove any water meter from any premises. It shall be unlawful for any person to post on aryl premises any water meter signs where no water meter has been! 1 -5- duly installed, and it shall be unlawful for any person with intent thereby to evade assessment for water rates to state that a meter has been installed upon any premises where such meter has not been duly installed. SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitant4 of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately}. SECTION 4. This ordinanee shall take effect upon its publication. Passed by the Board"bfCOmmiesioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this day of s <9,;,,N& A.D. 1925. 'iayor. it City Recorder. it Ii � I f,l I • s k :1:\. :ri 4!r 191 • - ‘ ' • t • -"-;_sT ...L: ,. --.'•7.t.- f E y\,i- r - �b 7 sI _4 aui p cr 1rf a .�" d 6' . . .0rj c— z w s i I=. I p1: I r V 1 ._ i