17 of 1968 - Levying a tax and for the assessment of property in Lighting District No. 19-D on Main Street - 9th ' ROLL CALL
Salt Lake City,Utah, February 27 8
Barker . . . . / (:;., 'v
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Catmull . . . ,
Garn . . . . p° ( i','•, c 1 .. • C�
Harrison . . . E
Mr. Cha rman . ,
Result . . .
AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX and for the assessment of property in
Li hting District N . 19-D, for the purpose of providing for the operation,
ma ntenance and patrolling of lumen incandescent lamps, and the furnishing
of electrical energy therefor.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City does
hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same upon the
pr perty hereinafter described in Lighting District No. 19-D, for the
pu pose of providing for the operation, maintenance and patrolling of
lumen incandescent lamps and the furnishing of electrical energy therefor,
Lots 7, 8 and 11, the north 254.1 feet of Lot 6, the south
254.1 feet of Lot 9, and the north 254.1 feet of Lot 10,
all being a part of Block 22, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field
Survey. Also, all of Lots 12, 13 and 14, the north 254.1
feet of Lot 17, of Block 22, and all of Lots 4 - 11, in-
clusive, of Block 7, Main Street Subdivision, the west 71.0
feet of Lots 2 and 3 of said Block 7, and all of Lots 12 - 21,
inclusive, of Block 10 of said subdivision, all being a part
also of Block 22, 5 Acre Plat "A", Big Field Survey;
abuItting on Main Street from 9th South Street to Harvard Avenue on the
eat side and to Fremont Avenue on the west side, Salt Lake City, Utah.
This tax is levied to defray the expense of providing for the
operation, maintenance and patrolling of lumen incandescent lamps and
furnishing with electrical energy for a period of ten years from October
I 64 -
29, 1967 to October 29, 1977,/15,000 lumen incandescent lamps, and it
is ;hereby adjudged, determined and established that said property will
be especially benefited thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby
levied, and said parcels of land are hereby assessed at an equal and
uniform rate in accordance with the linear foot frontage upon and to the
entire depth of the same ownership back therefrom not exceeding 330
feet, and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed upon said parcels
Of land is $32,138.14 or $9.879994 per front or linear foot of abutting
property, there being 3,252.85 feet abutting said portion of said im-
provement, and the cost of which operation, maintenance, patrolling
and furnishing of electrical energy and the property benefited thereby
ifs hereinafter set out, and all within the boundaries of the lots,
blocks and streets above mentioned in said district, which is the total
abutters' cost and cost per front foot of said improvement, according
to the contract entered into with Utah Power & Light Co. dated October
29, 1967, and the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to
assess in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, for the
Purpose herein mentioned:
All of Lots 7, 8 and 11 of Block 22, 5 Acre Plat "A"; the
North 254.1 feet of Lot 6; the South 254.1 feet of Lot 9;
I the North 254.1 feet of Lot 10, Block 22, 5 Acre Plat A .
All of Lots 12, 13 & 14 of Block 22; the North 254.1 feet of
Lot 17 of Block 22, 5 Acre Plat "A"; all of Lots 4 - 11 incl.
I Blk. 7, Main Street Sub.; the West 71.0 feet of Lots 2 & 3,
Blk. 7, Main Street Sub.; all of Lots 12 - 21 incl., Blk. 10,
Main Street Sub., 5 Acre Plat "A".
SECTION 2. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer,
as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization and
Review, of the property described in Section 1 of this ordinance in
Lighting District No. 19-D, for the purpose of providing for the
operation, maintenance and patrolling of street lamps and the furnish-
ihg of electrical energy, is hereby confirmed and the assessment made
and returned in said completed lists and the report of the Board of
Equalization and Review to the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed.
SECTION 3. Said tax shall be payable in ten yearly installments
with interest on any delinquent installment unpaid at the rate of 10%
per annum, which interest shall be charged from and after the due date
J .
ofl each installment, to-wit: One tenth thereof fifteen days after the
ordinance levying the tax for the payment of the improvement becomes
effective; one tenth thereof one year thereafter; one-tenth thereof
two years thereafter; one-tenth thereof three years thereafter; one-
tenth thereof four years thereafter; one-tenth thereof five years
thereafter; one-tenth thereof six years thereafter; one-tenth thereof
seven years thereafter; one-tenth thereof eight years thereafter;
one-tenth thereof nine years thereafter; provided, however, that one
or more of such installments in the order payable, or the whole tax,
May be paid without interest within fifteen days after the date this
drdinance becomes effective.
