17 of 1932 - Amending Chapter LX, relating to Traffic and Travel. ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City Utah April 11, 193' Finch I move that the mdmance be passed Keyser V Knight Lake V Mr Chairman V AN O‘DINAN E Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER LX, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, by amending paragraph (CC) of Section 1854 as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on 1ebruary 11, 1932, and adding in and to said Section 1854 as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on February 11, 1962, a new paragraph to be known as (LL), amending Section 1889 as amended by ordinances passed ay the Board of Commissioners on July 21, 1921, and June 16, 1930, repealing Section 1880 1, as adopted by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on June 21, 1926, and Section 1929X5, as adopted by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on February 11, 1932, and adding in and to said Chapter Lk a new Section to be known as section 1389X1, relating to traffic and travel on streets. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah SLCTION I. That Section 1854, of Chanter LA, revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on February 11, 1932, be and the saute is hereby amended by amending paragraph (CC) of said Section, which shall read as follows (CC) BUSINLSS DISTRICTS. There is hereby designated "Busi- ness districts" within Salt Lake City, Utah, which shall be all the streets and carts of streets within the folloting two dis- tricts which shall be clearly defined b; signs, annroved by the State Road Commission , po ted on the streets at the limits of sa]d districts, which districts shall be designated end bounded as follows -2- '"fAIN BUSINUS DISTRICT° Com.nencing at the intersection of the east line of F ist pest Street with the north line of South Temple Street, thence east along the north line of South Temple Street to the west line of North Main Jtreet, thence north along the west line of North Mhin Street to the north line of Nortn Temple Street, running west, thence east to the east line of Nortn Main Street, thence South along the east line of North ,drain Street to the north line of North Temple Street running east, thence east along the nortn line of North Temple Street to the east line of North State Street, thence south along the east line of North State Stre,.t to the north line of South Temple Street, thence east along the north line of South Temple Street to th east line of Second Last street, produced, thence south along the east line of Second Last Street to tne south line of Fourth South atreet, thence west along the south line of Fourth South Street to the east line of State Street, thence south along the east line of State Street to the south line of Ninth boutn Street, litititibscticc malthobilnex.lafxtRuattN±IatztlloatneectI, thence vest along tne south line' of Ninth Louth Street to the east line of Main Street, thence south along the east line of Main Street to the soutn line of Fayette Avenue, produced, thence west along the south line of Fayette Avenue to the west line of Main Street, thence north along the west line Of Main Street to the south line of Fifth South Street, thence west along the south line of Fifth south Street to the vest line of Ucst Temple Street, thence north along the vest line of a. st Temple Street to the south line of Fourth South Street, thenceawest along the south line of Fourth South Street to the east line of First West Street, thence north along the east line of First pest Street to the north line of South Temple Str..et, being the point of beginning -3- laIDAR HOUSE HUSINASS DISTRICT_II Commencing at the intersection of the south line of .-Jlst South 'Street with the west line of 10th East Street running south, thence north to the north line of 21st South Street, thence east along the north line of 21st South Street to the west line of 11th Last Street, thence north along the west line of llth Last Street to the north line of Hollywood /venue, thence east to the east line of llth Last Street, thence south along the east line of llth Fb.st Street to the north line of 21st South Street, thence east along the north line of 21st South Street to the east line of 12th Last Street, thence south to the south line of 21st South Street, thence west along the south line of 21st South Street to the east line of llth East Street, thence south along the east line of llth Last Street and southeasterly along the east line of Highland Drive to the north line of Simpson Avenue running east, thence west to west line of Highland Drive, thence northwesterly along the west line of Highland Drive and north along the west line of llth Last Street to the south line of 21st South Street, thence west and northwesterly and west along the soutn line of 21st South Street to, the west line of 10th East Street, being the point of beginning. i'. 