170 of 1909 - Ordinance 170 of 1909 – Sidewalk Extension No. 128, Second Partial Estimate. / .All a _. CE .
An oodi.r_cnoa con'irminL the asseaTuent upon the property herein-
after described within the folioWi.n5 d:eo:0ibal. district: 1 .Lilninl
at it in ,d South h Toils Streets, t.h nu ce sect to Bin th West Street;
thence north to Second Borth ;trot; thence west to Tor.th '7eet Street;
thence north to the north1 t e o.cp t , 701-L1 Street; t%ieuc e east to
the center line e7 Third ,csa ,ticnt ; thonen north to the center line
of ninth i+orth Street; thence es.>t to the center line of Beck Street;
thence nion the center line o I Beck Street, 7iret host Street, Cen-
ter Street and thin Strict to the place o ue inning, in Sidewalk
Districts Bos. 20, 21 and 27. for the construction of ceceut side-
Be it ordeined by the City Co mcil cf sat LLke City, Utah;
SECTI011 1. That the a. es pert list _aide by the City Treasurer
as corrected, approved and completed by the Board of Equalization and
Review, heretofore duly appointed by the City Council for that pur-
pose, of the er operty in Lots 1 and 2, Block 27, Plat "L"; 1, 5, 6, 7
and 8, Block 139; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block 150; in Section 25,
Township 1 north, Bans 1 nest, beteSenn Clock 152, .71€:.t "i",
and Sixth North Street; in Dots 1, 5, 6, '7 and 8, Block 100; 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, Block 117; I, 2, 7, , 5, C, 7 8, Block 118; 1,
6, 7 _.:d 8, Clock 121; 5, 6, 7 ..ed 8, Clock 13 ; 1 yid 2, Clock 175;
4, 5, 6, 7 end. 8, Clock 178; 1, 2, 7, 1, 5 n d 6, Bloch. 1 i1; 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, Block 156; 1, 2, 3 r,„d 8, Block 169, flat "A"; 1,
2, Z, 4, 5, 6, 7 said 8, Block 72; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 aIcC 8, flock 73; 1,
' 6, 7 anci 8, Block 84, Plat "C"; 1 to 15, i. ci•.iive, Block 12, Lake
View Subdivision, Block 169, Slat "A", belt ,'rho City Survey, abut-
tine: on the west side of Center Street between Girard Avenue and Fifta
North Street; on bot-b _sides of Sixth Borth Street bE t,ac.en First Best
and Third hest Streets; on the west ride of 'Hall Street betweerrFirst
West and Seventh Berth Streets; on of Re,:, Avo_ e
hell n._ie,. Gecond '1cest Streets; on both sides of Fern Avenue between
First "lest and Second West Streets; or. both sides of SecoCJ
Street between Fourth West end Gi th ;t Streets; on the west side
of Fourth West Street between First North and Fourth North streets;
on both side of Fifth Worst Street between Fleet
North en.) Fourth
North ;:streets; on both sides of Third North Street between Fourth
West and Fifth West Streets; on both aides of Fourth North Street be
twe,en Fourth ',tiest and Fifth "'Jest Streets; on the west side of First
Wost'St. eet bet•;een. Third North and Fourth North Streets; end betwee.
Fifth north and ',I 11 Streets;' on the sout';. side of Fifth North Stree.
between First West and Second West Streets; on the east side of Thir.
\Ve9t Street between Fifth North and. Ninth north Streets; on the sout
si a of. Seventh north Street;betueen Wall and Third West Streets; on
tne north side of Seventh North Street betweee Seoond West and Third.
West: Streets; on both sides of Eighth North Street between the Count
Road and Third West Street; on the west side c.' the County Road be-
tween Seventh North and Ninth North Streets; and on the east ride of
Sixth West Street between First North and Third North Streets, in
Sidewalk Districts Nos. 20, 21, end 27 of 31lt Leke City, for the
pureoee of constructing cemeet sidewele ueoe setd .dorticee of :,yid
streets, le, hereby cohfirmod, 'c the eeeeeeertte me de ate, eetueneti
in said come,leted list€ ere hereby con ii Feu.
SECT ICN 2. This oedineece eheTld. tho ef7ect u_e;. eeerwhel.
Sidv;:<].'c F.xte;zsion n0. 128.
Saco; ci W;rtial Nerim=.te, l( 4A
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utaih, October 18th
1909, and referred to the Mayor for a "ov i1.
ity Recorder.
Approved this /(- day of October, 1909,
i" ,
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