17 of 1970 - Amending Section 2-18-2, fixing the exterior boundaries of the area already acquired, or to be acqui KULL L.,ALL
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, March 5 191570
Barker . . . . ,,
I move that the Ordinance be passed.
Catmull . . . u
Harrison (%7z21iXG Silt/z\1
Mr. Chairman . ,r
Result . . . .
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sec. 2-18-2 of the Revised Ordinances of
Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to master plan fixing exterior
boundaries of the Salt Lake City International Airport.
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
SECTION 1. That Sec. 2-18-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt
Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to master plan fixing exterior bound-
aries of the Salt Lake City International Airport, be, and the same
hereby is, amended to read as follows:
"Sec. 2-18-2. Master plan fixing exterior boundaries adopted.
The official map of Salt Lake City No. 21, as amended, on file
in the office of the city engineer designated as the master plan
showing the exterior boundaries of the area already acquired or
to be acquired and controlled by Salt Lake City for the expan-
sion of Salt Lake City International Airport, be, and the same
hereby is, adopted as the Master Plan for the expansion of
said airport, the area comprising the same being particularly
described as follows:
Beginning at a point south 1320 feet from the northwest
corner of Section 31, T. 1 N., R. 1 W., Salt Lake Base
and Meridian, and running thence north 22,440 feet, more
or less, along the township line to the northwest corner
of Section 7 of said township; thence east along said
section line 5,280 feet, more or less, to the northeast
corner of said section; thence south 5,280 feet, more or /
less, to the common corner of Sections 7, 8, 17 and 18 of,„' ,
same said township; thence east 9,240 feet, more or less,
to a point 1,320 feet west of the northeast corner of
Section 16 of said township; thence south 7,977.75 feet;
thence east 20.13 feet; thence S 0°02'38" W. 2,582.25 feet,
more or less, to the north line of Section 28 of same Said
township; thence east 1,305.0 feet, more or less, to the
northeast corner of said Section 28; thence S 0°02'38" W.
3,385.6 feet along said section line; thence N 89°51'50"
W. 342.14 feet; thence S 0°02'38" W. 1,635.0 feet to the
south line of 6th North Street; thence N 89°51'50" W.
993.86 feet to the east line of 21st West Street; thence S
0°02'38" W. 2,886.0 feet; thence S 89°51'50" E. 12.11 feet;
thence S 0°08'36" W. 1,830.91 feet to the north line of
North Temple Street; thence S 89°58'38" W. 1,337.23 feet
to the center of 23rd West Street; thence S 0°02'38" W.
20.0 feet; thence west 345 feet, more or less, along said
north line of said North Temple Street; thence south 797.50
feet, more or less, to the Salt Lake Base Line; thence east
345 feet, more or less, along said line, said line also being
the north line of Section 4, T. 1 S., R. 1 W., Salt Lake
Base and Meridian; thence south 2,100 feet, more or less;
thence west 2,380 feet, more or less; thence south 1,400
feet, more or less; thence west 2,500 feet, more or less,
thence north 1,100 feet, more or less, to the north line
of 3rd South Street; thence west along said line 2,100 feet,
more or less; thence N 57°38'35" W. 2,713.75 feet, more or
less; thence west 1,900 feet, more or less; thence north
4,900 feet, more or less; thence wac°Sres,000 feet to the point
of beginning, containing 7,934.73I, more or less, or 12.40
square miles, more or less."
SECTION 2. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is
necessary to the peace, health and welfare of the inhabitants of Salt
Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 5th day of March, 1970.
BILL NO. 17 of 1970
Published March 10, 1 97 0
I0trlatln Vet-So l If 5rke I aiivrixliiil11.e l tr,
for hpUndarlr,o.the Salt Lake 1;
I or tionai enersA oror-. t o,
C io a o by 9Va d
rdalneo n
Ut,1:5s' f Salt Loke CifY, /(''¢/' (y7 rp (�({° 7 y pN /p¢q gq,
SECTION 1,That Sec.2.18-2 of the Affidavit idavit o Publication
Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake
City,Utah.1965,reJeting to master
plan fixinV a rl°r boundaries °f
p Safe Land the Inlernahereb AIs,
Part, be, and he o hereby Is,
am need read as PipilD follows:
'•Sec. 2-18-1. .Mas r_r d. fir'ng l
fexterior boundaries adopted.The t-
icial m p 1, Salt Lake City N0.1,.
