17 of 1943 - Amending Section 73 relating to licenses for fortune telling ROLL CALL
Salt Lake City,Utah, MAY 25 194
Clog g;n _ _ I move that the ordinance be passed.
Keyser - - - -
Matheson - - -
McConkie '
Zaactit ahxx - - -
-�desea _
Mr.Chairman - ,( AN ORDINANCE
/L) UiUIN:nAGE AAENDING SECTIOh 731 of an ordinance passed
oy the Board of Conluissloncrs of Salt Lake City on October 29,
1936, and Clown as bi1i No. 42, relatin, to licenses for fortune
Be it ordained by the Board of Coinu:issioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
SECTION I. That Section 734 of an ordinance passed by
the. Board of Cosiaissloners of „a:Lt Lake City on October 29,
and known as oil.;- ao. 42, relating to licenses for sortuns tolling,
ue and the same is hereby amended to rear as follows:
"SEC. 734. FORTUNE TEd,Llidi . It shall De unlawful for
any person to engage in or carry on the business, profession
or practice of telling; fortunes for hire by any ;ncans or
by pain reading, ;Tint reading, card reading, clairvoyance,
astrology, or any other system of loreteLiinl, future events
or any similar business or practice, within the Units of
Salt Lake City.n
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Couuntssioners,
it is necessary to the .peace, neanth and safety of toe inhabitants
of Salt Lake City that this ordinance shall take efrect iai:reuiately.
SECTIOfl 3. This ordinance shall_ talk: effect axt once upon
its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Gonmiss_ionors of Salt L;;-ke City, Utail, this
ia&A`ay of 7 _' ill. 194'•
City aecorder. B A
flesantEti t the Board of GomOniortel,
First Publication in
MAY/to 11241
attfrt CP/4410414Akto
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Legal Notice Leo H. Yong
vIo R�a a nff a�°m=,f,t1=axe°aer aSR.G Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that Tre,is the ad-
vertising clerk of THE DESERET NETS,a newspaper
for tartan, telling.
De it ordained by the Rnard 1'Com
nnssiC2Po of.Salt Lal-eaCityot 'Ut 3: f published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
rd=c Passed by the Dnard o3 1„obey i29, . t and Lalwe city n of Utah.
Tol.°93, Haling to and
elling. he and the ante hereby
am Ied In re 1 c follaws.is
"SEC. 7T4. FORTUNE n ELLINO, It That the advertisement
shall be r ear for a Person to
in or earn, the bn.sinrss.
l�r essaI r Practice not telling far
anes tot• hire by rep m r b
balm reading. mind reading-.ea=�r<,°teas= Ordinance Bill No. 17 relating to licenses
clairvoyance, trmogy� o
other system,of foretelling future eve"
yr any e1,ia.• business Praeti=ae,i of fortune telling
within the Ill I o}Salt Labe Cito'f'
SECTION 2. In the oil isn f the
Poard of Commissioners, it necessary
inhaiieahieeo'f sallltLake l°Hivo',atf,pie Salt Lake City. Corporation
ordinance hall take affect 1m meAia tcly.
SECTION 8.This rdinanee shall take
ofteal,a ice mop,its first nubllcat'''
Passed by the Board f Connnisson•
daor salt Lake city, Mah• this lIlh was published in said newspaper,in its issue elated, the
y f May, A.D. 1913.
A 43 {I"t
ETL MCDO , MNS.ayor. A.D.
citAEy AecorAaer.NALD day ofF L
PILL NO. 17. once
Published May 26th, 1947. and was published
the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
day of A.D. .19
r%�- -
Adver sing Clerk.,-
Gc .
Subscribed and sworn to before me this first day of
,Tune A. D. 19_.43_
Notary Public.r
Proof of Publication