17 of 1957 - Ordinance 17 of 1957, Amending Chapter 7, Title 15 of R.O. 1955, relating to Hazard Chemicals, Acids ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, Al H 9`1 N57 195
I move that the ordinance be passed.
Christensen . . . v
Romney . . .
Result .
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Chapter 7, Title 15, of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to Hazard Chemicals, Acids.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah.
SECTION I. That Chapter 7 of Title 15, of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1955, relating to Hazard Chemicals, Acids, be and the
same is amended to read as follows:
"Sec. 15-7-1. Manufacture of Hazardous Chemicals. It shall
be unlawful for any person or firm to manufacture acids, or other
combustible or explosive chemicals, or boil or refine oils, or
maintain, erect or cause to be erected any works for the manufacture
of acids or explosive chemicals, or for the boiling or refining of
oils, except as provided by Salt Lake City Zoning ordinances.
10-8-56, U.C.A. 1953.
"Sec. 15-7-2. Scope. This article shall apply to materials
r not otherwise covered in this code which are highly flammable, or which
may react to cause fires or explosions, or which by their presence
create or augment a fire or explosion hazard, or which because of
their toxicity, flammability, or liability to explosion, render
fire fighting abnormally dangerous or difficult; also to flammable
liquids which are chemically unstable and which may spontaneously
form explosive compounds, or undergo spontaneous reactions of explo-
sive violence or with sufficient evolution of heat to be a fire
hazard. Hazardous chemicals shall include such materials as
compressed gases, flammable solids, corrosive liquids, radioactive
materials, oxidizing materials, potentially explosive chemicals,
highly toxic materials, and poisonous gases, as defined in section
"Sec. 15-7-3. Definitions. (a) 'Compressed gas' shall mean
and include any mixture or material having in the container either an
absolute pressure exceeding 40 pounds per square inch at 70°F., or an
absolute pressure exceeding 104 pounds per square inch at 130°F., or
both; or any liquid flammable material having a Reid vapor pressure,
as defined in section 15-9-2, exceeding 40 pounds per square inch at
100° F.
- 1 -
" (b) 'Corrosive liquids' shall mean and include those acids,
alkaline caustic liquids, and other corrosive liquids which, when
in contact with living tissue, will cause severe damage of such
tissue by chemical action; or are liable to cause fire when in contact
with organic matter or with certain chemicals.
" (c) 'Oxidizing materials' shall mean and include substances
such as chlorates, permanganates, peroxides, or nitrates, that yield
oxygen readily to stimulate combustion.
" (d) 'Radioactive material' shall mean and include any material
or combination of material that spontaneously emits ionizing radiation.
f1 (e) 'Flammable solid' shall mean and include a solid substance,
other than one classified as an explosive, which is liable to cause
fires through friction, through absorption of moisture, through spon-
taneous chemical changes, or as a result of retained heat from manu-
facturing or processing.
(f) 'Potentially explosive chemical' shall mean and include any
chemical substance, other than ne classified as an explosive, which can
be exploded by heat or shock when it is unconfined and unmixed with air
or other materials.
"1 (g) 'Highly toxic materials' are materials so toxic to man
as to afford an unusual hazard to life and health during fire fighting
operations. Examples are: parathion, malathion, TEPP (tetraethyl
phosphate)., HETP (hexaethyl tetraphosphate), and similar insecticides
and pesticides.
" (h) 'Poisonous gas' shall mean and include any noxious gas of
such nature that a small amount of the gas when mixed with air is
dangerous to life. Examples are chlorpicrin, cyanogen, hydrogen
cyanide, nitrogen peroxide, and phosgene.
Sec. 15-7-4. General Requirements. (a) The manufacture,
storage, handling and use of hazardous chemicals shall be safeguarded
with such protective facilities as public safety requires.
" (b) The Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention may require the
separation, or isolation of any chemical that in combination with
other substances may bring about a fire or explosion or may liberate
a flammable or poisonous gas. The Chief of the Bureau of Fire
Prevention may require separation from other storage, occupancies or
buildings when the quantity stored constitutes a material hazard.
" (c) Defective containers which permit leakage or spillage
shall be disposed of or repaired, in accordance with recognized safe
practices; no spilled materials shall be allowed to accumulate on
floors or shelves.