,tnet ity eng nn Id° f the Ia,,P gICAH,
aster enla°Der designated a,the
. SS.
boundaries of the a ,exterior
ff.p`I 1 or tD be amo;rnl'Tod,'
already Lek.'
erolletl by salt Lake City and¢en-
Iexpansipn D(Salt Lake Ciiy for the
Clonal Alrno�, bD, and ihenfarna-
herebv Is, adopted some
Alan Ohre the as the id air- f K Barlow
expansion P% re0 air-
bei U Pa4iicuaa�ll'mdesC�ibeQ as VoT -- ---.
flee inni ne atlhwnbic south'1'S. tier
th°n°R.r , ' r Sechun Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver-
Iaan.T.1 N.Meridian.'and'
1 nd''salt Loke Base
�th 22440 feel and°ru,r I thence
the township line i°northw'est'coore�° rising clerk of the I�ESEI{E'T NEWS, a daily (except Sunday)
m secalongin 2 pof said township:thence newspaper printed in the English language with general eir-
sf 'tl section Ilrt 5,2811
more said,eciioto;the
northeast relation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
1`s,oe'`cecr,mD e.pr n;.,o the co
ar Df seml°na>,e:n and County, in the State of Utah.
east t9,}J00T}ebialln township; thence
come 1,320 lass'fp
r f g"kpnosl6 of northeast
in ¢too°r`e-o,i3ptreer'9ins�e fsara 77cat the legal notice of which a copy us attached hereto
doe.0o m' W.9,582.PS(Pool.
mare r Iless,e to ihe,aorlh line f
$er''°n ,, °! yy e,?-rp D, Salt Take City Corporation,An ordi_nanFe._relating_
Ihpnce s! I„305.0?C 1.'More
less.to the rnIuu hee81.-MDer f,saltl
5ectlDe 181!^hceb6 o deg.O2 mi
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(!ef 02 30 a V/t 1,6J5 o leer
, n -hre relH Npm sr
rn N 89 aeg 51 mt 50 6¢.`w`' Salt Lake International Airport,.
i West 6Street f,hence s 0 ae9.OS mint --- _.
3:,,, 51 w 2,886.0.feet,.thence S,89
-ihnnca 5 OnEe§ liein:6'seceW,
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thence S 0 deg,W min.ae
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.¢s5. lone attar Ins.en a south
North Temple Street:rl jhl¢no°of
We lee,,more e
ae°ie m o inn: no1Pe o 1 ens was published in said newspaper on
las,alone a
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ee nBase T a"Sil,re'''Wlhencle
,C55 March 10, 1y70
Pace roof 8,terrorp
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west 2500 feet,more ar�
ess,thence north 1.100 feet,more or
Mess,,D the e°rf11 line pf 3rd Spufh
�2.100l; thence west alone
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Rio - h.2IIJ)5 t,
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h8r 1 iv3a2a h nbhg' r t gig Legal Advertising Cleric
i�ae l2 o ae So a °i
SETo10N 9. In IV Ian 1 I'nP
,Board f Commissionors 1f Is ec,.il
lv tome hcaAhaa
ee 1 the in F:abitanfs.}Selt Lakc'
City Ilya!-his ordinance.becomo et-
f9cEve imm cdiafely,
SECTION J. rma nrrinbhfe shad loth
take eltecr upon Its Lrs1 nupl'tI , ____-. day of
passed by he Board Pr pmn,ls- sworn to before me this_ -- -- --
Stoner Of,Soli Lake cim-,J(fh,this
'�51h daY o/.March,1920.
• co7um°/,y"�tsT March
c=nnn .noceNsery A.D. 79 70
ae¢oraer - -
•!,,.NO 12 01 t9)o
�uhrd March 10,tree (A 97) /i /I
'Votary Public
My Commission Expires
- February 12, 1974