17 of 1958 - Annexation, Extending the Limits of Salt Lake City, to include Wheeler Annex. ( Petition No. 126 o ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah,ApC? 1- '19)U , 195
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Burbidge . . .
Christensen . .
Geurts . . . ✓ �k-4—
Romney . . .
Mr.Chairman f AN ORDINANCE
Result . . . . f
WHEREAS, on the 24th day of February, 1958, there was filed with
the City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Petition No. 126 of 1958, by Newell
L, Llljenquist, being a majority of the owners of real property situated
min the tract herein described, requesting that said tract of land be
n taken within the limits of Salt Lake City, and also caused an accurate
m map or plat to be made and certified to by a competent surveyor and
oapproved by the City Engineer to be filed with the City Recorder.
WHEREAS, the said tract of land is contiguous to Salt Lake City
and there 1s no proper reason why it should not be annexed to and made
a part of said city; and,
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, after
c y• ""examining said petition of said owners of said tract of land and con-
() 0
a w sidering the circumstances thereof, voted by unanimous vote of all
y, members of said Board in favor of annexing said tract of land to Salt
8 po. Lake City and directed that an ordinance should be passed annexing
+)• said territory and the extension of the city limits of Salt Lake City
e o
;•m accordingly.
NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners
o0 of Salt Lake City, Utah:
d o SECTION 1. That the city limits ofSalt Lake City be and the
tl o same are hereby extended and enlarged so as to include the following
o.0 described tract of land in Salt Lake County, to-wit:
Beginning at a point which is 66.0 feet S 0° 13' 42" W.,
from the Southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 8, Five Acre
Plat A, Big Field Survey, said point being in the West
side of Second West Street, thence N. 89° 57' 49" W.
561.0 feet, thence N. 0° j 42" fK 544.3 feet, thence
S. 89° 57' 49" E. 561.0 feet, thence S. 0° 13' 42" W.
544.3 feet to the point of beginning, being parts of Lots
1 and 20 of said Block 8, Five Acre Plat A; also being
known as the North 112.6 feet of Lots 1 through 13, and
all of Lots 14 through 26, and all of Lots 55 through 67,
Block 1 , Syndicate Place, together with all vacated alleys
between said lots, and also the North 112.6 feet of Lots
1 through 6, and the North 112.6 feet of the East half of
Lot 7, and all of Lots 55 through 67, Block 2, Syndicate
Place, together with a vacated alley South of Lot 67, and
the East half of a vacated alley on the West of Lots 55
through 67, together with a vacated street known as Gale
Street, said Syndicate Place being a subdivision of Lots 1,
19 & 20, Block 8, Five Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey,
together with the North 93.4 feet of Twenty First South
Street adjoining;
AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the whole of the above described
property be and the same is hereby zoned as Industrial "M-1" District.
AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED and declared that when this ordinance
takes effect the said tract of land above described shall thenceforth
be within the corporate limits of Salt Lake City and zoned as Industrial
"M-1" District as in the ordinance provided, avid all ordinances,
jurisdictions, rules and obligations of or pertaining to said Salt Lake
City are extended over and made applicable and pertinent to the said
tract of land, and the streets, blocks, alleys and ways of said tract
shall be controlled and governed by the ordinances, rules and regu-
lations of said city in that behalf, and the monuments of the City
Engineer shall thenceforth be taken therein as the standards of
locations and distances.
SECTION 2. Upon the passage of this ordinance the City Recorder
of Salt Lake City shall file and he is hereby directed to file with
the County Recorder of Salt Lake County a copy of the map or plat
above mentioned duly certified and acknowledged, as provided in such
cases, together with a certificate copy of this ordinance.
SECTION 3. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is
necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt
Lake City that this ordinance shall become effective immediately.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 2nd day of April, 1958.
f 4r; 4 (
Ci ty order �� ((
( S E A L ) BILL NO. 17 of 1958. Published April ,1958
City and County of Salt Lake, JJJ
I,-....Deesie...H:.__Judge , Deputy ,City Recorder of Salt Lake City,Utah,do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled,
"An Ordinance Extending the Limits of Salt Lake City"
passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, April 2nd, 1958 mrix
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of
said City, this 16th day of April, 1958
BILL NO _cif f 1958
Dep y O City Recorder
Pub�ished,April 11th, xix,74 1958
Recorded APR 16 195e, at _?13Pm.
