17 of 1950 - Amending Section 1606 and 1609, as amended, relating to City Cemetery, sale of lots, etc. ROLL CALL r : > ,,
Salt Lake City,Utah, `�5 ,195
Affleck I move that the ordinance be passed.
Lingenfelter . .
Romney . . .
Mr. Chairman . . A DINANCB
AN ORDINANCE I SECTIONS 1606 and 1609 of the
Revised Ordinances of a t Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended,
relating to the city cemetery.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That Section 1606 of the Revised Ordinances
of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1944, as amended by ordinances passed
by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on April
6, 1945, and February 23, 1949, and Section 1609 of the Revised
Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, as amended by an ordinance
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, on
April 6, 1945, relating to the city cemetery, be and the same are
hereby further amended to read as follows:
is hereby empowered to sell lots in the city cemetery and to
collect all dues arising from such sales, and all monies so
collected by him shall be covered into the city treasury
daily. The board of commissioners is hereby empowered to
regulate, according to location, the selling price of said
lots. The sale price of lots shall be as follows:
For a lot located in West Plat p containing
10 graves, with perpetual care $500.00
For a one-half lot in West Plat - containing
5 graves, with perpetual care 300.00
Each grave with perpetual care located in West Plat
may be sold separately for the price set forth in Section
1609 of these ordinances.
For a lot located in X Plat - containing 10 graves,
with perpetual care $450.00
For a one-half lot in X Plat - contailli ig 5
graves, with perpetual care . . . $275.00
Each grave with perpetual care located in X Plat may be
sold separately for the price set forth in Section 1609 of
these prdinances.
Except as otherwise herein provided, all lots heretofore
sold with perpetual care and paid for and all lots hereafter
sold and paid for shall be perpetually maintained by Salt Lak:
City. The sexton is hereby authorized to charge and collect
a sum equal to one hundred dollars ( 100.00) per lot from
owners or persons interested in lots heretofore sold without
perpetual care and in consideration of the payment of said
sum as aforesaid Salt Lake City agrees to perpetually care
for and maintain such lot or portion of lot. The sexton may
sell lots and contract for perpetual care or he may enter int.
contracts to be approved by the board of Commissioners of Sal
Lake City for the sale of lots and perpetual care on the in-
stallment plan, agreeing to execute a deed to said lot and to
perpetually care for and maintain said lot; provided, however.
that when and if the purchaser fails to make the payments
stipulated in said contract Salt Lake City shall be relieved
from all obligations in law or'.equity to perform said agree-
ment or deed to the purchaser said lot or to perpetually care
for and maintain the same.
The sexton shall give to each purchaser upon full paymen
of the purchase price a certificate of burial rights for eao
lot or part of lot, showing the description thereof, and stat
ing the price the purchaser paid. He shall also give to eac.
person making the payment for perpetual maintenance a certifi
cate showing the fact. He shall keep duplicates of all certi
ficates issued by him as part of the records of his office.
All lots and parts of lots, together with all improvements
thereon conveyed as provided in this section, shall be exempt
from execution and from taxation, except for water. The pay-
ment mentioned in this section shall not be construed to be
in payment of any of the services described in Section 1609.
The term ,perpetual care' as used in this section shall
mean the filling of the grave, the placing of top soil upon
said grave filling and the seeding of the same with grass
seed, the Qatering and the cutting of the grass, but shall
not include other services.
No other improvements, changes or services, except per-
petual care as herein defined, shall be made upon any lot or
grave without the owner thereof first submitting to and re-
ceiving from the city sexton his approval for such improve-
ments, changes or services and by paying to the city sexton
the reasonable costs of all work or improvements so requested
and approved.