4 , _4_ That Section 1854, of Chapter LX, Revised Ordinances of , Salt Lake .city, Utah, 1920, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on February 11, 1932, be and the same is hereby amended by adding in and to said Section a new paragraph to be designated as (LL), which shall read as follows (LL) A through nighaay as herteb�y defined, as a main On 1au portion ereo travelled of through highway/Which has erected at the entrancels thereto from intersecting streets or highways stop signs noti- il fying drivers of vehicles to stop before entered or crossing said through highway. SLCTION 2 That Section 1889 of Chapter L.A. of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 19a0, as amended by ordinances pas ed by the Board of Commissioners on July 21, 1921, and June 16, 19e0, relating to traffic and travel on the streets, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows SEC. 1889 RLSTRICTIONS AS TO SPEED. PLNALTY.(A) It shall be unlawful for any person to drive a vehicle upon any street in Salt Lake City at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent, having due regard to the traffic, surface and width of the highway and the hazzard at intersections and any other conditions existing. Nor shall any person drive at a speed which is greater than will permit the driver to exercise proper control of the vehicle and to decrease speed or to stop as may be necessary to avoid colliding with any person, vehicle or other conveyance upon or cantering the highway in compliance with legal requirements and with the duty of drivers and other persons using the street to exercise due care. Any person convicted of a violation of the above basic rule shall be punishable by a fine in any sum not exceeding $299.00, or by imprisonment in the city jail for not longer than si, months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. (B) Any person who drives a vehicle upon eny street in excess j( in Salt Lake City at a speed/of that indicated as follows for the particular district or location, and who, while so driving, 3 's+ �s. t- • i ,i i -5- violates the basic rule set forth in subdivision (1) or any part of the provisions of Chapter LX, hevised Ordinances of Walt Lake City, Utah, 1920, and/or any amendments or additions it thereto, shell upon conviction be punished by imprisonment in the city jail for a zeriod of not less than five days nor more than ninety days, or by fine of not less than $,5 00 nor mole than $299 00, or by both such fine and imprisorutent, and on a second or subsequent conviction shall be punished by im- prisonment for not less than ten days nor more than six months, or by e fine of not less than Fifty Dollars nor more than Two Hundred Ninety-nine dollars, or by both such fine and Jmprison- ment unless for the violation of any of the provisions of said chapter, or amendments thereto another penalty is provided by ordinance $aid indicated speeds are as follows - 1. Fifteen miles per hour (a) When pasuing a school building or grounds thereof , during school recess or while children are going to or leaving school during opening or closing hours (b) rahen approaching within one hundred feet of a grade crossing of a railway or street railway where the driver'., view of such crossing or of any traffic on such railway within a dis- tance of four hundrec feet in either direction is obstructed. 2 Toenty miles per hour (a) Tn any business district as defined by ordinance. (b) Upon appro._ehing within fifty feet and in travers- ing en intersection of highroys where the drive/es view in either direction along any intersecting highways within a dis- tance of two hundred feet is obstructed, ejcept that when travel- ing upon a through street or at traffic controlled inteesections the district spied shall apply 3. Teenty-five miles per hour (a) In any residence district as defined herein, or (b) lit any railway grade crossing where the view is not -6- obstructed, as defined herein, or (c) In all public parks unless a different speed is in dicated by the Boara of Commissioners and duly posted on offi- cial traffic signs at the entrance to said Barks 4. Thirty-five miles per hour (a) On through highways or portions thereof which nave been designated as such by the Board of Commissioners (b) The following streets, or portions threof, as indicated, within Salt Lake City are hereby designated as "through highways" and a speed of thirty-five miles per hour shall be permitted and so indicated upon the official tr«f_ic signs, viz Redwood Rood from North Temple Street south to city limits. North Temple from Main Street west to the city limits Beck Street from 9th North Street north to city limits 2nd 'ecst Street from 7th North Street south to North Temple Street Main Street from Fayette Avenue south to city limits State Street from 9th South Street south to city lithits 5th best Street from South Temple south to city limits 9th east Str€et from South Temple south to