1581e$23 Request of BELT J.AKC CITY Ce.t....Q r-+
Fee Paid. Hazel 7aggart Ch se,
r Recur r, Sal Lak -Lo t , Utah
BiAK149'1 EAGE215 $ B ty
Ref. ,-.1(41"-270-.35/ yyyyyy
1 AN ORDINANCE Block 2.Syndicate Place.together y -s7'b-�9
AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING with a vacated alley South.of Loii__
k'j ' THE LIMITS OF SALT LAKE fisted site Yho Easttr Welt off Lots a91_ .y
CITY. through 67, together Sth N.r`e Tfs
( WHEREAS, n the lath s filed f 1
February. 1958, there s Sat sated street known as Gale Street.
F) the t' Recorder f Salt said ionofSyndicated LPlace being anda sub.0
Lake City, llL.L No. 126 of division f Lots 1. 19 Big
lea abmNewellmajority
owner o Block S,Five Acre Plat" h the
r aloritsi of owners of FieldortSurvey,.4f together yh irst
real property i situated a tag tract North e feet of Twenty First
herein described, requesting ng with.
South Streetadjoining:FUR
tract t land be taken ity, AND BEtT FURTHER OR
andthlslimitsa caused Salt u ate woe DAabove
describedD that the pholeerry f nd
a thieve nisr strinnedb a and
{) y to m ads accurate
land Mistrial"M-1"Disttrictne as in
;(' %, approved be thee City Engineer to AND BE IT FURTHER OR-
!•r.' be filed with the City Recorder. DAINED and declared that when
WHEREAS the saki tract of this ordinance takes effect the
Cland is contiguous to Salt Lae said tact of landabove described
ityand the Is no proper reasonshall thenceforth ewithin the
why should not he ze corporate limits of Sal ake City
and made a par of said city:and, zoned,as Industrial 'M-1'
WHEREAS, the Board of om. andstrict asin the ordinance pro.
missioners of Salt Lake Ciy,after Wiled, an all ordinances. iuris.
mining d petition of said dictione, rules and bligationa of
ow of said tract of land and pertaining to said Salt Lae
consideringthe circumstances ity areextended over and made
• thereof,voted by unanimous voteapplicableand ertinen to the
of all embers of saill Board i id tract and.and the streets.
avor of annexing d tract f blocks, alleys and ways f said
nd to Salt ake said
and of
tractshall be controlled and goy-
rented that an ordinance should be erned by the ordinances,rules and
passed annexing said territory and regulations of said city in that be-
the tension of the to limits of alf, d the monuments of the
Salt Lake City dingly. City and
shall thenceforth
NOW, THEREFORE, be it be taken therein the standards
defiled by the Board of Commis- of locations and distances.
stoners £Sail Lake Ciy Utah: SECTION Upon the passage of
SECTION 1.That the city limits this ordinance the City Recorder
of Salt Lake City be and the of Sa Lake City shall file and he
re hereby extended and hereby directed to filewith
•larkeda a to include the fol. the County Recorder of Salt ake
lowing described tract f land in County a copy of the mac orplat
Salt Lake Countay, to-wit: above mentioned duly ifled
Bealnning at DDo1nt hich Is and acknowledged.as vided in
88.0 feet S.0°13'42"W.,from thesuch cases,together provided
a cacti-
Southeast corner of Lot 1.Block 8, eate copyof this dinance.
Five Acre Plat A,Big Field Sun SECTION . In the opinion f
. .said point being in the West the Board of Commissioners it is
side of Second West Street,thence necessary to the peace,health d
.89°57'49"W.561.0 feet,thence fete f the inhabitants of Salt
N 0° 13'42"E.594.3 feel,thence Lake City that this orinance
S.89°57'49"E.581.0 feet,thence shall become effective Mime.-l•_ S.0°13'42"W.544.3 feet to the diately.
Point of beginning,being arts f SECTION 4. This ordinance
i., Lots 1 and 20 of said Block 8, shall take effect upon its first
' f Five Acre Plat A: also being publication,
known as the North 112.8 feet of Passed by the Board of Com-
Lots 1 through 13, and all of missioners of Salt Lake City,Utah,
Lots 14 through 26, and all of this 2nd day of April,1958.
'- Lots 55 through 67.Block 1,Syn- ADIEL F.STEWART,
vacated Place,
between with tots, m Mayor
Her J.Hogensen
d the North 112.6 feet f City Recorder.
Lots also through 8.and the North (SEAL)
112.6 feet of the East half of Lot BILL NO.17 f 1953
7,and all of Lots 55 through 67, Published April Ilth.1958. (A-1)
/ 7
Affidavit of Publication
WI1EREAS n the.34th day.d
FebegorY, 1956, there t(a,c filed
with the Cita, Recorder f BLit
Luke City. Petition No. 126 of ss.