SEC. 1609. FEES. The sexton is hereby authorized to col-
lect from those requiring his services the following fees,
which shall be by him covered into the city treasury daily:
Regular openings, 32 in. x 7 ft. 6 in. (1 in.
box) including device 430.00
2 in. Box opening 33 in. x 8 ft. (including
use of device) 30.00
Steel Vault openings, 36 in. x 9 ft. (includ-
ing use of device) 30.00
Cement Vault Openings 36 in. X 9 ft. (includ-
ing use of device) 30.00
Wet Cement Vault Opening when used for regular
size (We do not pour cement) 40.00 -
Openings for Infants on privately owned lots
- up to 3 ft 15.00
Openings from 3 ft. to 5 ft. for children on
privately owned lots 20.00
Baby singles up to 3 ft. unimproved with open-
ing and ground 30.00
Adult singles unimproved with opening . . . 40.00
Baby singles improved with opening . . . . 35.00
Adult singles improved in Plat X with opening 80.00,
Adult singles improved in West Plat with opening 90.00
County burials 30.00
Openings up to 4 ft. in Church Plat 15.00
Openings for adults in Cilurch Plat 30.00
Removals of infants from one grave to another
in cemetery . . . . . . . . . 40.00
Removal of Infants for interment outside
city cemetery . . . . . . . . $30.00
Removal of Adults from one grave to another
within city cemetery 60.00
Removal of 2 in. box or cement vault within
cemetery (Extra charge for moving vault) 60.00
Removal of Adults (2 in. box) outside cemetery 45.00
Removal of Adults (regular opening) for inter-
ment outside city cemetery 45.00
If certificates of purchase and care for Single
improved graves are requested, an extra
charge will be made of 1.00
After 5 o'clock p.m. an extra charge (for ser-
vice) per man per hour . .. . . . • 1.00
After 6 o+clock p.m. an extra charge (for ser-
vice) ''per man per hour . . 2.00
The above charges refer to the making of openings only.
The city does not furnishtiaults or other equipment, nor as-
sume responsibility for the..care of headstones."
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall t e f on March 1,
Passed by the Board o •mmis-ioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this 'YI A.S. day of ���....� , A. D. .,
y •scorer.
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake J
Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad-
vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper
published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
of Utah.
That the advertisement
An Ordinance Bill No. 17
was published in said newspaper,in its issue dated, the
day of A.D.19
and was published on February 23, 1950
the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the
day of A.D.19
Advertising Cle ..
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22k h day of
February A.D.19.50
Notary Publr
TIONS I606 and 1609 the Revised
944,n ao anoee of Lakeatlnityg t Utah,
' Oily cemetery.amended, re
ComBe it missionersneof d by
SaltheLae arCity,
SECTION 1. That notion 1606
Of Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1944, Sr amended
by ordinances passed by the Board
of Commissioners of Salt Lake
• Cloy, Utah, April 6. 1945, and
February 23,e1949,and Section 1609
f the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City,Utah,as nded by an
ordlnance passed by the Board of
Commissioners of Salt Lake, City,
Utah, on April 6, 1946,relatIng to
the citycemetery,be and the same
are hereby further amended to read
as follows:
'SEC,16'06.SALE OFLOTS.real CER-
hereby empowered to sell lets In the
city cemetery and to collect all dues
:Islas ram such sales, and all
be ros so inflected by him shall
r the
daily. The board of commissioners
to hereby empowered to regulate.
according t0 lace tlon. the selling
price of said lots. The sale price
For a shall be As
located follows:in Weal Plat—
containing 10 graves,with perpetual
are $500.00.
For on e-half lot in West Plat
containing 5 graves, with per-
nettle! care $300.00.
