17 of 1929 - Granting franchise to Salt Lake Terminal Company for track on 1st West Street between Pierpont Stree R v .. f ;, • AN ORDIN.INC& An Ordinance granting to the Salt Lake '"rtr•ff:ie:al Company, its enooeasore and assigns, a franchise and right of way to construct, maintain and operate a single spur track from ,, and between its main line on first Nest Street in Salt Lake City, to the property line upon the east Bide of said street. _ Be it ordained by the ,board of Commiseionere Vie 4 .of 40 Lake City, Utah; Section 1. A freechi se eed rl,gi.t Of 1 tt:� = hereby granted to the Salt lake Terminal Company end its aucoeasors and assigns. to construct, maintain end operate a single spar traok from and between its mein lie on Piret ';rest Street in Salt lake City to the property line aeon the east side of said street as follows: Beginning at a point in the see*ter liee of the east mein track of the Salt ',eke 'i elan{ ,: eampany, sane point being 8.35 fact mat and 69..81 fast north from .t'O. '€ street t,u:u tner+t at the internocl non oil T`_iei Swute. and ' Pint eest Streets; and rm ning °Banos r,nr`.naxly on a , our ee tp the right with a radiur;, of z,0 fo"t, 'ar eeeee feet; thence north 10o east 14.41 feet; W?..arne on e. ene:a; to right .vith a radius of 150.00 feet for ;,. .p. fen eeee s on a curve to right with a rediee ,f lne feet eor s.n t:. F's, 1, feet more or leeee to the crest ereee i::s of Lot z, i Block 59,; Plat "A", Salt Lake Cite Survey - aid peent being >4,56 feet soatbeOf,LW. corner of said Let i:. Center . line oe aid agar track being more p :rt.cal i:y e x.d la x' yellow on the attached print which is oerel-i rl&ae . , of this ordinance. Section 2. During the term of thin fra4lot<ie , the grantee shall be subject to the following conditions, viz:. (a) That said spur track shall be lair" ap,,,n 3 and gonform to the established grade of said street, and if wild grade is afterward changed by ordinance of the Beare of Comae-.+een ionets. the grantee shell, at its own expense, change tee 1 .elevation of the track so as to conform to the same. (b) The said grantee, its sncceasors and asaxens, he ver so required by the Board of Commissioners so to do,. shall pave, repave. resurface or repair between the rails, and for 4 space of two (2) feet on the outer side of each rail where . •?#a'id IlTask is constructed with such material and in such a manner d- be approved by the Commissioner of Streets and puhli.c reee, e nis<and.:al*. ,tom hy e1l ba_.3a14. "e aon eta base of 'week ihioknese as shall be directed by said oommissioter. f t 4 Is the event the said grantee shaleefail to''° . ems.' repave. resurface oz repair any surface or ar.aij ' berein �d for a gsxi of thirty (2i)) day we fir. nr#ifot rga 1. lard of O seioflerb so to ,d,o. the oi�ehall bhi a the right e_ ,to peva, repave. xes*rfaoe or repair said surface or area and tee • f gam! agrees to reimburse the city Par the total cost of es.te '. afork,i labor and material. _ 5 : I.: (4) The !kid spur track shall be laid, and the roai operated so as to canes` no unneoessary impediment to the ?pis and osdinarg use of Said street.lupen which it is laid. u - (d)`gogd as!. aCti'fioien.'� conduits to_con-troy .,- • , - 4444:1 water shall be laid and maintained in good condition at the • expense of said grantee in all water ditches crossed by said spur track, so as to admit of free passage of water. (e) Salt Lek. Oity reserves the right to • regulate and control the speed of all trains, engines and care Operated by the grantee. its successors and assigns upon the spar track aforesaid. neither engines nor oars shall be •e• nittid to stand on said e... (t) That if in patting in said spar truck etid grantee shill remove or in any manner interfere with the llr t• sidewalk. Ger* or gutters or waterways on Mid street. . 