177 of 1909 - Ordinance 177 of 1909 – Sewer Extension No. 170, First & Final Estimate. I,1 1rr`' !1 AN ORDINANCE . An ordinance levying a tax and for the assessment of property o !both sides of State Street between Hillside Avenue and Second North '; Street, in Sewer District No. 1, for the construction of a sewer. Be it ordained by the City Counoil of Salt Lake City, Utah: 1 SECTION 1. That the City Counoil does hereby levy the tax and provide for the assessment of the same upon the property hereinafter described in Sewer District No. 1, for the construction of a sewer, to-wit: That portion of the southwest quarter of Section 31, Township 1 ,north, Range 1 east, abutting on the west side of State Street betwee ;Hillside Avenue and Second North Street; and in Lots 8 to 14, inolusi e IBlook 2, Plat "K", abutting on the east side of State Street between 1Hillside Avenue and Second North Street. 1I This tax is levied to defray the expense of constructing a vitri Pied pipe sewer eight (8) inohes in diameter upon the portion of said ,street opposite the property hereinbefore and hereinafter described to be especially affected and benefited by said improvement, and it is hereby adjudged, determined and established that said property will be especially benefited thereby to the full amount of the tax hereby levied, and said parcels of land are hereby assessed at an equal and uniform rate in a000rdanoe with the linear foot frontage upon °aid po - Ili tions of said street fronting upon and to a depth of twenty-five (26 feet back therefrom, and the tax hereby levied and to be assessed up (said paroels of land 1s seven hundred thirty-one and 40/100 ($731.40) *oilers, or one and 1717/100,000 ($1.01717) dollars per front or line r ,foot of abutting property, there being 722.94 feet abutting said por- !tion of said improvement, which is the total cost and cost per front foot of said sewer according to the contract entered into for the per Iformanoe of said work and making said improvement, with Davis & House , !dated the 4th day of October, 1909, and the Treasurer is hereby autho - Ased and directed to assess in accordance with the provisions of this -2- ordinance for the purpose herein mentioned: That portion of the southwest quarter of Section 31, Township 1 orth, Range 1 *sat, abutting on the west side of State Street betwee inside Avenue and Second North Street; and the west side of Lots 8 to 14, inclusive, Block 2, Plat "K", Salt Lake City Survey, as the Same are shown upon the official plats of said oity to a depth of 4"4,07T0 (26) feet biekfromIsaid.'street, and to collect said tax. 8.84TION 2. Said tax shall become and be delinquent ,In five equal . , Inutallments, as follows, to-'it: One-fifth thereof one** after Ilthe appro4el of the ordinance confirming the levy of the .4x-,for the ' payment for such improvement; on.-fifth thereof in two yei*s after such approval; one.-fifth thereof in three years after such approVal; .-fifth thereof in four years after such approval; and one-fifth thereof in five years after such approval. One or more of said in- sitallments, or the whole tax may be paid on or before ten days after the approval of the ordinance oonfirming the levy of the tax. One or more installments, or the whole special tax may be paid on the day an, installment becomes due, by paying the amount thereof and interest to date of payment. Noah of said installments shall bear interest at the rate of six (6) per sent per annum from the date of the approval of the ordinance oonfirming the levy of said tax until date of delin- quency, and eight (8) per oent per annum from delinquency until paid. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval. Sewer Extension No. 170. First and Final Betimats. Passed by the City. Council of Salt 1,aho City, Utuh, Uovember 8th, 1909, and referred to the Idayor for his arproval. _. te7/77---L----- ( ---- ' 1 V 0 6-6177577 prroved this (- cla,7 of November J_5909. / ' 6 , .177 :beaotlnem atdzed oeogzrq eel xot soaaatbzo I gl:fr.0.oT ,tn CIO t*oeE `o ze*zaap laswitduoe sd* to loi*zoq *edT aeew*ed *yet*;, eJal£ to ebta leave ad# ao xtJJuds „te.s ! ogaaE ,if*zoa e a*u o ebte *sew ad/ fats ;Jesz1 E dlzo:i Da000a Das eaasvA ebtatliB e013 ,.-. ,v'vxsru gf13 a .I 1te8 ,"?i" *ar,,.,3 A otfi evtrsulorrt ,a1 o* to rf•qeb a o* xlto bias 10 a*alq',. 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