city limits. llth last Street from 9th South Street south to Hollywood Avenue Highland Drive from Simpson Avenue south to city limits 13th lost Street from 9th South to 21st South Strc t 17th South Street from nest Temole to 17th ,ast Street 21st .youth Street from Vest Temole e st to 10th 'Past Street and from 12th Last Street to the cit3 limits South Temple Street from 2nd Last Street to Virginib Street and such other streets and highways as may be designated and posted on with proper signs by the Board of Commissioners of tie Chief of Police k F C -7- SECTION 3. That Section 1880X1 of Chapter L),, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, as adopted by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on June 21, 1926, and Section 1925_X5 of Chapter LX, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, as adopted by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commission- ers on February 11, 1932, be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 4 That Chanter LA of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920, be and the same is hereby amended by adding in and to said chapter a ner Section to be known as Section , 1889X1, which shall read as follows SEC. 1889X1. MINIMUM SPEED REGULATIONS. It shall be unlawful for any person unnecessarily to drive at such a s]ow, speed as to impede or block the normal and reasonable movement of traffic except when reduced speed is necessary for safe operation or because upon a grade or then the vehicle is a I truck or truck and trailer necessarily or in compliance with j law proceeding at reduced speed Traffic and police officers are hereby authorized to enforce this provision by directions to drivers and in the event of apparent wilful disobedience , to this provision and refusal to comply with direction of an officer in accordance herewith the continued slow operation by a driver shall be unlawful and shall be a violation of this ordinance and punishable as provided in Section 7 of the Re- 1 vised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1920 SECTION 4 In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take effect immediately SLCTION 5 This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. 7 Passed by the Board of Comm = ione s of Salt Lake City, Utah, this ft day of April, Mayor V7Citv Recorder F v. ! i ' � .._-r„„.ZV?-P,4I' 11, . . _ 2 I.m ik » ® i ¥" > T r 0 t$ 2 2 „ r ' . f ,, `® § ~ - 1 ,mot R , ; _ 2 . E\ &. ¥ c r, v 2 f 1 /..... . Ilk:, k - - - - Proof of Ilubliration lotted *tntrn of Amrrtrn STATE OF UTAH SS. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE AN ORDINANCE' LX gRev Revised Ordinances off Salt NG CHAPTER City, Utah,1920, by amending Para- .graph',(CC)•of Section 1859 as amend- HARRY WOLFF ea by an Ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners-on Febru- ary 11,1939,and,adding in and to said 8eottof,18&i as amended by an ordi- - ende-paeaed cy she Board of Com- missioners beingfirst dulysworn, deposes and says, that he is the Principal Clerk on February 11,1932,a new p Y paragraph to be known as (LL) amending Section t 1889 es amended ordrd ofComm issionercesrss on July 21,,121assed he 1,,wand June 18, 1930; repealing section of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper published in 1880X1, as adopted by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commission- ers 192910, asnadopted9by an"ordinance- Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,State of Utah. passed by the Board of Commission- ere( In n toF said 11,ap e932:and adding ti and to said Chapter LX a new sec- tion kntrraff-traf fic %ave on That the Notice..AI3.--.0w3U.INA[Y.G�i streets.. Be f[t ordained by,the Board of Coin- ' missfOners,of salt Lake City,Utah: SALT LAKE CITY C ORP ORAT ION SECTION 1. That Section 1859:of Chapter LX,Revised ances of Salt Lake City,Utah,1920.asnamended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on February 11, 1932, be and the same is hereby amended by amending paragraph(CC)of Safi Section,which shall read as follows: (CC)BUSINESS DISTRICTS._There Is hereby designated "Rdeineee slis- telots"within Salt Lake City, Utah, whil the streets and parts of st reets eetse ll be iwt within the following two which shall be clearly defined of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said news- by signs,approved by the State Road Commission.posted on the streets at the limits of said districts,which dis- tricts shall be designated and bounded paper in its issue dated the as follows: •'MAIN'BUSINESS DISTRICT." Commencing at the intersection of day of April 193 2 the east line of First West street with- e the north line of south Temple Street, thence east along the north line of South Temple Street to the West line of North Main Street,thence north and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on Street• along Main t to hehe tnm ine o Northf north line of. Notth Temple Street,running west, thence April 