(d) Where kept for retail sale in containers or packages
usual to the retail trade, storage shall be neat and orderly and
shelves shall be of substantial construction.
" (e) Where specific requirements are not otherwise established,
storage, handling and use of hazardous chemicals shall be in accordance
with nationally recognized good practice.
Sec. 15-7-5. Compressed Gases. (a) Storage rooms for compressed
gases shall be cool, dry, and well ventilated.
" (B) Cylinders shall be stored away from radiators and other
sources of heat. No part of any cylinder containing compressed gas
shall be subjected to temperatures above 125° F.
"0 (c) Where caps are provided for valve protection they shall be
kept on all cylinders not connected to gas utilization equipment.
" (d) Cylinders shall not be used as rollers, supports, or for
any purpose other than to store the gas for which they are designed.
Cylinders shall not be handled with lifting magnets, rope slings or
chain slings; a crane may be used when a safe cradle or platform is pro-
vided to hold the cylinders.
- 2 -
(e) Refilling of cylinders shall be done only in compliance with Inter-
state Commerce Commissiop Regulations.
LA(f) Each cylinder shall carry a legible lable or stencil identifying
its contents.
4PSec. 15-7-6. Oxidizing Materials. Oxidizing materials shall be stored
in dry locations and separated from organic materials including wooden
"Sec. 15-7-7. Radioactive Materials. (a) Readily legible signs warn-
ing of radiation dangers shall be placed at entrances to locations where radio-
active materials are used or stored. Signs will not be required for storage
of manufactured articles, other than liquids, such as instruments or clock
dials of which radioactive materials are a component part and luminous
compounds, when securely packed in strong containers provided the gamma
radiation at any surface of the packed is less than 10 milliroentgens in 24 r
f°(b) When not in use, radioactive materials shall be kept in adequately
shielded fire-resistant containers of such design that the gamma radiation
will not exceed 200 milliroentgens per hour or equivalent at any point of
readily accessible surface.
"Sec. 15-7-8. Potentially Explosive Chemicals. (a) Potentially ex-
plosive chemicals shall be protected from external heat, fire and explosion.
Good housekeeping shall be maintained. All spilled materials shall be
promptly gathered and destroyed in an approved manner. Smoking shall
be prohibited in the storage area.
"(b) Organic Peroxides. A suitably isolated well ventilated and un-
heated storage building constructed with walls having a fire resistance rating
of not less than 2 hours, a noncombustible floor and a lightweight insulated
roof shall be provided for the storage of 50 pounds or more of organic
peroxides. If not adequately protected by a fast-acting deluge type auto-
matc sprinkler system, the storage building shall be located the following
distances from flammable liquid storage, combustible materials in the open
and from any other building or highway:
Weight of Organic Peroxide Distance
(pounds) (feet)
50 to 100 75
100 500 100
500 1000 125
1000 3000 200
{\ 3000 5000 300
The organic peroxides shall be stored in the original shipping containers
(I.C.C. containers). Care shall be taken to avoid rough handling or con-
tamination of these chemicals. Readily legible warning signs and placards
shall be prominently placed in the storage and processing areas.
"(c) Ammonium Nitrate. Storage of ammonium nitrate in quantities
of 500 pounds or more shall be in well-ventilated buildings with a floor sur-
facing of noncombustible material in storage and handling areas. Stored
materials shall not be in contact with walls, partitions or ceilings of com-
bustible materials. Buildings of other than fire-resistive or noncombustible
construction in which ammonium nitrate is stored shall be provided with an
automatic sprinkler system. Explosives shall not be stored in the same build-
ing with ammonium nitrate. The ammonium nitrate storage area shall be
separated by a 30-foot space or by a noncombustible partition from the
storage of all combustible materials or other contaminating substances, such
as sulfur, coal, flour, and metallic powders such as zinc, copper and magne-
sium. Method of storage, pile height and width of aisles shall be in accord-
ance with nationally recognized good practice. Ammonium nitrate shall be
stored away from all heat producing appliances and electrical devices.
- 3 -
"Sec. 15-7-9. Liquified Oxygen--Storage and Piping of Liquified
Oxygen in Hospitals and Related Occupancies.
