18 of 1901 - Ordinance 18 of 1901 – Sewer Extension No.60. Bill No. \ for AN ORDINANCE CONPIRMING THE ASSESSMENT UPON PROPERTY ON THE SOUTH SIDE OP SOUTH TEMPLE STREET BETWEEN NINTH AND TENTH EAST STREETS, FOP. THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SEA. BE IT ORDAINED BY ?BR CITY. COUNCIL OF SALT LAKE CITY; Section 1. That the assessment list made by the City Treasurer as corrected, approved and completed by the City Council sitting as a Board of EqualisationOSe of the property abutting on the South side of South Temple Street between Ninth and Tenth East Streets, in Sewer Dis- trict No. 1 of Salt Lake City, is hereby confirmed, and the a,,sesements made and returned in said osmpleted lists are hereby confirmed. Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon approval, .La by Couaae:i1 of balb Lake Vey 14Lh, 1001, -rafarrab to the Va,yor f cr his :aorroval. / 9o'r .ti r. it Aoorova i this 2.6 __ da s) of 'ra,cr, 1201. O yor. . ------ % ;N. 1 ---Q00,,... .\,..".........,..-...........\ M4Ya......4,4,.."...2.,..AA- 0 a tr ' r 0 I, _-:---1-c- _,2--t, G"---z-,..----- , r: ligt. k ., 4 % . b i ; ** i 1 +a ,r1 S 44•1 __ G7 ---k I • lit e I i lit i - al _ -/-"' q.--e.----1.--- -r9--- -- i I i • 2 1 11 t- i • A l i I , Els - .. , • ,eseated to the Cit council, _,,,,,,,-- ------ 4 ..1 7 / i U :1-1g 16 V.• i I . . Mi''.? 9 .L g , , 0,NA44S,:vrileW glor: 4 ti ,. • :: . . 0-2:,-,-,7_,_-..7.9 c 41! I 2 0 _ / k , ; . . c -7 , "., _. ,,,. •- r, 1 . .. .. s . .,. ...„ ... , 1 4° • 4, , g . . Presented to the City Council, 1 1 1 f v .... V tr-' •--r +, ev 41 4, r. ,_. r 4 • F-• ' , , l SI —age.. dra „or