17 of 1936 - Amending Section 729, licensing amusement devices. RtdLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY `f sale City,Utah, 193 Goggin - - - - I move that the ordinance be passed. Keyser _ Murdoch Lee Mr. Chairman L''< AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMiENDING SECTION 729, of an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on September 25, 1934, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commission- ers of Salt Lake City, Utah, on February 7, 1935, relating to licenses for amusement devices. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Section 729, of an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on September 25, 1934, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on February 7, 1935, relating to licenses for amusement devices, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 729. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or use or permit to be operated or used on or in any 1 1 property or premises in his possession or under his control any amusement device, or to have any amusement device in his possession on or in any property or premises in his possession or under his control with intent that the same shall be operated or used, without having first obtained a license therefor and unless the license shall be pasted and at all times remain thereon in a conspicuous place. 'Within the scope and meaning of this ordinance an "amusement device" is any machine, device or contrivance not pro- hibited. or declared unlawful by Chapter XXV, iievised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, designed or intended to be ooerat- ed or used. for amusement or the playing of a game upon or in re- sponse to the payment of some charge or the insertion therein of a coin, slug or check. 17 -2- 1 license subject to the provisions of this ordinance shall entitle the person to whom the same is issued to operate and use and to permit to be used and operated for the period for which the same is issued and only in or on the property designated in said license, an amusement device in Salt Lake City on or in the property or premises in his possession or under his control or on or in the property or premises in the possession or under the control of any other person whose consent thereto has been first obtained, within the area hereinafter designated. Licenses shall be in the form of a label or sticker and must be pasted onto the amusement device on account of which they are issued. They shall contain the words, "Licensed amusement Device No. Issued to For premises located at They shall be numbered consecutively and before issuance the City Recorder shall fill in upon the same the number of the license, the year of issue, the date of expiration, the name of the licensee, and the address of the premises on or in which the same may be operated. For each license there shall be paid to the License :Assessor and , Collector a semi-annual fee of $3 .1A0. ,,,, Licenses shall be issued only for the semi-annual rate and shall ... not be transferable either as to licensee, amusement device, or location. It shall be unlawful to counterfeit a license or to deface or mutilate the same while upon any amusement device ei ep'tt in removing it therefrom by authority of the licensee or to remove it or attempt to remove therefrom without destroying it or use or permit the same to be used at any place other than that designated therein, or for any licensee to place or permit it to be placed or be upon one amusement device after it has been placed upon on another or to place it or permit it to be placed or bany machine, device 4 —f or contrivance prohibited or declared to be unlawful by Chapter X`V, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934. SECTION 2. Any person violating any provision of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not less than j25.00 nor exceeding 1;299.00, or by imprisonment in the City Jail not longer than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. y'.f>i -3- 6 SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissi ,,..s, #115 ge necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants altAa4az City that this ordinance become effective immediately. , A r ( az SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon it rst IS'. '0714 publication. e''''' , ,.., ,,A, „,,,,, , $ ,•,. Passed by the B i of C sione agalt400* Cit"FlAah, . i - * 1 7th day of ilia '4{" 936'".•. 7 q-r ''; 4 , r:,.., ,s °,' 11: 2 13647 , , ' ' ,••,- ' ,..1; ', lee 0 . ? ---9-'V City eco ,-. 42,. ..: 0 >rder - -": .‘:. 8,,,,. •S I CC IAJ 0 0 11 ID U '' 103h...ft...TOO 10 .'Yz.00d .,:,)fl: lo noiniqo ,.-,,,i.: r.:I ..'1: r.OT.TME 4V sl - ...Si .., ehlf4idadni alit lo Icts'ItBa hn.5 r1:1,.--,od ,80B9,-; ed: 0 rsatilepen . IDA , -.1 jz , oci0J-Bit.,,1,1 ev.t,t;,,,,.c.LE, o.roDod onaktni.ao aiffi J'illi3 A,r.:10. ad • ''• rromf *oo'''.'"e ,.-_,,,rzt .r1,-,,fi r4..or,3fikirso a t,'.'" ..... i .noltRnfich,- . ,.. N1/4 dt . Ii0 :Isat..)ici,'Nyerto.ta 0 10 "rZ- L•..-..6 A1.1 £1 c1 beaang : _ '; ts4 Al -<-4, en 1 I 177.) . i „ ' -, •,.., • ..Fl- •p -. • 0 • i"., r m :,t, , B -a.