18 of 1932 - Amending Section 1349, relating to Licensing Wholesale Peddlers, Fruit and Vegetables and other food ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY MAY 31932 193 Salt Lake City Utah Finch - I move that the ordinance he pawed Keyser 1/' Knight Lake V Mr Chairman AN ORDINANCE Result AN ORDINANCL AJLNDING SLCTION 1349 of an ordinance pas cd by the Board of Commissioners of Lalt Lace City, Uta,i, on February llth, 1930, :.s amended by an ordinance passed. by the Board of Commissioners of oalt La'%.e City, Utan, on Nov mber oLd, 1951, oroviding for the licensin,F, of wholesale peddlers of hurt and vegetables and other food products Be it ordained by the Boara of Commissioners of wait Lake City, Utah u1CTION I That Section 1349 of -n ordinanc oas eu by the Boara of Commissioners of ..alt Lake City, Utan, on February llth, 1930, as amend,-d by an oruinancc 7),ssed by the Bo^ia of Com- mis loners of oalt Lake City, Ut,n, on November 'Ord, 1931, nroviding fos the licensing of wholes,le peddlers of fruit end vegetables and t�t_J other food products, oe and the same is hereby amended to reau �u "-I fol]ows SLC 1349 It shall be unlawful for any person, _ism or corporation to maintain and o.>crate an establishment fox sale at wholesale or wholesale distribution of fruits and/or vegeta- bles and/or nuts within Salt Lake City without first obtaining a license therefor ;very person, firm or corporation, before opening, maintaining end oneratiab such esthbl3shment shall make anpli- cation for each establishment maintained and ooerateI b, im or it upon a blank to b.. furnished by the City License .Assessor Ind Collector and in which anplic tion the abolicent snail giv_ ,ne following information address, number of establishments main- tained and onernted, nature of business, aethod of distribution used, whether it be sellin direct from a storeroom, railroad car, wagon, truck or other v,_nicle or from a vaccnt lot or saana 'C5 _9- or otherwise Upon filing said application properly fallen out and! paying the City Tr,asurer a license fee of $50 00 for each and evcry estaolishment maintained and operated., and furnishing the surety bond nercin-ftor provided for, said City recorder small issue a license or 1 censes to said applicant to operac, said establishment or establishments for and during one year from date of application. Before any such l c,nse is issuea to any such appliw cant, said applicant shall file with the City oecorder of Salt Lake City a joint and separate bond, vith corporate surety to be approved by the City .ttorney of halt Lake City, in the penal sum of $500 00, conditioned for the faithfui observance of this and all other ordinances respecting wholesale produce dealers, and for the propection of retail merchants and the citizens of Salt Lake City against fraud and misrepresentation The word festaolishment,T as used in this ordinance shall mean an establishment which is engaged in buying and sell- ing and/or distributing at wholesale fruits and/or vegetables and/or nuts and shall mean any ouilding, storeroom, freight car, wagon, truck or other v hicle or any vacant lot or stand where fruits and/or vegetables and/or nuts are kept, stored, packed or offered for sale at wholesale It shall be the auty of the Health Commissioner or his qualified assistants to inspect and. examine all fruits, vegetables, or nut, of any kind or character, bought, sold or offered foi sale and in order to carry out the inspection and and examination herein provided foa, he may require any vehicles, trucks, or trailers, containing the commodities to be examined to proceed to and report at a designated nlac,,, which place shall be provided with reasonable facilities for conducting said examination and inspection. The Health Comnissioner or his duJy qualified assisl- ants shall nave the oover and authority to condemn any and all fruits, I -3- vegetables or nuts which are unfit for human consumption and he -shall have the further power and authority to require any and all fruits, vegetables or nuts which are misbranded ur ais represented as to grade, qualify or condition to be properly and honestly branded, marked and designated. It shall be unlawful to sell or offer for sale any o' the commodities herein mentioned which have been condemned by the Health Commissioner or to sell or offer for sale any of the commodities mentioned which have been misbranded or.falsely . designated. All weights, measures'or computing instruments used ! by the licensee shall he,inspected and examined and thereafter. . sealed and marked by the inspector+ of weights and measures andi oil inspection and all incorrect measures disposed of as ?,.- t quired by law. Each person, firm or-corporation obtaining such li- cense under the provisions of this Ordinance shall keep the said license displayed in hls place of business. SECTION II. Any person violating any provisions of this .ordinance shall be punished by fine in any sun not e_:ceeding T;.o Hundred Ninety-nine ($299.00) Dollars or by imprisonment in the city jail not longer than six months, or by both fine and imprisonment. of portion thereof SECTION III. In case any section of this ordina.ncfshall i hereafter be declared null, void or inoperative, the other sections •shall nevertheless remain in full force and effect. SECTION IV. In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective immediately. SECTION V. This ordinance shall take effect upon its • first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, 'Utah, this , day of _ ,, A. D 193; . • • 1 V1n A(.t�AY�9�1nA'I UU Pd �� L,z �G( • .i , Recorr er. n Oraiaau�n f �GP�a jl Presented to the Board of ConJmiesionet$ AND PASSED MAT 31932 relidtkadeneikt CITY RROQRLfise+ Ffrst F) +' AN,L vY iWJU )TyNiSi.OFsDark Proof of 1ixbtiratiun tttited *fates of Amertra STATE