17 of 1940 - Vacating alley running north and south between Bryan and Logan Avenues and between 13th and 14th Eas ROLL CALL My '1(r Salt Lake City,Utah, r -2__�'� , 193 VOTING AYE NAY / I move that the ordinance be passed. Goggin Keyser - - - - - -0'' Matheson - - - l Murdock - - - - W Mr.Chairman - - - ,- m"`"-- AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCE VACATING alley running north and south etwreen Bryan and Logan Avenues and between 13th and l/'th East Streets, 1 in Block 2, Emerson Heights Second Addition of BlE. Li, 5-Acre Plat ZZ "C", Big field Survey and F. M. Lyman Jr.'s Survey of Sec. 16, T. 1 5., .R. 1 E., S. L. F. & H. .i: Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake .4. City, Utah: S1+CTTON I. That alley running north and south between Bryan and Logan Avenues and between iBth and loth Fast Streets, in Block 2, Emerson Heights Second Addition of Elk. 11, 5-Acre Plar, "C", fig Field Survey and 1 . M. Lyman Jr.'s Survey of Sec. 16, '1. L )., r•. L i^., r_. L. Is. & NI., more particularly described as follows: beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 22, Block 2, Emerson heights Second Acid. of Block 11., 5-Acre Plat "C", big Field Survey and F. U. Lyman Jr.'s Survey of Sec. 16, 1. 1 S., R. 1 E., `_. L. B. 5c F. and running thence east 11.79 ft. to the northwest corner of Lot 21, said }:clock 2, thence south 335.19 ft. to north line of Logan Avenue, thence west 18.25 ft., thence north 218.57 ft., thence east 5.21 ft., thence north 116.5S ft. to the point of beginning. be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no longer to be public property for use as a street, avenue, ally; or pedestrian may. Said, vacation is made expressly subject to the rights of way and easements of the Utah Light & Traction Company and the Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Company a.ccuirea under franchises from Salt Lake Ciyy to maintain, repair, alter and replace the electric transmission, distribution of telegraph and telephone circuits, Lines, wires and soles of said companies, together with the necessary stop cross-arms and other attachments thereon or affixed thereto for the support oi' said electric telephone and telegraph lines, wires and distribution circuits as now erected and maintained upon or across +_ the portion of said street to be closed, -durinC the life of the liranchi ses held said companies, or any extensions thereof. SECTION In the opinion of the hoard of Commissioners, it is necessary the health, peace and safety of the inhabitants, of felt Lake City that this ordinance become et ective immediately. SECTION 7. This ordinance shall ta''s effect unon its first publication.. Passed by the Board ooffCCommissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this Yd�day of''..,®i_ — , A.:, 1940. r ' 3 � rteCO der. 17 , • 4 k 1 - 1111101111 PfwAskti tr. atwe of Cr AND PASSED MAY 21940 P0 • Silt Publication in • s-1940 , A "7444411441• CITY RECORDER Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAHyl County of Salt Lake 1( • Legal Notice', L9 O.Jia..Yaun . AN ORDINANCE ' ring ORDINANCE rrtthla a sut;"betwee°bra run., Being first dulysworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- Logan Avenues and between 13th d 14th, East Streets, Block 2' Height% Setlpna Adein of `$lk Emerson vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper Agra Plat.le' Big Field ee.75 9S.1•S., Lyman.S. 9urvey f.9ee.lA, i1' iR.1 F.,S.L.H.&b1. published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State He/t ordained by the Boatd Of Com- lonIO o1 9a1t Lake City,:Utah: and SECTION 1, That alley running: north i o f Utah. unm or and nth between Bryan and Logan art Strew apn between Emerson 5-Acre Plat 'C,"' and Addititlrt of Bak.11.6-Acre Slat"C."' Big Field 9urvey and F.M.{,y ao art That the advertisement-.-Ordinanae_Bi11.ilo..17.- Survey Y Sec.IQ T.,1 S.,ft..1 . S.L. s---- H, &M., more particularly cs ribed an follows:. Beginning t the northeast corner of Lot 22, Block 2, Emerson Heights Sec. Vacating Alley between 13 & 14th East & Bryan an and Add. of.Block 11, 5-Aer Plat "C," Big Field Survey and F.M.Dynan Ore Survey of Soc.16,T.1 S.,B.;1 S.L. salt Lake City Corp CityRecorder B. i` IL aid running thwest athence en eoa atot11. Logan Avenue. (U •paid Block 2,°rthence south 335.19 It. to th line t Logan Avenue,thlqnce ent east 5.2'1 ft..,,°thence north 545..4 ftnto I the puoint of beginning•r q hereby belated and declared tno longer r to bo;public;property for °e a _ avenue, alley a a street, a was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the pedestrian way Said cation is made-expressly sub- •:'iect to the rights.0 way and :Company day of Nay A.D. 19.40..- andththe tMou Light uin States tTelephone & 3rd Telegraph Company.acquired run fran- cis from Salt Lake City.to I1na1 taln,. 1 tine resair;alter d plus the electric trans. and was published distribution of tr ph d C telephone circuits. line°, wiresWith, nd pales of said LOP pnieo,together see the nec- essary step affixed the.. far the the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the support of said electric telephone)'and tele- aph glinos, wire and diistrlb time 0,r cults a erected and htaBed pop day of A.D. 19 now portion of aid.st of to be (`-=- }' /^. closed,across the the life f the Qranchises /'(—QJ • . P a I no usu. /'off 1%69022j[9 ka a..m asp @9®%fig e.li '9E'I®IC'7'° EHt, erasing Clerk. ;womoe uo'oN:140%01.u al..2 I N LL k 0LLgI 1 nano:No.1 �a 1e0 '3/499'1doS:Vt99•tint':H,L9 814 w e eld 1 'ta :%59®%@9 u nog g/ai :A; 1 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of May Pr A.D:1940 , ; vi— ___-- ----- tart'Public. It 0 ir— \• `N •Pa *ha - - ! ow. • C,LN • 2