"(a) Storage and installation shall conform with National Fire
Protection Association Bulletin No. 566.
"(b) Piping shall be in accordance with Section 15-8-2.
"Sec. 15-7-10. Transportation of Liquid Oxygen. The transporta-
tion of Liquid Oxygen shall be in accordance with the Inter-State
Commerce Commissions regulations. Handling shall conform to industrially
recognized good practices.
"Sec. 15-7-11. Poisonous Gases. (a) Storage of poisonous gases
shall be in rooms of at least one-hour fire-resistant construction
and having natural or mechanical ventilation adequate to remove leaking
gas. Such ventilation shall not discharge to a point where the gases
may endanger any person.
"(b) Legible warning signs stating the nature of hazard shall
be placed at all entrances to locations where poisonous gases are
stored or used.
"Sec. 15-7-12. Corrosive Liquids and Acids. (a) Bulk storage
of more than two (2) carboys of-acid shall be outside in an enclosure
or in a special room provided with a suitable container for each kind
of acid in case of breakage or leakage.
"(b) The Fire Marshal may require the separation or isdation
of any chemical which is of a nature that in combination with other
chemical or organic matter may bring about a fire or explosion or may
liberate a hazardous or poisonous gas.
"(c) Satisfactory provisions shall be made for containing and
neutralizing or safely flushing away leakage of corrosive liquids and
acids which may occur during storage or handling."
SECTION II. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is
necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt
Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION III. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publica-
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 24th
day of April, 1957.
/ '3 C.
( E A L ) v
BILL NO. 17 o._.. 9.57
Published May 7, 1957
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
D M Ockey
Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is ad-
vertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a newspaper
published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State
of Utah.
That the advertisement
Salt Lake City Bill No. 17 of 1957
An Ordinance amending Chapter 7, Title 15
of Revised Ordinances, 1955, relating to
Hazard Chemicals, Acids.
was published in said newspaper on
May 7, 1957.
Advertising Clerk
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day o f
May A.D.19 57
.-/ Notary Public
AN ORDINANCE done only in compliance with Inter.
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Chap-state Co Commerce Commission Regula-
'ter 7, Title 15, of the Revised Ordt.tions.
s of Salt Lake City,Utah,1955, "(f)Each cylinder shall carry a leaf•
relating to Hazard Chemicals, Acids. ble label or stencil identifying Its con-
Be it ordained bs'the Board of Com tents,
of Salt Lake City.Utah. "Sec.15-7-6.Oxidizing Materials.Ox-
SECTION I.That Chapter 7 of Title idizing materials shall be stored in dry
.15,of the Revised Ordinances of Salt locations and separated from organic
;Lake City, Utah. 1955, relating to materials including wooden surfaces.
Hazard Chemicals, Acids,be and the 'Sec..15-7-7. Radioactive Materials.
same Is amended to read as follows; tel v
Readily legible signs warning ning of .
"CHAPTER 7 radiation dangers shall be placed et
"HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS, LIQUID entrances to locations where radioactive
OXYGEN AND ACIDS materials are used
d or stored.Signs will
"Sec. 15-7-1. Manufacture of Haz- of be required for storage of ma -
rdous Chemicals.It shall be unlawful factored articles, other than liquids.
for arc or firm to m nvfacture such as instruments or clock dials of
aids,or other combustible or s x losive.which radioactive materials are a con,
chemicals; or boll orJenne oils, or Ponent part and.luminous compounds,
maintain, ecf r cap
to be erected when s l,ora Packed in strong
c n-
ksefor the m nufacture f acids.tainers the gamma adiation
plosive chemicals,or for the boil- at'any
u face of the Package is less
or explosive
or ecfinig f oils,a apt a . than 10 Slliroentgens in 24 hours.
vided by Salt Lake City xZoningo yen.