OF UTAH ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE , - AN,ORDINANCE An ordinance amending Seotlon 1349 ioI an ordiDnranc0 passed by the Board Uf Commleslon0re Of Salt Lake City, tah,on February 11,1930,as amddnd- HARRY `N OLFF ed by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake .City,Utah,on November 3,1031,pro- tiding for the licensing of-wholesale Ot`eafrdtsdvegetables and herfooyouc being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is the Principal Clerk Com- missioners of Salt ed Lake City,Utah: .Section 1.That Section 1340 of an Ordinance passed by the Board of Com- missioners of salt Lake City,Utah,on of the SALT LAKE DAILY TRIBUNE, a newspaper published in February 11,1930,as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Com- missioners of Salt Lake City,Utah,on November 3, 1831, prOvltling for the Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,State of Utah. licensing of wholesale peddlers of fruit and vegetables and other food prod- ucts,be and the same is hereby amend- ed to read as follows: Sec,1349,It shall be unlawful for That the Notice.AN...-ORDINANCE any person,firm or corporation to maintains d operate an e9tablfeh- m nt for sale at wholesale or whole- SALT LAKE CITY C GRrCRAT I ON sale distribution of fruits and'(or) vegetables and(or)nut.within Salt Lake Cityty without first obtaining a license therefor. before opening,maintain ng andiop- _ OFFICE OF THE CITY REC ORDER orating such establishment shall make application for each establish- ment maintained and operated by -him or it upon a blank to be fur- nished by the City License Assessor and Collector and in which appllca- lion the applicant shall give the fol- lowing cin4loom:d maintained n a of which a copy is hereto attached, was first published in said news- ber and operatt bed, nature of business, method of distribution used,wheth- er 1t be selling direct from a store- roam,railroad ear,wagon,truck or paper in its issue dated the 5th other vehicle or from a vacant lot or stand or otherwise. typtht d out ene`pppeying the cit°y' !B5 , 193 2 , Treasurer a license fee of$30.00 for day of Y each and every establla main- tained and operated,andd furnishing furnishing the usoydhereinafter ie provided and was published in each daily issue of said newspaper, on for, e cl ea nlll license or licensee to said applicant to operate Bald establishment or es- tablishments for and during one' for year from date of application.. Before any,such license is issued to any such,applicant,said appll- th the Cit [Salt Lake O ty a.Joint andoorde eepar ne ins erti on rate bond,with corporate surety thereafter, the full period o� be approved by the City Attorney of salt'.Lake City.In the penal sum Y$500,00,conditioned for the faith- ful observance of this and all other ordinances respecting wholesale produce dealers,and for the protec- tion of retail merchants and the da of wizens of Salt Lake City against bein in the issue dated the Y fraud and mlereprei 0n, g 5tI2 The word"establishmeshme nt"as used in this ordinance shall mean en es- tablishment which le engaged in May A.D. 193 uttnig gatnwholesaleaP fruind ts and t(or) c ;i:r s are kept,stored,packed or Ft Offered for sale at.wholesale. J Tt shall be the duty of the Health day of Commlaeloner or his qualified as- sworn to before me this slaloms to inspect and examine all fruits, vegetables, or nuts of any kind or character,bought; sold or 2 offered fdr sale and in order Y0 cart Kay. ,A.D. 193 t the inspection and examination herein provided for he may require any vehicles,trucks,or trailers,con- taining the commodities to be ex- amined,to proceed to and report at a designated place,which place shall be provided with reasonable teeth- -Dee Notary Pu ic. for conducting said ekaminati0n and 1nep0atlon. Advertising fee,$ The Health Commissioner or his the pqualifiedassistants wrd authority shall condemn any and all fruits,vegetables or nuts which are unfit for human consump- tion and he shall have the further power and authority to require any and all fruits, vegetables or nuts Which are misbranded or misrepre- sented as to grade,quality or con- dition to be properly and honestly branded,marked and designated. It shall be unlawful to sell or offer for sale any of the commodi- ties herein mentioned which have been condemned by the Health Commissioner or to sell or offer for sale any of the commodities.men- tloned which have been misbranded orfalsely designated. All weights,measures or comput- ing instruments used by the licensee hall be Inspected and examined and thereafter sealed and marked by the Inspector of weights and measures and oil Inspection and all incorrect measures disposed of as required by law. Each person,firm or corporation obtaining such license under the pro- eidae of thin Ordinance shall keep the said Men.displayed in his place of buelnesc. Sec-II. Any Person violating any provisions of this ordinance Shall be punished by a fine In antBUM not exceeding Two Hundred Ninety-nine ($299.00)Dollars or by Imprisonment In the city}all not -than AIX months,or by both fine e end and Imprison- ment. Sec.III.In case any section of this ordinance or portion ereof shall hereafter be declared null,void or In- operative, the other sections shall nevertheless remain in fill force and effect, ' Sec.IV.In the opinion of the-Board of Commissioners,it IC necessary to the peace, health and safety of the In- habitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective Immedi- ately. Sec.V.This ordinance shall take ef- -_M t-Upon its first publication.Passed by the Board of Commission- ers of Salt Lake City,Utah,this 3rd day of May,A.D.1922. Loins MARCUS, Mayor. Ethel Macdonald,City Recorder. Bill No.18. Published May 5,1932. • 1 avo PROOF OF PUBLICATION FROM U�ItY b'aI# Eakt Irthtutw County Entry No