1.1 replete* such pavement with the sae or such other material as be ordered by the Board of Cmomiesioaers and shall • Ei replace ab sidemallAS sad snob curbs, gutter. and waterways to the it— setWeetion of the Oemmissioner of Streets eat Publie improvements 1-- , and gahll so eonstruet the gutters that they will allow the free passage of water and to the satisfaction of said eamagsalooer. 80004. , S. lietikingtin this grant Shall be rued so as to ,,,, igokb.leige ir or its authorised „,.,. *entree - - diVeerporatione tit whena franchise ,. may- . bithmor Iasi hers ter be granted ire* paving. severing, .13 or watersaine or pipes altering, repeirinjor' in any ng sa1 .) ,.viid streets, but all 8 h improve s Shill be rag& •C little injury as preatios le to emit par track j 1r , 'Veit gra • heretittts Sueseesan a* assigns, shall, and by tbe,soceptanee Of the , I . ivileges and franchisee herein i et , , , , ,- .,•, ideraties of . • save the city blase suits, slab*imolai) azd jelgemets Wheteoerldr. elbeetiter •is low or in equity, which shall be asserted, found or rendered in 7 manner whatsoever, against said city for injury or • — '7 -: ''• ' - - 1 Irr'' '' ' 1-' '—- '• ''fiat - . --'' '' -''' -..' t` I • sue1 *sore and signs I' 13.ipay the amount of any judgment, determination or imation. wbioh in any suit or proceedings may or shall be found : age t Salt inks Oity. and said grantee, its summoners are I seal a shall appear in and defend all actions brought against les Oity Ibr arg injury or damage by volume of the con- 1 at :' ' - , Cr- zrra or rotraorroor of owl ilipur track; provided, ,, saelgile. *11 have 7.' etch •- i bat ties o any me eu _, a to OP MAI to appear and defeat the same. Section b. Shin franchise shall'ertee d until LI ,„dzui.rs$ioa of, WO Jomeehise .granted to the Salt inke rigif4 - "bhariehtiki. in , beebbt-ar,100 wilt De, January, 1964: provided, however, reset if or a period eteSa. eoneeoative months during the life of this franchise, ,., i ue A spur traok,te not used for the **press purpose for which lair Weiss in get*ed,-this franchise shall be null and void; • - on so ordered by the hoard of Commissioners said spur track shall. within SO days thereafter, be removed and the street restored I to a nondition uniform with tho balance of maid street with -re- 4` epee, to grade, materials and construction, to the satisfaction ,,,, 1 of the Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvements. in the I event wants, fails to remove said tracks and rester. said street .-. ... meat Lake Oity may do so at grantee's 'rpm*. 1-4 * ) , , 4 JO i I ..R2e:.`4" . _ ._ 'fie.. --,- -. • -r_ ..�;7-77.— 3F ap '[. .• .3— Section'6. Unless this franchise and all the terms and conditions thereof shall be accepted in writing by the . grants* herein within 30 days from the passage of this ordinance, ;and Unless ;aid track be constructed within one year from the date of sack passage, then this ordinance shall be null and void. Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect upon :: : fi publioat rgeed by_. u1 lewd of Commissioners of t , Utah; 9 44 c, Mayo to 1�. 4 .7Q p. P rn• U A it a- 1 r 1 City Reco pier I' Feb11 o • wY — `�"�. MAY *02 1029 1 i QiYv Arroawusa 3 1 i 1 A i V 3 } • :N ,. y — — j /670 2Z.33" 4,3 F- I o GALIOHER HOLDING CO. N O Z r' w o LUCILE G.TAYLOR iZoMNEY z 0 W F L I TI LU0LLE C.T hOMNEY ^=' f , TEE IN TLE z L`� (1) OLD W I °JULIA CLAEK q h LF=_INTEREST 500' 75'.O 42.0' S.1(.7MT 81 TG1Z-MINA. N . C.0, I /a70' O w 1 , i ) r H 2 J ° I v I +' J ,it- I I Z Q r 1r I J 0 J u. a . l' g Ill •NI I. 79.0' 35.0" I 33.0' 87.5' I _ _ 03 Q: THIRD SOUTh1 57. E "8.35' • SI CITY MoN, I I SALT LAKE TEEMINAL CO. I APPLICATION FOR. FRANCHISE FOR SPUR.TCRACK. SALT LAKE Ca y,UT. SGALH:I"'40' MAY 8,19Z9. i -7"-Toar—c "— 17_ . Ordinanc • t.,:a;‘.. XVMS),,I.A z\,,s •• 1,4) MAY k8 1929 xe...i. pareadon4r14. CITY RECORDER ( r 4 limo( of 1ut'1tratti n 3tntttb$'fufea nffAin rira STATE OF UTAH se. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE '! An brdlntinee.granting to the Salt Smite trdr&drral company,-its succedeorf aid atuggne,a trdnclilre and eight of HARRY WOLFF ,WB GCS csrj§t40t,matatatn'and operate a s�rlgid pnr trio*from and between dtb 13,f10,0II litr.t West street to Salt %ato §y„to thm property'line upon p.404 tow of said otre0t. being first duly sworn,deposes and says,that he is the Principal Clerk pd 1hp 7Pli So t hak a board Utah. of ga1t hake-City.Utah: seotiQa 1..A cairn lse-and right of" a�`leds'ereby granted to the to Lake of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper published in �a[,�eOmpa$Y and 1t n ceeeso d ap Sk1k1m a Stogi cp u ritras fro lug end d afe'a'9l mom spur n First West street Salts Lake itne an Ydrst Opertyireet Salt Lake City,earn-xake city to the pruperar Sine Salt Lake County,State of Utah. upon the east side of said street,as follotrn: - - •. •Beginning at a point in the center lineeke Of the east males track of the t to Lakr That the Notice AN ORDINANCE. Soft ChelhOMPa O,said point'l sing S.35. sheet monuast ment at a the interseet north ct On of the Third.South and First West streets:and SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION. running thanes northerly on a curve - - Lo'the right with.ae radius north of 200 feet, for 34:9e feet,thence u1curvereto OFFICE OF TYS CITY RECORDER. east iiri1 ieeta thence on curve to 20.2t 2 eet; thence radius of curve tear for �wlth radius of 132 feet for r�19 04 to r feet •,re.Or Lease,to the west property line BILL NO. 17. of'lot 2,block 99,`plat'"A;'Salt Lake City s irvey—said point being 34.56 feet seut of Mae W.-corner of said lot 2: Center LLne lofaxly shown spur track' n tng rocirhe of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news- Attached print which is hereby made a part of this ordinance. section 2.-During the term of this 29 th franchise the grantee shall be subject paper in its issue dated the to the'following condition.,via.: (a) That Bald'.spur track shall be laid Upon and conform to the established grade of said street,and if said grade is day of 1"'a',� , 192 9 lterwara changed by.ordinance of the , board.of commissioners, the grantee shall,at its own n expense, change the elevatlen of the brook 9.se to conform and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on to the same, (b)m The said grantee,its successors and Magna,whenever so required by the beard'of 0 slonero so to do,shall inay 29 th. for Pave.reportrt 0e0iaface or repair between the rails and for a space of two (2) ere feet on the Outer side of each call where tBald ertrireck is oonstructea with such ma One insertion. Lerlarand in such a manner as may be approved by thei om saaf treats thereafter,the full period of and public improvements, all ties shall be laid upon a concrete base of such thickness as shall be directed by said crmmmstoner. the last publication thereof In the event seldgmntee shall fail for pave.o repave;resurface or repair any sonnies or area asherein required fora 29 th Period of thirty(30) days mien otice beingin the issue dated the day of from:the;board of oo have thel right so pave, the e, rshall.ee o the airhs d ua repave,area r sod t e'or repair said to tea orursaand the grantee seas y cost reimburse work,labor andf material. Na A.D.192 9 n, The avid spur tracksoshall ue laid, thes.",/ and road operatedsons to cause no molt and or impediment reeto the com- mon end it I.knee of said street upon whichGeed laffito d. (d) Goad and shall be Lai and main- Mined convey In gr shalt Oi lnfa t theex Of mid.condition at the ter 29th ditches crossed Of by a snot'all water Stec: sworn to before me this of tree passage of