14th. t to the east line of:North Main for Street, thence south along the east line of North Main et to the north line of North Templet oStreet running east,thence east along the north line Une ins erti on of North Temple Street to the,east thereafter, the full period of line of North State Street, thence south along the east line of North State Street to the north line of South the last publication thereof Temple Street,thence east'along the Forth line of South Temple Street to the east line of Second East Street, produced,thence south along the east 14th line of Second East Street to the dayof south line of Fourth South -Street, being in the issue dated the thence west along the south line of _ Fourth South Street t the ast of state Street, t • along April 2 s e Past 1 1kto sae ,A.D. 19 South line M Nita Street thence.w.est along tut 11 of Main South Street y t lino e Main Street,the '✓'t e the' GG'd east line f ft In a ', south the o1 F sett a '' [line of thence west Avenue I me •a f line o1 Fayette Aet,t n line f •-� Mein street then 'long the 14th line of '°4 encec to and sworn to before me this day of along the south (',y Jl;, t11 S• Street to the we i W .est•x' ph,Street then t -:I along at[- 2 west line of West Feet t• 77 ,A.D. 193 smith'line.of Fg;'yA1 -r•ith Ste-5'f' thence west t elo pn -tZ th line ,,• Fourth South 8('! a eaet t• '. of First Wet . `%'+T lice nor t• along the east e. -1;Q,f'fret Wes Street to the no -• i South Tem.; ple street,b, ;t .9.� 'at begin, Notary Public. Advertising fee,$ __..._ Mn cast eis410m South Temple south to 9th East m'South Temple other conveyance upon or e..tering the south to city i fa, -SUGAR DH�zi7SINESS highway In compliance with legal re- 11th.East Sire t from Silo South ;i).. and and With the duty of drfv- Street south t0 Hollywood Avenue. Commencing a the Intersection of era and other persons using the street Highland Drive from Simpson Ave- the south line of 21st South Street to'exercise due care. floe south to city limits. with the west line of 10th East Street Any person.convicted of a violation 13th East Street from 9th South running south, thence north to the of the above basic rule shall be pun- to 21st South Street, north line of 21st South Street,thence lehable by a fine in any sum not ex- 17t South street from West Tem- ast along the north line of 21st South eeding$299.00, or by imprisonment 'pie to 17th East Street. Street to the West line of llth East In the city jail for not longer,than 21st South Street from West Tem- Street, thence north along the West six months,or by both such fine and pie east to 10th East Street and from line of llth East Street to the north Imprisonment. 12th East Street to the city limits. line of Hollywood Avenue, thence (B) Any person who drives a veins: South Temple Street Irom 2nd East east to the east line of•llth East ale upon any street in Salt Lake City Street to Virginia Street. Street,thence south along the east at a speed in excess of that Indicated and such other streets and highways line of 11th East Street to the north as follows for the particular district as may be designated and posted with line of 21st South Street,thence east or location,and who,while so driv- proper signs by the Board of Com- long the north 11ne of 21st South Ina,violates the basic rule set forth missloners or the Chief of Police. Street to the east line of 12th East In subdivision(A)or any+part of the SECTION 3. That Section 1880X1 Of Street,thence south to the south tine provisions of Chapter LX,Revised Or- Chapter LX,Revised Ordinances of Salt of 21st South'Street, thence West dlnances of Salt Lake City,Utah,1920, Lake City,Utah,.1920,as adopted by along the south line of 21st South and(or)any amendments or additions an ordinance passed by the Board of Street to the east line of 11th East thereto,shalt upon conviction be pun- Commissioners on June 21,1925;and Street, thence south along the east lshed by Imprisonment 1n the city Section I925X5 of Chapter L.X.Revised like of llth East •and south- jail for a period of not less than five Ordinances of Salt Lake City,Utah, east line along the east of High- days nor more than ninety days,or by 1920,as adopted by an ordinance passed land Drive to the north line of Slmp- fine of not less than$25.00 nor more by the Board of Commissioners on Feb- n Avenue running east,thence west than$299.00,or by both such fine and ruary 11,1932, be and the same are to west line of Highland Drive,thence 1mprlsonment,and on a second or mil,- hereby repealed. • northwesterly along the west line of Sequent conviction shall be punished SECTION 4. That Chapter LX of the Highland Drive and north along the by Imprisonment for not less than leer.