178 of 1915 - Ordinance 178 of 1915; Sewer Extension No. 328 - Twenty-seventh Partial ROLL CALL
Salt Lake City, Utah, December 14, 1915.
Lawrence I
Morris I move that the ordinance be passed.
Shearman _ ''
Mr.Chairman i. _..
An ordinance confirming the assessment upon the property
hereinafter described within the following described district:
Beginning at the Jordan River and Tenth South Street; thence east
along the north property line of Tenth South Street to West Temple
Street; thence north to Ninth South Street; thence east to Thir-
teenth East Street; thence south to Tenth South Street; thence east
to Fifteenth East Street; thence south to Thirteenth South. Street;
thence west to Highland Park Drive; thence northerly along the west
property line of Highland Park Drive to Denver do Rio Grande Rail-
road tracks, Park City Branch; thence westerly along said traoks to
Sixth East Street; thence north to Twelfth South Street; thence west
to Third East Street; thence north to Eleventh South Street; thence
west to Main Street; thence north to Tenth South Street; thence
west along the south property line of Tenth South Street to the
Jordan River, the same being the boundary of the district to be
improved, in Sewer Distriots Nos. 1 and 2, for the oonstrudtion of
Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake
City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer
as oorreoted, approved and completed by the Board of Commissioners
of Salt Lake City, sitting as a board of equalization and review,
of the property in Lots 24 to 27, inclusive, Block 1, Edgewood
Addition; 10 to 32, inclusive, Block 2; 1, and 10 to 54, inclusive,
Block 3; 1, and 10 to 54, inclusive, Block 4; 1, and 28 to 54, in-
clusive, Block 5, Thorndyke Subdivision; 5, 6, 7 and 8, all in
Block 4, Five Aore Plat "A"; 1, 94, 16 to 40, inclusive, and 45 to
73, inclusive, Highland Park Plat "A" Subdivision, Block 46; 1353
to 1385, inclusive, and 1394 to 1459, inclusive, Highland Park
Plat "A" Subdivision, Block 47; and in part of Highland Park Plat
"A" Subdivision, Block 47, all in Ten Acre Plat "A", and all in
Big Field Survey, abutting on the east side of Third East Street
between Coatsville Avenue and Twelfth South Street; on both sides
of Downington Avenue between Third East and Fourth East Streets;
on both sides of Garfield Avenue between Third East and Fourth
East Streets; on both sides of Ramona Avenue between Third East
'and Fourth East Streets; on both sides of Hollywood Avenue betweei
Third East end Fourth East Streets; on both sides of Redondo Ave-
nue between Third East and Fourth East Streets; on both sides of
Malvern Avenue between Nigkstat Highland Park Drive and Thirteenth
East Street; on both sides of Crystal Avenue between Highland Par
Drive end Thirteenth East Street; on both sides of Thirteenth Eas
Street between Stratford Avenue and Thirteenth South Street; and
on both sides of Alden Street between Stratford Avenue and Thir-
teenth South Street, in Sewer Districts Nos. 1 and 2, of Salt
Lake City, for the purpose of constructing sewers upon said por-
tions of said streets, is hereby confirmed, and the assessments
made and returned in said completed lists are hereby confirmed.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect one day after
its first publication. r,
Sewer Extension No. 328.
Twenty-seventh Partial Estimate.
Passed by the Board of Commies ners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
December 14th , 1915.
� � fl
Mayor .
City Recorder.
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