17 of 1955 - Vacating property between 9th and 11th North Streets and Knowlton and Dow Streets in Salt Lake City. ROLL GALL ' Salt Lake Uity,Utah, LLl..1 Al..lOJJ
VOTING Aye I Nay ,y
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Burbidge . . -
Christensen . .
$NiDS [&oles — (\..4—. -.....-..._ . yJ... -;;;,..,«,..,a,ttex
Romney . . . . — a
Mr.Chairman . . .._,.'
AN ORDINANCE VACATING property between 9th and llth North Streets and
Knowlton and Dow Streets in Salt Lake City, Utah.
o va\ Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah.
0.: SECTION 1. That the property between 9th and llth North Streets and
iowlton and Dow Streets, more particularly described as follows:
O.u Beginning at a point 102.145 feet east from the southwest corner
or..w of Lot 2, Block 1, Thomas W. Jennings' North Salt Lake Addition,
o 43 a subdivision of part of Section 26, T12J, R1W, SLB&M, running
'Iwo thence N 0° 08' 33" W 1360 feet to the soh h line o ?;: Lot 2,
Block 9, said Thomas W. Jennings/ Addition; thence 4890 59' 34"
!,/ E. 584.55 feet, more or less, to the eaart ljne of Let 1, Block
.'+°gym 36, Kinney & Gourlay's Improved City Plat; thence S `¢° 08/ 33" E,
e.e 1360 feet, more or less, to the south lihe.of Lot 22i Block 73,
o o said Kinney & Gourlay's Plat; thence N. 896 59' 34" est 584.55
feet, more or less, to point of beginning,_
be and the same is hereby vacated and declared no.' onger;to be public property
for use as a street, avenue, alley or pedestrian ways; '
Said vacation is made expressly subject to all existing rights-of-way
and easements of all public utilities of any and every description now located
in, on, under or over the confines of the above described property; and also
subject to the rights of entry thereon for tYa,purpose of inspecting, main-
taining, repairing, replacing, removing, alte k ng or rerouting said utilities
and all of them; '
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is
necessary to the peace, health and safety of 1fli9 inhabitants of Salt Lake City
that this ordinance shall become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon it f ret publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake y, ah this loth
Nlay of February, A.D., 1955
_� /__.— YOR
( S E A L )
Published February 11, 1955 (fee waived)
City and County of Salt Lake,
I, Bessie Judges, Deputy, City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An ordinance vacating property between 9th and llth_.North
Streets and Knowlton and Dow Streets in Salt Lake City,. Utah"
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, February 10th, pBtgx 1955
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal
of said City,this 16th day of February, 1955
(SEAL) r
BILL NO. 17 Depu a ity Recorder.
Published February 11, 40c 1955
/ 7
1413162 RecordedFEB 171955 at ?:2)", 21.
Request of 9t7 eA,4- Nv
Fee Paid. Hazel Taggart Chase,
Recorder, Salt Lake Aunty, Utah
$Xi"2-F.i- BY Deputy
Book //70 Page / Ref. #y
'3 4:1a7-/Ay-/
__ AN ORDINANCE ds7-/3/-,0
An ordinance vacating property be-
tween �tt S /~ /0-
nitonhanddDolwhStrreets intSalt Lake /J i—i 3 2
City.Utah. 'y1
Be.it Ordained by the Board f Com- 4/— a f- y�
. of Salt Lake City,Utah.
m Sections 1.That the property between
" 9th and llth North Streets and Knowl-
tonand Dow Streets,more particularly b -I
described s follows:
finnin romthat onl point
102.45 feet 18 J-0-30`.7
,corner of
. Lot 2,Block 1,Thomas W.Jennings' /
i:; North Salt Lake Addition, subdi. QQ
vision of part of Section 26, TIN, A 0 —30 S I
'ice delgree508'.3"running
1360 thence
south line of Lot 2, Block 9,said
• homas W. Jennings' Addition;
ih' - thence S 89 degrees 59'34"E.584.55
„ feet,more or less.to the east line
t a- of Lot 1,Block 36,Kinney&Cour-
lay's Improved City Plat; thence
S 0 degrees 08' 33" E. 1360 feet,
or less,to the south line of
Lot 22, Block 73, said Kinney &
Gourlay's Plat;thence N 89 degrees
59'34"West 5B4.55 feet, more or
','t less,to point of beginning
, he and the sames
i hereby vacated and
' declared no longer to be public property
fore a street, avenue, anew or
pedestrian ways;aY
Said vacation is made expressly sub-
lent to all Ting rights-of-way and
easements of all public utilities of any
�' on,under every description ovehe confines
above described property;and also sub.