(b)When not in radioactive
•na materials shall be kept adequately
10-8-56;U.C.A.1953. shielded fire-resistant containers of.such
"Sec.15-7.2.Saone.This article shall design that the gamma radiation will
apply to materials not otherwise -not exceed 200 milliroentgens per hour
fcd i this code which a highly 011 essiblelentp at ace.en,'moot of readily
lammable,or which may react to cause ace
fires or explosions,o which by their "Sec, 15-7.8. Potentially Explosive
presence create orenf a fire or Chemicals. (a) Potentially explosive
hazard;or awhich because ofS chemicals shall be protected rom ex-
their toxicity, flamability, or liabil- hermit heat, fire and.explosion. Good
ity to explosion, render fire fighting housekeeping shall be m
bnormally dangerous or difficult;also spilled materials shall
be promptly
to flammable liquids which arechem- gathered and destroyed i a approved
ically unstable end hich m manner. Smoking shall be an
taneously form plosive compounds, in a thenstorage a a.
undergo spontaneous reactions of ..(b)Organic Peroxides. A suitably
explosive yirae,e, or with sufficient isolated well ventilated d heated
elution of heat to be fire hazard, haorine building constructed with walls
',Hazardous chemicals shalt include such a e resistance rating o .not
materials a. c m seed gases,,Slam- ffesstsan 2 hours, non bustihle
ive water o liquid,•eci le, shall d a provided
far 'spitted roof
active ,explosive
oxidizing materials, shall be pr moreorel for the storage of
'aote mat c . and chemicals.highly 50 pounds or of tested beraxfast.
•s a materials. oe poisonous gases. If not adequately protected by aa fast-
as defined in action 15-7.3. acting deluge type automatic(rangier
"See. gas'ga shall allfiens. d 'Com- located the following bu ddingesalf be
Pressed em meanand include fflamm the quid star distances from
mixture ormaterial having ins the materialsamma liquid pen a combustible
o ceedi reitherpo a absolute prsquare
s in the pen and from any
coding 0 pounds ds per square en. oter building r highway:
dlce o m absolute e p WeightPe of
ceding 104 both;
undo p e inch at Bain- Organic(Pounds)
mable a both: or any al flaw- f 1 1 (feet)
made material having a Reidin v 00 Is 100 75
Pressor, defined in .sestina 1i vapor
s100ot 500 105
exceeding a40 pounds per'square inch 000 3000 125
at c100°F. 1000 5000 300
"(rn'Corrosive se liquacids.
al shall mean 3000ie 5000Per 300
and include no those er c,alkaline liquids The a aori Peroxides.ship sing. cobntainers
other ing tie- the containers).
which, hen cause contact with at tc to avoid oroogh ha l erg or cont',,,l,
'lr ,n severedamage orof liable
such tion of these chemicals.Readily legible
to cause fire ctiin r l warning ,0 and placards shall be
to cause fire when contact with `y Prominently placed in the storage and
organic matter o with certain cem-
cal(. processing areas.
"(c) di substances such
hash m( Ammonium Nn qua. Storage,of
and include prms�ubstances such peroxides, shixi- a iiore s all quantities of nth
tam n r lase ygena -1010k suor 1emgs shall be in w surfacing
held xYRn readily to at ad combuss with floortsurfacing
stimulate combustion. of noncombustible material in storage
materialmaterial'shall meand handling a Stood materials
and.include anymaterial o ombirra• and
not ce in contact of with walls,parti-
tionsclings f ether
mits ionizing radiation. ri Is.oruildings of other than fire-re-
"(e)'Flammable olid' shall sistive noncombustible construction
and include a solid substance, Other in hich a nitrate f stored
than one'classified a plosive, shall be pretem.dammonium
which is liable to c s through sprinkler system.Explosives shall not
•friction, through absorption of m , be stored in the same building with
lure, through spontaneous chemicali ammonium nitrate. The ammonium ni-
changes, suit bf retained heat tratem storage a shall be separated
from manufacturing o be a 30-foot space orby a n mbusti-
"(f)'Potentially explosive echemical) ble partition from the storage of all
shall ,, and include a chemical combustible materials orother contam-
substan e,other than o classified a mating substances,such assulfur,coal,
explosive, which can one
be exploded flour, and metallic powders such as
by heat or shock,when it is confined zinc, copper and magnesium. Method
and u mixed with air other mate- of storage, pile heght and width of
Ards, m aisles shall be in accordance
m with n-
"(g)'Highly toxic materials'a - tionally recognized gnized .good practice.Am-
texials toxic to min as to afford
an drainrall heat nitrate
ingbe stored
es and
al hazard s to life and health dor-
ing.fire fighting rations..Examples ..Sec.electrical1 devices..Liquefied Oxygenator.a parathion, lathkn,TEPP(tetra- Re and Piping h Liquefied Oxygen hr
taut phosphate), HETP inseaethylcticides
Hospitals and Related Occunanmes.