Fach grave With perDet ual'care pour cement) $40,00
located in West flat mar be sold Openings for Infants on privately
paretely for the price set forth owned lots—up to 3 fftt. 515.00
1n Section 1609 Of thesE ordinances. childrenngs from mr3v ft. to5 ft.n fodr
For lot located 1n X Plat — otson o$20e00
containing 10 graves, with per-
petual rase
$450.00. Baby singles up to 3 ft. unit,
For one-half lot In X Plat— proved with opening and ground
containing 5 graves,with perpetual 630.00
a 4275.00. Adult singles unimproved with
• ,Each grave with opening Sa
perpetual be care Baby singles improved with o Oen0 located In X Plat be and 0
apSection f60 the pries t forth 1nK ni $a5.00
In Section 1609 f these orinnn ce s. Adult nngles improved In Plat X
ExceptSr otherwise herein nab with Adult Bin
p all lots han pai s itl Ith • atw opening
Improved In$
perpetualllotscare and sold
-foi d Fla!with opening 530.00
all lots hereafter a Itl and laid County burp .. • 630.ch
foe shall pe City, h maintained s Plat
Openings u➢ to 4 ft. in Church
by Salt Lake cedy, oThe argon is ansots
hereby authorized to charge and Openings for adults In Church
011ao equal toI hmsdrn- Plat 330.00
erelaor(3e00o00)per lot from o grave
to another lIn ae from one
persons wterestetl r lual grave ctn Inc r ren0
care and
sold .without perpetual t e Ride art Infants cemetery
a d In asides aIc o} d outside Sly tilts $3n00
Bay ea6 of saidsum as aforesaidely Removal withln trim one e
care Lake ands agrees toperpetually'oy to another with la citycemetery.0
Boos ter maintain such lot ym nn
Bootleg of lot, a sexton may sell Removal or 2 re box tr c e
c0te e dcontractyantfor perpetual Vault o nitnhRIn cemetery(Extra.charge
r and
may enter into contracts is to v 1 a' ) 560.00
Cohrrm approved by the entry Or Remove Of adults(2 In.butt out-
side of Snit errs y for side cemetery .^,45.0-
the la of lots and perpetual rare Removal f adults( regular open-
on the Installment plan, agreeing Mg)
em tery6 Interment outside ciiy
t0 execute deed to said lot and ce - - '645.ab
to perpetually care for and main- re ertelnale a of purchase and
lain said Ic t; provided, however, tare for single ourt ed gravves are
that when and:f the purchaser faits estted, extracharge ill be
aid make the contract Saltnts Lak stipulated ity shall n made After a o'clock p.m, extra
be relieved from all obligations in charge (for service) per m per
law or equity to perform said agree- hour an61.00
men or deed to the purchaser said After 6 o'clock p.m. extra
lot o to perpetually care for and charge (Tor service) per am n per
maintain the s The above chargesa 32.00
The sexton shall give to each refer to the
purchaser upon full payment of the making f Openings only.The city
p ha pice certificate of burial does of fufnlah vaults or other
jgo is for each lot orHar f.lot, equipment.nor assume responsibility
showing the descripion thereof, for the of eadstones."
and stating the price the purchaser SECTION.2.This ordinance shall
paid, lie hall alto aloe to each ..tap effect-e•Marc -1.L950.
person making the payment for .'1 Passed by the Board of COmmle-
'perpetual maintenance a e it:cate Q gilt Lake Cloy, Utah,
showing the fact. He shall keep this 21st day dl February.A.D.1950.
duplicates of all certificates issued ..EARL S.GLADE,
by him as part of the records of Mayor.
his office.All lots end parts of los, �,+(iA fL' BITNER,
together w 1 t h all improvements CtCy�R$nn der,
thereon conveyed as provided In this EAL}
action, shall he exempt from exi 870E N��-f7
c caution and from taxation, except Published February 23. 195f
n for water. The payment e.nt:nncd
In this section shall not s be con-
strued to be In pa,vmdnt nl any
Of the services de.eribed in Sectan
The term "perpetual
used inthis s shall m care"
flllingof the grave, the placing of
top roll upon said grave filling and
to W seeding of the same Ito grass
seed, the waterlog a the cutting
of the grace,but snaili not Include
other serv1ces.
No Dices, improvements. al ear,
as services, except a be e e
as herein of red, shall be without the
upon any tereof,first grave
submittin the
agd owner receiving from the city sexton
his approval for such Improvements, •
changes or services and by paying
to the city sexton the reasonable
posts of all work or'improvements
requested and apprevetl.
o SEC. 1609. FEES. The ration is
hereby requiring
s collect from
throe ran leeing his services the
following lees, which hall be by
him covered
p°rsed Into tire city Ire,racy'
Regular openings. 32 in. x 7 ft.
6 In. Ii In. box) Including de-
v1e2 $In. n opening 33 In.x g0.00
(tnctodlna use
of device) a30.00
Steel vault openings, 36 In. a 9
ft, (Including use of device i 330.00
Cement Vault openings 36 In.x 9 I
ft. ()ncluding e of device,$30 00
Wet for us
Vault Opening when
heed regular aloe (We do not