lent to the rights of entry thereon for
the Purpose sp f inspecting,maintaining,
or rerouting said utilities and all of
' them:
- Section 2.In the opinion of the Board
of Commissioners,it Is necessary to the
peace,health and safety of the Inhabi.
tants of Salt Lake City that this or-
, di m n e shall become effective i
mediate', r
Section 3.This ordinance shall take
\; effect upon its first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners
of Salt Lake City,Utah.this 10th day
' of February,A.D.,1955.
` Earl J.Glade
�. Mayor
Irma F.Butter
<A.83) City Recorder
Bill No. IT.
Published February 11. 1955.
Proof of 1nbtiratiott
ittottgb Ofafro of.America
An 'dinanee -areth 1••
te n Perry he- I) .„ Oclecy
Ath and loth NinthCtierls and •
Knowlton and Dow Streets'h,gait Lmit
Be it r Iai1 eSallV Lake Pithy. rllaS. II
m'sectioo sl of
men I ..between being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the Principal Clerk of
and now Streets,more leadiculaele
described as follows: ,tit 102.45 loot
Beael'.t at o the DESERET NEWS SALT LAKE TELEGRAM, a newspaper published in
east nnib me omas W. of
Not h Dali Lake Thomas w.Jennings
North Sal[ Addition, suhdt
v'S10 n [.'part or.scrt'.n 9c' '11N,
files,s1.BAM,rnm„na thenna N o Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,State of Utah.
oC o 1'16n Poet to the
fh ]in C' et Jennings Blork y said
Thomas nW 9'' Addition:
899 34 I 8455
F l more ev less.le the 't.1'
[Lot 1.m rBlock 6 Kinney S f
lays rpImproved City1•l.l: thence That the Notice oi °F1t1_Ord:inaaee_ L..-_-----__._-_
Si O degrees 08' 221'E. iddd feel. _..
L le 4 th utl. f [
ooeor Bl plat: Ho derirees ��'<rf.i. � a tc;rao' (5-tweed 'tti c d 11.4;11 North59'51.”West 584.55 feet. more or
ess,tospoint f beginning
ame is hereby vacated I;::
lared not .Ir�to be fn bl ancv nioncelY aril ;ni;1i•l !ill IOl use as a avenue,estrian wayismade expres�dyaid v tion i to all tin¢ rights.or-way and
easements of all public 901.0,
and every description loaatad in,
on.under of over the confines of the U,1_l;._ _1.(e
above described n'epertvi at also sub-
Pict to tile eights oii ruby thereon iar
the,purnose of msnce ling,n intairdngt,•
'tog'ti g slielp,teiTnrin'1,laiu]Ir'ol of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said newspaper in its
tl Scetioo 2.In the n cif the.Boat'd
f C. - n t _ 11.1,h
peace,health and,afe.,v of the Inhnhi issue dated the -
ants e£ salt Late bec e eel e
become dlnance shall omme effective ill
anti. day of Ciabxs7.ary 55
effecct=nn a.noon iia Ansi publication..
lake 19.
Passed by the hoard ofCominisstonms
of of SaltFebr LakeA.D., Utah,the;loth day
Earl J.(.,lade and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper,on
lima Ir.P.'dne
CA. City liecor'de0
Bill No.Pl. for _...
Puhll�hbd Nettruary 11, 19.55,
thereafter,the full period of one..taute.
• the last publication thereof
being in the issue dated the ll L11 ___ day of
1' lnrita.c r ,A.D.19. 55_.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7 f''tb' _ -day of
T'ebritary ,A.D. 19...55 •
Notary Public.
My commission expires goy. ;-5-.-lrly
Advertising fee $