- Revised i920,mbe and the Salt ameLake here- by amended by anding Ih and to ere- ; Utah west line of 11th East Street to the days nor more than six months,or by mouth line of 21st South Street,thence a fine of not less than Fifty Dollars West and northwesterly and West along nor more than Two Hundred Ninety- chapter a new Section to be known the-south line of 2lst South Street to nine Dollars,or by both such fineinsand as Section 1889X1,which shall read as the+west line of 10th East Street,be- 1mpance t,unless for the violation follows: ing the of beginning. of anyy o of the provisions of said chap- SEC. 7889X1. MINIMUM SPEED That Section 1854,of Chapter LX, ter or amendments thereto another REGULATIONS. It shall be unlawful Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, penalty Is provided by ordinance. for any person unneceasarlly to drive Utah, 1920,as amended by an Ord1 Said Indicated speeds are as follows: at such a slow speed as to impede or.- nonce passed loy the Board of Com- 1. FiIteen miles per hour: • block the normal and reasonable onissiohers on February 11, 1932, be or When passing a school blinding movement uced speed it necessary safffiO traffic,except when re- and the same'to hereby amended by grounds thereof during school re- yfor safe aper- adding In and to said'Section a new cess or while children are going to or anon or because upon a grade or when ' paragraph to be designated as ILL), leaving school during opening or clos- the vehicle is a truck or truck and ' which shall read as follows: ing hours, trailer necessarily or in compliance (LL) A through highway Is here- (b)-Wh ne approaching ossi g liewith law proceeding at reduced speed. by defined .a main traveled or hun d Peet re a gentle crossing Of a Traffic and police officers arehereby through highway on that portion railway,or street railway where the authorized to enforce this provision by thereof which has'erected at the en- drivel=4'•• iew of such crossing or of directions to drivers.and in event of trances thereto from intersecting any traffic on such railway withth a apparent wilful disobedience to this streets or highways stop signs notify-• distance of four hundred Peet In either- provision and d refusal to comply with 'ing drivers of vehicles to stop before direction is obstructed. - direction f an officer in accordance entering or creasing said through 2. Twenty miles per hour: herewith the continued slow opera-' highway. (a)In any business district as de- lion by a drive}'shall be unlawful and ' SECTION 2. That Section 1889 of fined by ordinance. shall be a violation of this ordinance Chapter LX of the Revised Ordinances teat end in traversing Elan and punishable as provided in Sec- .of Salt Lake City.Utah,1920,as amend- Elan 7 of the Revised Ordinances of •ed by ordinances passed by the Board oI highways where the driver's view Salt Lake City,Utah,1920. of Commissioners onJuly 21, 1921, In Ether direction along any inter- SECTION 4. In the opinion of the June 1 and June 8,1930,relating to traffic setting highways within a distance of Board of Commissioners,ft is neces- ' eaoae travel on the streets,be and the two hundred feet is obstructed, ex- sary to the peace,health and safety same is hereby amended to read as testat thatE et or at traffi when, c-controlled Of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City 1 follows: that this Ordinance shall take effect SEC.1889. RESTRICTIONS'AS TO intersections the district speed shall Immediately.• • SPEED. PENALTY. (A) It shall be aPDIY. SECTION 5. This Ordinance shall unlawful for any person to drive a 3. Twenty-five miles per hour: take effect upon Its first publication. vehicle upon any street 1n Salt Lake (a)In any residence district as de- Famed by the Board of Commis- City at a speed greater than is red-: fined herein, or sionera of Salt Lake City,Utah,this. so able and prudent,having due re- (b) At any railway grade crossing 12th day of April,A.D.1932. good to the traffic,surface and width where the view is not Obstructed,as LOGOS'MARCUS, of the highway and the hazard at defined herein,or Mayor. Intersections and any other conditions Iv)fe In all public parks, unless ETHEL O.17.MACDONALD,City Recorder• existing different' +-:d is indicated by the BILL NO.17. Nor Shall any person drive at a speed Board of- 1 lie and duly Published Apr11 14th,1932, which is greater than will permit the IWeted O,' affl lane at the d 1 r to exercise proper control of the: en ranee'!.",?IV)., hi and to decrease speed Or to 4. Thl es pe hour:'i stop,, as may be necessary to avoid (a)On w y or.portiona colliding With any person,vehicle or, ethereofeof been:designated• oarvi ct " s- doneth 44 cooed,within por- tions Lake Cloy t,..v, :''.y designated sa through h: -, and a speed of I thirty-f*JS + lteur ehe1I—he •y permitted;• ••dlcated upon the xOff1c11 try , viol edwoo•1,�_ g R North Temple . North T ;e 1Main Street West to*hecite- ' ,-Mack Ste :..,'9th North Street 1rj,Orth to,. e Wu .t ram ple Ninth t aS. '� nPayetteO Avenue seulhn to_ TO i State Sorel ... • .. south to city-Wafts. t ate!01 t--- 0 d r: 4‘'6,-, la a ... ,, ... ,.• 1- ) g -g. ,,,. , . z 1 .,1 .z•-• r ,- ,_-1--- - cA