pestimhate),and similar insecticides
and pesticides. - nlo) with
and installation ireProtection
Ude any aoxi gas'shoo meanand conform with National Fire Protection
tar t s gas of such gas Association Bulletin No.In
tare thana,small amount of the gas (b)aoioo 0 shall be 1n accordance
when mixed.with air roofs dangerous toe. with Section 0.Transportation
gee. Examples a ,cll00e, c "Sec.1 eo.transportation
of Liquid
gem,hydrogen cyanide,nitrogen pares- Oxygen. The eta accordance
of Liquid
lde,and h-.gene. Oxygen shell be to ce Commis with the
Sec. -man General ra e,handling alatmons. Commerce Commissions re
en The un n as lure.storage,als hall altos.Handng hall conform to sin
faend a of hazardous with.chemicals shalle d"Sec. recognized Sa good aces. (
safeguarded as ea vith such protective 'Sec. psis Poisonous Gales. (he
facilities efio safety r rooms of poisonous g shall be fire-resistant
"ve The Chief of the Burthe separation
rooms ofconstruction
at least having
natural or me.
ore isolationon mrof anay yuire chemhcaleethattr in chani altventilatti ventilation adequate to remove
combination with any
substances may leaking gag.Such ventilation shall not
bring about a fire or explosion or e discharge to a Point where the gases
liberate a flammable o s gas. m endanger a
The Chief of the Bureau of Fie Pre- Man
Legible n ing m signs stating
anthem m ration from the nature of hazard shall be placed
other storage.o or buildings at all entrances to locations where
when the quantity stored constitutes a poisonous gases a r
stored o used.
material hazard. "Sec. 15-7-12.Corrosive-Liquids and
"(c)Defective containers which Per- Acids.(a)Bulk storage of more than
mit leakage or spillage shall be die two(2)carboys of acid shall be outside
posed of or repaired,in accordance with in nclosure'or in a special room
recognized safe practices; n spilled provided with a suitable container for
latteri o als shall be allowed toaccumu each kind of acid in case of breakage
e on floors or shelves, o r leakage.
"(d)Where kept for retail sale in "(b)The Fire Marshal may require
containers or packages usual to the the separation or isolation of any chen-
retail trade.storage shall be net and ical which 1s of a nature that In com-
orderly and shelves shall be of sub- bination with other chemical o 1
stantiol construction. genic matter m e bring about a f e
"(e)Whore specific requirements are xplosion or ay liberate a hav-
not otherwise established,storage,han- ardor.ors gas.
ellien and u of hazardous chemicals "(c)Satisfactory provisions hall be
shall be in accordance with nationally made for containing r and oneutralizing
•recognized good practice. or safely flushing away leakage of
Sec. 15-7-5. Compressed Gases. (a) corrosive liquids and acids which may .
Storage rooms for c ssed gases occur sduring storage or handling."
shall be cool,dry,and well ventilated. SECTION II.In the o of the
"(b)Cylinders shall be stared a Board of Commissioners,it is necessary
from radiators and other sources vof to the Peace,health and safety of the
heat.No part of a cylinder contain. inhabitants n of Salt Lake City that this
ing compressed gas shall be subjected ordinance become effective Immedi-
to temperatures above 125°F. etch,.
"(c)Where c are
r vided far SECTION III. This ordinance hall
valve protection they shalt be kept on
connected to gas talcs effect iron its first publication.
all cylinders not Passed by the Board of Commissioners
utilization equipment. se;of Salt Lake City.Utah,this 24th slay
rollers,supports;shallfor any
be used as.I o£ pri.1957.
Cher than to Storer We gas foe which Adiel E.Stewart
they a than
Cylinders shall not',
be handled with lifting magnets,rope Herman
Herman Cole Re order
slings rho,
:n- u
a can^ .,.�" •
used when, safe cradle o'platform is (Seal)
pi'nvided tahold the cylinders. HILL NO.17 of 1.7
"(e)Refilling of cylinders shall be I Published May 7.1957 (C-56)