- To ...... ....,,, \,.. t.1. `.......... ......rrf. '1 • . 1.'; ',.zrz.. a. - g, •••4:> •sary'roolgt v.:fp ,.• , . . • . ' i .1 ' [ \ ) villa na 11nhliratinn 33niteb Mates of Arterial STATE OF UTAH }ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 729, of an ordinance passed by the Board of Commis- H. P. THOMPSON ones of Salt Lake City,Utah,on I, September 25, 1934, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of; Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,eanses fFebruary r ue'meni'relaying, being first duly sworn,depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Sectbon 729.eft THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM,a newspaper,published at Salt Lake an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,, Utah, on September1r 25, 1034, n the¢nded Boardbof Com an missioners ordinance of dSa i City,State of Utah. Lake City,Utah,on February 7,1935, relating to licenses for amusement : devices, be to A11•d the as Mows:e is hereby amended read T OR#iM10r1X4Fiti SECTION 729. It shall be un- That the Notice Wi4.47i INE laWfUl for any person to Operate o use or r permit to be operated or SALT LATE CITY CORPORATION. used or 1n any property or premises in his possession,or under amusement his control any amusementment device, or to have any onoramusement device 1n his possession mi o r 1p any sion'property or premises In his in- tent t thatunder hism control with - ednt the same shall bei operat- edfi oraused,licenseWIs ht har an firs- le s etl i ssashall therefor red uand thelicense shall be pasted and at all' times remain thereon in e conspicuous place. thisithrdine.nce the scane'amu ementgdef of which a copy is hereto attached,was first published in said news- vice" 1s any machine, device or contrivance not prohibited or de-' ROared,unlawful by Chapter XXV, 9th evised Ordinances f Salt Lake' paper in its issue dated the City, Utah, 1934. designed or 1n tended to be operated or used for amusement or the playing of a game upon or In response to the May , 193 6, payment of some charge or the in- day of -"-'-sereten therein of a coin,slug or1 ' check. A license subject to the provisions and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on of this ordinance shall entitle the person to whom the same is issued to operate and o use and to permit Sdee¢ t operated for pe- riod f used the s d My 9th, for and only in or on the property des- ignated in said license,an amuse- poment device 1n Salt Lake City on or One insertion fine property de phis co,1n his thereafter,the full period of one or inn or property his entrol ms orns the property or premises in of the possession o under the control of any otherha personnhoseobtained, consent thereto • has been first obtained, the last publication thereof within the area hereinafter des- ignated. ' Licenses shall be in the form of a label or sticker and must be pastedbeing sated 9th day of r.., onto the amusement device n c- in the issue dated the � count of which they are issued.They 1.shall contain the words, "Licensed Amusement Device No. Issued to For May ,A.D.193...... ti premises located at They hall be numbered consecu- tively end before issuance the City Recorder shall fill t upon the Sam¢ • the number he she f expiration,the —...411-4114/24"),I' yea of Issue,the date of ndhead the of t the licensee,so and in w ad- dress of the premises er or. which the same each t n li be operated. pthe ee shall b¢ 9th day of paid t°°the License Assessor and ore to before me this Collector a semi-annual fee of$40.00. Licenses shall be issued only for the semi-annual rate and shall not be transferable either as to licensee;licensee;May , A. D. 193 b.. amusement device,or location It shall be unlawful to counterfeit a licenm or to deface or mutilate { the a while upon any amusement _ .` device except in removing it there- _ L'1�7Y L' "�,-1L —' to r e authority to the licensee or ' Notary Public. to remove I ithr tttdest oy remove therefrom without same to lri or e or permit the same to be Used % SECTION 3. In the opinion of n any place other than that dealt- GL -'2 / //�' p tad therein, r for any licensee to. / //"U" J/ / c Baytl of peace,hers, 1t is place or permit It e t placed r .S safetynecessary tt the pabit t Sad it Upon ens amusement n an afterais P the inhabitants dn of Salt o has been placed upon another Lake City that mm ordinancebe- or to or be 1t permit be comeeffective This ordinance placed tr be ee any machine,iteddevice - take 4. This drstort shall ch contrivance inwfoi]ted or de- take eft¢ct upon its first publlCa- t Revised ise u Orden by Chapter tlon. XXV, ,Utah,1934.Ordinances of gait @@ I Passed by the alt Lake City, of Utah, thi Commis- Lake SECTION nyOperson vfOlating Advertising fee$.. 7th day ofstoners of SMay,A.D.11936.tah,this any provision of this ordinance E.B.ERWIN,Mayor. shall be punished by a fine of not ETHEL MACDONALD, less than $25.00 nor exceeding City Recorder. (Seal.) $299.00,er by imprisonment in the Bill No.17. - City Jail not longer than six months, Published M¢y Sib,193$. - or by both such fine and impris- onment. 