1958.b;New Oil,.;ilicoqulst,ba-rS ke
tcel u mi ri6YitufI dein/he IcacE
linein`odescr:nell to unc mat
raid tract el land by taken with,
Indmosolmitsofsalt Lela, CRr, D. M. Pokey
an causedaccurate,tiro
or plat to be made and certified ----- ------
beEfiledd th thee CityRecorder.el to•
WHEREAS,as ,ethea id tract
on Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is legal adoerlising
toe[f 7 c to clerk of the DESERET NL'«'S AND SALT LAKE TELE.
and made a Hart of said ettr.and,
ivIIEGEAS,mE Board of Com- GRAM, a daily except,Sundae) newspaper printed in the L';ng-
f Salt I.k City, t r TT i ) T i T l
is of.sold tract land and IL-R lan,pao,,:fe with oene_ral Circulation to 17tah, and published dR
eon owners the circumstances Salt bake City, Salt Lope County, in the Stale of(Itah.
thereof,voted by a an:mous tc
o£all n embers of said Board
land[.o[ a 'Tale Halt tract of
land to SaltIt Lake City and bdi-
rected 7
s that an ordinance sidt should be That the legal notice Of watch a copy [3 attached het�t0
szex end city
lmy son Fie cxtcnsioe,annexing said
c t limits f
Sap.Lal:e c,t°aecnrd;l;ely.it ms Salt Lake City Bill No 17 of 1958
51011 et t board f C to :
in i of Salt TakThat hCe city
Uy limits
SECTION 1.That the eland the
of e are hereb City °c '.end An Ordinance Extending the Limits of
d aed extended , _.
so as to include the tot. _.----... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...........
towing.described trod of land in , --
Bolt Laken
to,t':nnin, s Salt Lake City, (Newell L. Liljenquistlt
ec.o#eel s. atrra4 drum Nint the
Sou threat corner of S,dt I.Field
S 8.
Five ootdAer eoint being to ig this Svest I.
n'dr said
1t'est Street,thence '�
N.89°5'1'4D" fie loot.then ec
N 0°13'42"54 544.8 fe le et.theme S.
8S° 57'49"E 051.0 feet. thence
VSoint 13'
tot the
Lots 1 and 29 of said Dloelc 8,
iaaa 11se North 11276 feet lof April 5, 1958
Five Acre Plat A also be
all of was published in said newspaper on________________.-___._______.____.__
Lots 55 Pins
64,Dlocl:i 1.Syn-
tllcate PIaec tether itl, all
cared allcvs Ifeth ti v,oi ld lots.
and nlsn the North 112.E icon dP
Lots 1 ttrof ti 6.as cl olt North
112.E feat of the F.53 h01f DI'Lot
Blnckd 2.i1l 5r,tdlcatr PSarc,tz:ncr
'[h 1 d S ,Lr-._ ......... .............. .
61 d It T t h If f -
t d II tl o 4V t f Tots
Ih rh f'1 fl 7 y'(
fated 1 1 I Flare 1.411 n-I Sts,h, C/i(/L/,���i'C-t f/�'
Garth cic P Acrc1 Pf t A 11 H n' Legal Advertising Clerk
Forty ,rnth to tar II
Froth tei 4 :ed. of Twenty Fi-at
Seam street a.lnh,,,
AND Rn: Ce IaUR'1le OR-
DAIN D Ibtit the who of the
is hod erne be and
tar a s Da:l,'e tied a., ,n-
nND I'1' I''UliTlllln OR-
DhINED AE and declared that when
this ordinance rff the
of land
o uiuit t i �n ", to before one this ___ - _ day of
t twits
D td f SaJt Lake C,ty
enz t o-
anti t meordinance
n dd
dal <. -,;,c. vat obligations sin. A.D. 19
Olb�ertain Ines le all Late
9,lir ale t:rind
l det t 1 he
blocs.7kf ill f land,and
tl t t snail
and goveined the
of Maidotane nay I1 rules1 1.tirl
ool if I I ill,
h Itl rtltlh it 1 1 II "t -
as a t he t 1. a locations d f ' Notafry Public
SECTION J. Upon the
this I th r City Recardei
of It lake City:hell.,le ,d he
diaccten to file with
the County]tee or doe of Yoh Lake
bovto a e the
rum,or]v certified
and acknowledged,a teal
r u c
sucF cases,tr,nethcr,vita egrtl. Ls
flcate a
cony 3 thin h enncc. ,
SECTION In the ni
the scary of Commissioners no ° eIt 1
y to tic n q11,heal tit a necessary
the of ti/lama f 9a11
shall bee .hat fect e itnncc
Fall become effective nnm-
SECTION 4. Thic nirlln stir`
:Mali take 'flee:: n°n Its .n_i
i hn •
tl -�2 d U f Al' 1 19 P
A DIF.[,i'.S'1TYV Mayor
nnl,r. f
). r1 it n5a
r,na:an,� ,d Anil OM,1053. AL