17 of 1977 - Amending seciton 2-2-14 and 2-2-15 prohibiting soliciting and advertising at the Airport unless writ f1VLL\/MLL `VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, IaD+'ary 25 .19 Mr.Chairman I move that the Ordinance passed. Agraz n! Greener Hogensen f� Phillips // Result AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING Sections 2-2-14 and 2-2-15 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lace City, Utah, 1965, relating to soliciting and advertisements at the Airport. Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 2-2-14 and 2-2-15 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, relating to soliciting and advertise- ments at the Airport, be, and the same hereby are amended as follows: "Sec. 2-2-14. Soliciting. Soliciting or canvassing by any person for any purpose whatsoever shall be prohibited within the airport, its buildings, and facilities, unless written permission is obtained from the director of airports. If a permit required by section 20-17A-2 of these revised ordinances or a certificate required by section 20-17A-16 of these revised ordinances is presented to the director of airports, he shall grant permission to conduct the solicitations at the airport; provided, however, that the permit or certificate holder agrees to abide by reasonable rules and regulations adopted by said director as authorized by section 2-2-14.1 of these revised ordinances. "Sec. 2-2-14.1. Authority of director to adopt rules. Subject to approval by the commission, the director of airports shall have the power and authority and he is hereby empowered and author- ized, upon the basis of passenger flow, security reasons, or where necessitated by the peculiar character of airport, to adopt reasonable rules and regulations pertaining to the solicitation of contributions for charitable or religious purposes on the airport. Such rules and regulations may provide for the following: (a) Conducting such activities in such manner as to maintain a free flow of pedestrians and vehicular traffic, maintain security of airport and avoid excessive disruption of normal activities and movement of passengers and vehicles. (b) Designating areas upon airport in which such activities may not be conducted. (c) Determining the number of persons who may engage in such activities at any specific time and the duration of the activity. "Sec. 2-2-15. Advertisements. No person shall post, dis- tribute, or display signs, advertisements, circulars, printed material or written matter at the airport, without the Written permission of the director of airports. This section shall not apply when such distribution or displays are for religious or charitable purposes, which events shall be controlled by section 20-17A-1 et seq. of these revised ordinances." -2- SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect 30 days after its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 25th day of January , 1977 MAYOR a1A.Ua !/• /� (444-> CITY RECORD 4' (SEAL) BILL NO. 17 of 1977 Published February 2, 1977 �1_e ADM•SCA Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, 1 Jrss. County of Salt Lake i1 A�JaINANCE Shana D. Palmer AN ORDINANCE A ING Sections 2-4-II and 2.2.15 of -- - -- - -- .-- the Revised Ordinences;l).Salt Lake City,Utah.1965,relating to soliciting and advertlserden l at the Airport. Be it ordained by the boaro of Commissioners of Salt Lake • City,Utah: SECTION 1 That Section 2.2.14 a.2-2.15 of the Revised Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal adver- aancadecfnisemeen of 'tsaftheAirport,,he,and thetsantehg toerebytare rising clerk of the DESERET NEWS,a daily (except Sunday) amended as follows' "Sec. 22-1s, soliciting soliciting or canvassing Dy n newspaperprinted in the English language with general cir- Persm for any Purpose whatsoever shall be prohibited within the I,' Fr nDrpprt.lh wndl.k-"•and fee'nap.er'I",own"a"perm'ssp"1` dilation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake (it)y, Salt Lake tainM from"t%dirMor of airports.If a permit tern*.by p yecllon 2611Ae1. f1 ihrc¢ 15M rdirtances a cprtllicete redwred by s tinm2Dvn=1n f these llpyrerordlnaneep 15 Cou7lty +.n the State of Utah. Presented onduct the sot liledltatlons at Mtor of eelrpon,i 0 ovi Ided,Ihowever.thion e, the permit"r audit Bate holder agrees to abide by reasonable runes and regulation,adopted by paid director as author iced by That the legal notice of which a ropy is attached hereto section 7-2,16.1 of"ese revised ordinances. Sec.2-2.111.Authority of director to adopt rules. t M to approval by Ito commission,the director of airports shahah have the power and uthonty d he Is hereby empowered and Pub notice to amend an ordinance relating to wee`n`ecesuletthe b the pK a,charmer a airpporty t,to adopt sonable rules are regulations pertaining to the solicitation Dt Such rules for Citations or religious purposes the alrpont sot lcic n, & advertisement at the Air_port Such Co and tang sod s may such tt fn2 as to rn g__ ID)Conducting suchactivitiesa In ehicmannerc, maintain• --- - - s free tyfof alirpor�.rla oidand vehicular (disruption•ofnn maintain activities erkl movement avoid 1 passen�s and vehicles. normal ibl-Oesignating areas upon airport In whit"such activities ----------- ---------- -- may net be CO"ducted. -. lc)Determining the number of persons who'may engage In such activities at any specific time and the duration of the activity. -- .-,-- "Sec.2-2-15.Advertisements.No person shall opal,distri- bute, or displayy signs, advertisements, circulars, printed material or written matter at the airport,without the written Permission of titer/Mx/or of airports.This suction shah not aaNy when such distribution or displays are for reels or charifaMe por. eeioailbe controlled by section 2D17A I et sett. di . '---- - ' . . SECTION 2.This ordinance shall take effect 20 days after Ifs l I p Feb. 2, 1977 f"tPasedd b"she Board of commissioners of Sail lake City, was rab&shed in said news Ja er on Utahi,ttilsj 25th day of January,1917. TED L.WIILLSSON MfCitLy B 'ppat 'MIONAM --_---- -' (SEAL) , biLL NO.17 of 1977 Rohl otS pebrua221977 r0'1a Legal Advertising Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th _ day of Feb. A.D. 19 77___. i. Notary Public My Commission Expires Feb. 13, 1978