1_ri/ PROOF OF PUBLICATION FROM 4r. #alt "Lake &frgrtun County Entry No firma Ott pnrnwattnn IttitOA ttateo of Amerirb 1 STATE OF UTAH SS. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE Aid ORDINANCE An ordinance amending-'Section 729.of an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake, �1 City, Utah, on September 25,passed H.---F�.-TH.O2�PSON ' by amended eoaardy of Oomimiseloneres of) I, 11 A lYK". A•1 Salt Lake City, Utah, on February 7, 1935, relating t0 licenses for! a ties t 0,,1 devices. _tlie-Board of being first duly sworn,depose and say that I am the Chief Clerk of " tlSeifhfssloneto of Salt Lake City,1 Utah:' SECTION 1. That,Section 729.of • coordinance min ionorea sadof b Saltt ieB and of THE SALT LAKE TELEGRAM,a newspaper,published at Salt Lake ' Utah,- on September 25, 1934. as amended by an ordinance passed by of Commissioners of Salt the City.Utah,on February 7.1935, City,State of Utah. relating to licenses for amusement devices,be'and the same Is hereby amended to read as folloshall be T ORDINANCE, SECTION 729..It anal]be n r use That the NoticeAn rill for any person p operate or see r permit to be operated o used on or in In-hlanpossession,or under or premises tree any amusement device,or w SALT LAKE CITY CCRPCRATICN. have any amusement device In his possession on or In any property or -premises In his possession r under his control with intent that the hall be operated or•used, without having drat obtained a li- cense therefor and unless the li- e shall be pasted end at all times remain thereon in a o spi cuous piece. c n- .. Within the scope and meaning device"i;dlanynmachi-"Amusement)e of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said news- claredvunlawful by Chaance not p er XXv, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake 12th City, Utah, 1934, designed or in- paper in its issue dated the tended be operated or used for game amusement or the slaying of a game upon someincree00harge or try the May & tton therein of a coin, slug or day of 193 check. oiAtli a se subject inance to the provisions -person to whom.the s ll me entitle issued and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on • to operate and use and to permit to be used and'op rated for the period for which the same is issued, d May 12th.. only In or on the property designat- ed in-Paid license,•an amusement device in Salt Lake City on or In the property or premises in his posses- sion r under his control or on Lne insertion. 1n the property r premises In the thereafter,the full period of any possession or under the control f person hose'consent Within has Teen whose e deetg. the last publication thereof thin the a eb hereinafter dbig- nated. Licensee shall be to the form of a label or sticker end et be pasted 12th onto the amusement device on ac- being in the issue dated the day of count f which they •issued, Tey shall contain the words "Li-! censed Amusement Device No, Issued to for premises located at May ,A.D.193_&.., �7.... . They hail be numbered consectl-I g'i tively and before issuance the Cltyi $ Recorder shall fill In upon the same of Issui,the date of expltatlon,the • name of the licensee, and the ad- dress of the premises on or in which the a e.may be operated. c oFor each license there shell be 13th actor the License Aseessar and,�rorn to before me this day of a semi-annual• fee of $20.00. • Licenses shall be issued only for / thesemi-annual rate and shall not be transferable either to:licensee,evice.or location. May , A. D. 193E • amusement It shall bedunlawful to counts^felt a licbnse or to deface or,mutilate j them same while upon any.amuse- ,f- t device except In removing it i t. pt ♦/F;-'�_-F tan therefrom by authority of the 11- , see or to remove 1t or attempt �' ��' Notary Public. to ore over therefrom without de- e r A or use or permit the cC and or N 3. In the op same, to be used at v place other Hoard of Commlgsloner ilti is ne¢se than that tlerlgnated therein, r for { l sary to the salon nd s any licensee to place or permit It to Tires / t ='�L�— ' �` / oI-the Inhebitae�nten atety be nplaced or be that this ordinance b Salt fake city upon one amuse- Immedletely eCOMe ell.CEIVE e t devise alter It hsa been placedupon other orto place it r per- take 9. This ordinance h mit It to be placed or be on any take ffect upon its fl all macnine,device or-contrivance pro- lion. rst'publ(ca- hfblted o declared to be unlawful Deeded by the.Hoard of Uy. Chapter •XXV, Revised.Ordi- loners of Salt L Commli- nances of Salt Lake Clty,Utah.,1934. 7th day of bf a sty.IItah,this SECTION 2. Any person'violating a�,A.D.1936 g Advertising fee$ ;csrlEL arAo'H. y provision by to ordinance of n o shall less 130N::::xv.M-Seb,Y:ier— be Du$25.00 o a flee [sot lase C1ty RecorQen then $25.00 nor exceeding $299:00, Bill No. 17,or by Imprisonment 1n the City IntlDubllahed.al.,y 12not longer than six month., or by both such fine and Imprisonment. • 1 7 PROOF OF PUBLICATION FROM 011e 'att Eakr &Irgraut •• • • County Entry No