water. day of as to .Salt LLake City reserves the'right to regulate and control the speed of all tral pn en sod.care operated by the ears e e c m A.D.192 9 °inat aeea1y,woo pe a4aatoko to e .den-set d'apilr'tree kOII 7lral Notary Public. Advertising fee,$ • if That if in putting in,eaid,apuC track said grantee shall,remove,Or 1n any'manner.lnterfare with:the pate- monk+id0/elk,barbs.err gutters or-aa- .terwsya-oh'eald'street,it shall replace such"pavement with-the same or,such other material as shall be ordered by the.board of commissioners and'el:all-re- place.such'sidewalks and such curbs, gutters and waterways to the satisf ac- tion of the contmiseiondr of streets.and public overnents and shall thgutter9 net hwil'all con- struct 'the.free:passage-of"water'and to'the eatiafaotlon of said coiuimseloner. ' Section 3. Nothing In this grant shah •be construed-So-as to.prevent Galt Lake City or'its authorised agents;contras- tore,persona.or corporations to-whore a franchise may have beep of may•here- of ter'be granted from Paving,.-aeWerilig, laying gas or watermalua or;pipes.alter- Mg,repairing or in"any manner improv- ing said'streets,,but all'such improve- -mente.shall be made With as little In- jury.as practicable to said spur.track and'the operation thereof. Section 4. The laid grantee herein, its-successors and assigns.*hall,mug by the acceptance of the privileges and franchiea herein granted and in con- sideration of the same,does,bind it- telf, its succese0re'and assigns, upon ie acceptance of this franchise,to save the city harmless fromry all cults,claims, demands and judgofents whatsoever, whether in law or in equity,-which shall be asserted.found or centered in any manner whatsoever,against'sald'elty for injury or-damage to abutting property or otherwise by reason of the granting of this-franchise or by-reason of the operation oi'dald spur track;'and that the grantee,its successors and assigns will pay the amount 0f any judgment, determination or adjudication,which In any'suit or proceedings may'or mall be.found against Salt Lake City,and said.rantee,lie-successors and-assigns shalt ppeaf"in'and defend en actions brought against-Salt Lake•City-for any injury or'damage by reason of the con- struction,Operation or maintenance of said spur track:provided,however,'that said grantee,its ucceeeora or assigns, shall have had notice of any-such suits, and an'opportunity to'appear and de- fend the ea Section 0. This franchise,shall ex- tend until the expiration of that fran- chise granted to the Salt Lake Terminal company on December el.'1913,to..wit: Until the first day of January,1964;pro- vided,.however,that if fora period of nine consecutive months.during the life of this franchise;'.the--said spur track is not used for the.express pur- pose for which this-franchise-is grant- ed,'this franchise shall be null and void: and If no Ordered by the•board of com- missioners said spur,track shall,within thirty days thereafter,be removed and the street restored to a condition uni- form with thep balance of said street. with:respect to grade, materials and ronetructlrn,to the satisfaction of the commissioner of streets and public im- provements. in.the event grantee fails to remove said tracks and restore'mid, street, Salt Lake City may-do so at grantee's expense. - Section e. Unless this'franchise and MI the terms and conditions thereof shall be accepted an writing by the grantee•herein.within thirty days from the passage of this ordinance,:and ties-- lead,said track be constructed within one year from the date of such passage, then this ordinauoa shell be,.null.and void. • Section 7. —This ordinance shall ',take effect upon Its first publication., ' Passed by.the board of commaaslen. ere Of Salt.Lake City, Utah,Slay 28:,; 1929. JOHNS'.BOWMAN, o1es20B411 N 9 publ a d'May , 030.