179 of 1909 - Ordinance 179 of 1909 – Curb & Gutter Extension No. 12, First & Final Estimate. AZ O R D I I L I C I . An erdiaease aeafiraiag the assessment spec the property ea bet sides of IsOleilaad Street between First South and Second South Stree al is Paving District Ie. 27, for the perpess of previdiug for the grad- ing, sad guttering ant ourbiag thereof. Bp it ordained by the City Ceanoil of Salt bake City, Utah; ,. SIDTIOI I. That,the assesaaeitt list mate by the City Treasurer as:eorraeted, approved sad ooapisted by the Board of Bgsaliasti? Si Bs'tiew, heretofore duly 1ppsinted,by the City Council for that .par- prol e,',ef the property.,- in Late 5,, S, 6 and 7, Block LT, .PLat "I", 8s1 Lake City Survey, abutting ;sides of BleOlellasd. 8troot,, n d ►ia5 Distriet Ia. LT;" of salt ate City, for the pnrpoat,of p$ovid- ia fer the grading, Mpi patteriagnsad eurbiag of said pri ionSi. said. street, is hereby saafirist, sad the assessments sale and r4t, O. in said aeapleted lists are hereby confirmed. SBCTIO1 L. This ordinasoo shell take effect upon approval. Curb & Sutter Iateasien Ie. 12.First sad Flail i Utiaste. ;; aA,Ai- Passed b c the City Council of Salt La''.o C_i.t;;, Utah, Tlover.-ber enth, 1909, and referred to the 174yo or his approval. ify ecor er. Approved. this (/ day of rovenber, 1909. I J. - . a0 * 'l:t iQ $ 0 t • A : Stood s• %t'cog•sq •d3 sou MsdssssiO odt tatscitsee eur estblo sk IR ateext8 dtaa8 ba•o•6 has dtso6 trit2 ,�1N toest6 bestiotOoK to sobls E -bast odt Tot tslttvosq to oIq W r fdt '!•t ,, .ell tetstet4 &ariat at .toesodt yatdsw Ma $stsottz Ma .tat •d '®ttf . t0 etas tlar is hoar p t %d foetal tt xesasao't't 4110 'At %d s* tell a • `. j_ bna s`tasfisap[ to lzaos edt ,id \d q tie • • TO ea, M•410 zag lade .lift Itosso0 %ttO odt td *" 4 etotottsd ,wo = \4 3F.a8 •Ei" + ;,45 toot!! .t brut d •t 1 .441 iTi ce114246Trolt ilidie t�• a mow. a. :l'v 1c' 9 ag. 3a' rarltsl0•i to stiff s ., 4 cd yt*INs . ic a a,I CO Is.-bt44 : .(4?.rag wit :ot .#10 t .st to � ONo c a <' \titsot q btae to ultimo bs 4 ` , •tslMts •d z• i . !scats! has isbA.stsos..eesa oat Ma .Ms&cltre %doted a .too a loe i a .torrsrise° td.z•d ova *tali Astor/gum lobo at .lrvo}rgge sogs tootto ege t IIaM oosrstte o olds .2 *OI? (6 .22 .of setemihig t•itaC 4 tut) .otastts; Lett Ms :molt 9 , i ., oil T"1