Default in the payment of any such installment of principal when
due shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal to become due and
Payable immediately, aXi2 X$(lieVXa b SXXICYt3i`aiii r(dcWh i*X1)F.,A X M£ t
)411xxxmaxpawataxx*xmcgIstMetyx and the whole amount of the unpaid
principal shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of 10% per annum
until paid, but at any time prior to the date of sale or foreclosure
the owner may pay the amount of all unpaid installments past due, with
interest at the rate of 10% per annum to date of payment on the delin-
quent installments, and all accrued costs, and shall thereupon be
(restored to the right thereafter to pay in installments in the same
(manner as if default had not occurred.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect one day after its
first publication.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 27th day of February , 1968. ,
Lighting District No. 19-D
(S E A L)
BILL NO. 17 of 1968
Published February 28, 1968
CAX and a the assessment of'Rrto-'
it LJ lima or 1 N.w,D,1 r .
O pp,qs in nance and4 NF roc
IWereof I men..
e.}ncande patrol-,
al I rpishoig Of electrical
pg.' Affidavit of Publication
en'd 1h f Ishing of ele<Irical ever-
connreitlidal�Ied.tlY 11;,soars of 1
CommisslCrS of Salt Lake C11y,1 •
SECTION 1. That the Board Of
Comm issio ers of Salt Lake City{
does hereby levy
the lax U pro.
vide for the assessment of and same ITTAH,
the property erlot N. -D, SS
fIMe Lighting Dovish No.r the
or Me pJrenee of providing for the halt Lake
Aeration, m ni n an a and pamps
f throe incandescent lamps
ene of
the furnishing of electrical'
energy 1,1 rater,CItwit: I.
Lots J,8 and lso the 4.1 ht t all
1,, 9,and me north t 0 feet of L,t5• D. M. Ockey
i',.all lat"o ps I oh Block Survey.
Acre'Plat i'L"; g Fledan S4,vthe l
northall pp/ t' 12,1t , 11,the
north 25a;fee,t lot 12,ei BI,of
ri, d of, ,a+,,,Inclusive,e-1 Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal
BOA 7,aMain Street Subdiv Dian,the
ant 11.0 eel of Lois 2 and 3 of s
Black 7,.nti p I of Loos 1231,inch, advertising clerk of THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE a
f rock 10 of sold t bdivislon.3
all being a part alga of Block 22,y5'-
Acre., A'", BlS,rFieldet hS Survey:
daily newspaper printed in the English language with
South String eet to Harvard- Avame on'E
the Me 7s°satealt Lake City,. general circulation in Utah,and published in Salt Lake
Me r lac, salt Lake enue,
This 1a a is levied to defray the I
expense 1 bf providing for the opera-'I- City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah.
.-ion,ma tenance U patrolling of t
lumenarmament lamps and fit,.
Ishlnu vjBh electrical y tor 1
loll tt len years from October 29,i
19o1, la IIardes n 2 000,and
d a- That the legal notice of which a copy is attached
lumen inF descent lamps, nd i,lab(
herder ilidgeh,determined and es• hereto
tabu led that Id properly will be
fulsCf Call benefited thereby 'o toe'
l airrAnt of Cite fax hereby levied,'
and said parcels of land are hereby.- Salt Lake City Bill No 17 of 1968
asrasesse ed bahordancceua with uniform,
foot fron}ag<upon
and to the entire
depth of the a ownership back
,herefrorrl not exceeding 330 feet, NAn Ordinance,' levying a tax and for the
and the tax hery evied end to be
S Ira upon said parttb of land is
932,1,B1 39 ,b05d per honl o
linear �« f bpnlno pr pe(,y`, assessment of property in Lighting District
,lee by.,, g 3f sale feet abiding
said Mee co W 'aid h operm^_nt,'
and re cost of ,vnc�n r,e'ior,'
maintop ,pa ironing and
ictrmal energy ?d the Noe 19 D.
