171 of 1910 - Ordinance 171 of 1910 – Paving Extension No. 60, Third Partial Estimate. AN 0R DI FATTC E .
An ordinance confirming, the assessment upon the property herein-
.fter described on Ninth East Street between South Temple Street and
he city limits, in Paving Districts Nos. 27, 31 end 32, for the pur-
pose of providing for the grading, guttering and curbing, and paving
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the assessment list made b;; the City Treasurer
as corrected, approved rnd completed by the Board of Equalization and.,
Review, heretofore duly appointed by the City Council for that pur-
pose, of the property in Lots 1, 6, 7 and 8, Block 30; 1 and 8, Block
27; 1, 6, 7 and 8, Block 16; 1 and 8, Block 13; 1, 6, 7 and 8, Bleak
2; 2 to 23, inclusive, Block 2, Woodmansee Subdivision, Block 1, Plat
BB", Salt Lake City Survey; 1, 12, 15,xxt 16 and 20, Block 18; 1, an
7 to 10, inclusive, Block 1, Borth Windsor Place Subdivision, Block
18; 1, and 11 to 18, inclusive, Block 1, Windsor Place Subdivision,
Block 18; 1 to 9, inclusive, Miller & Miller Subdivision, Block 18;
1, and 25 to 46, inclusive, Block 5; 1, and 9 to 14, inclusive, Bloc,
4, East Park Subdivision, Block 18; 1, and 48 to 56, inclusive, Bloc
5; 1, and 48 to 56, inclusive, Block 4; 1, and 48 to 56, inclusive,
Block 3; 1, and 48 to 56, inclusive, Block 2; 1, Block 1, South Lawn
Subdivision, Block 15; 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20, Block 15; 1 to 8, in-
clusive, Block 2; 1 to 11, inclusive, Block 1, Perkinb' Third Additi'n,
Block 15; 1 to 21, inclusive, Block 1, Paradise Subdivision, Block 2
14 and 15, Block 2; 1 to 4, inclusive, Block 1; 1 to 4, inclusive,
Block 2, Ovanda Subdivision, Block 2; 2 to 21, inclusive, Block 3; 2
to 21, inclusive, Block 2, Belmont Subdivision, Block 17; 2 to 11,
inclusive, Block 2, South Belmont Subdivision, Block 17; 2, 4, 5 end
6, Block 17; 1, North Inglewood Subdivision, Block 17; 1 and 2, Ingl:-
wood Subdivision, Block 17; 24 to 31, inclusive, Laird Subdivision,
Block 17; 13 to 30, inclusive, Block 1, Bellevue Park Subdivision,
Block 16; 11 to 20, inclusive, Block 2; 11 to 20,i inclusive, Block 3
yruitvale Subdivision, Block 16; 6 and 11, Bloak 16; 11 to 20, ia-
elusive, Block 2, East Lawn Subdivision, Block 16; 1 to 10, inclusive,
Block 1, DeLong's Second Addition, Block 16; 24 to E•#', inclusive,
Block 3; 30 to 40, inclusive, Block 2; 30 to 40, inclusive, Block 1,
Perkins' Addition, Block 16; 19 to 29, inclusive, Block 3; 19 to 29,
inclusive, Block 2; 24 to 28, inclusive, Block 1, Perkins' Second
Addition, Block 1; 8 and 9, Block 1, Big Field Survey, abutting on
the west side of Ninth East Street between Fourth South Street and
the oity limits; and on the east side of Ninth East Street between
Eighth South Street and the City Limits, in Paving Distridts Nos. 27,
31 and 32 of Salt Lake City, for the purpose of providing for the
grading, guttering and curbing, and paving of said portions of said
street, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments made and returned in
said completed lists are hereby confirmed.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval.
Paving Extension No. 60.
Third Partial Estimate. j7?/d:77 11 /ter
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City,TJtah, Npvember 14t ,
1910, and referred to the Tayor for his apprgval j
`/--City e order,
Approved this /� day of November., 1910,
— -4-A‘--i9:)-i 1 Mayor.
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