^DierWnbe periled thereby herm-
Ener t "n e.nd 'li ckln I'md
oeets Oncet ten lned blocks did
'streets be a het to In said dis-
trict,ost Ca Is the totalt abutters'.
cost and Cast per front roof f said!
peeve red i wraith t the mn-
t act en eree into with Utah Payer February 28, 1968
L light Co.dated October 79,1967, was published in said newspaper on
Md•the i Hy Treasurer Is hereby M-
orizea and directed to assess In
this erdi a with the proisions of
!his ortlhhnedce,for the purpose here-�I
Aft of Lots 7,0 and 11 of Block 12,
$A I(Plat A theNorth 254.1
feet of Ant 6;the'South 254.1 leet of
Lot 9 f North Flet feet of Lot 10. (
Boer 2y 5 or 'T 1 eat '
Athef`fit '2,13 end f BIk Legal Advertising Clerk
n;one o n,uk.l feet or Lot v or
BIo2k 2,5 A<re 7'). i'; II of-
Lotg bl Incl. Blk I, hUln St tee+
Sub'; t West 71,0 lee,of Lots 2
and'3, 12.7,Main Street Sub,;all
f Lots 12-21 inc.. elk. 10, Main
Street S b.,5 Arra Plat"A".
betty"e"b2the"City'"•regsure,. sworn to before me this 29tb day of
brecto approved and completed
y Ithe ,Para f Eoua.batlon d
ReJFiew,lof the property described' n -I
SgrDia'of tNI 19di m inn Lirht•1 A.L.1968.lil _-_.
p f providing for lite operation. '•
ma men me
d p I 011 Is tl tIty y st tent"
lamps i d the i f o DOD- iheaoi threeYears thereafter,
I rgy hereby confirmed and tenth thereof f years thcreafiem
the p I J d returned, lone-tenth thereof Nyethereat,
lists d the re- one-tenth thereof \ x_� iC<,�-
, 1 F II Board f E hzahon [hers tin a tenth thereof -;�.0 /e
R ton B d Camels- [Years
ve<ieai'ther fir Ili thereof
/ L`_
�f Salt Lake C{te hereby 'thereof nine years thereafter, pro.,
.1 ed,.ap" d a nfirmed visas,however,that one or r f Notary Public
Bmble in a said tax pan Ee instehmenis In the moorder I
Mumble re fen yearly insMemeits. Such y ble, r the whole tax,may bet
S{ erectany tlellraeenr id. pal
ep cent unpaid at the rote ter 1t. dad without a ate.- ash In ,duce
.pee,cent her rn,which after
errthe days co ester cti date this ordinance
a -achargedfeaoh M Installment,to-wIte I becomes effect the.
'On-te 9ther o ndaare:, 'such
ult In the f payment l eY
,On bedh thereof fifteen'days alter •urn nai Installment t principal when
the ors pony levying the tax for rho due hall c us the whole 0f e,
of the npr"theneof I pnpald Prinmtediato,sand due whole
pec• hereafte hopedeh thereof��IIi payable immedlarinci a tl the there,
ion r tnereetIe e1fs,cntI Moro-El
the unp Id principal there
alter tlrtle Merest oIShe fe of 10.
- - ant vpriorn to the^dote of'sale aai
Nov 25 1',amount torec'sure.-the owner y pay Mr,
a el it o paid may
t ue, with interest at the ate
of 10 per cent e n m to date'
of pavmem o the per
e Is a al' C ett C la he.
mereute^be re rotes le the
I 'in°Me samef m nner to a,in In dela'uit nca•
n1EC710N d.a Tnis ordinance sh'I
fake effect one day after its firs:,
'publication. '
Passed by the Board al Commis''
• loners of Salt Lake City,Utah,this i"-
211h day of February,19ES, 4
City Recorder I ll
Lighting Dletrihi No.19�0 f. 1 a�
(SEAL) 17
111 A' 11 of,96a
Published February 2B.1966 (B 211,R.v