18 of 1940 - Amending Section 530, revised ordinance 1934, salaries, fire Department. ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY aJ Salt Lake City, Utah,1 u•' — , I93 Goggin ,; I move that the ordinance be passe . Keyser 1 Matheson - - - Murdock - - - - w' Mr.Chairman - - - AN INANCE Result AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 530 of the Revised Ordi- nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners on January 12, 1938, relating to the 'Eire Department, and amending Sections 555 ono 556 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to the lire Marshal. be it ordained by the board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Section 530 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by an ordinance passed by the board of Commissioners on January 12, 1938, relating to the Fire Department, be and the same is hereby amended to read as fol- . lows: SEC. 530. ORGANIZATION AND SALARIES. The Fire Depart- ment of Salt Lake City shall consist of the following officers, whose salaries shall be as fixed by the board of Commissioners, with,the limits specified as follows: Not to exceed hief of department 3600,00 ` Assistant Chief, `-7760 00 Fire Marshal P760.00 2 battalion chiefs P580.00 Superintendent of fire and police alarm . 2640.00 Captains 2280.00 Lieutenants '160 00 Secretary P160.00 Firemen of first grade . . . 1980.00 Firemen of second grace 1860.00 Firemen of third grade 1740.00 Alarm operators, first grade 1980.00 Alarm operators, second grade . . 1860.00 Alarm operators, third grade 1740.00 Inspectors, deputy fire marshals, master mechanic and firemen mechanics shall be graded as captains, lieutenants or firemen of the first, second and thffird grace. SECTION P. That Sections 555 and 556 of the Revised Ordi- i 8. nances ofbelt Lake City, Utah, 1034, re.la.tmhg to the Fire Marshal� be and the same are hereby amended to read as follows. SEC. 555. OFFICE CRP,A.`1EV. There is hereby created the office of Fire Marshall of Salt Lake City, which office shall be held and the duties thereof performed by a member of the Fire Department of Salt Lake City, appointed by the Chief of said department subject to confirmation by the Board of Commissioners of said city. SEC. 556. DEPUTY Ff91 iiPARSHALE. The Chief of the Fire Department shall appoint from among the officers of the fire department such deputy fire marshals as he shall deem necessary, which appointments shall be subject to confirma- tion by the board of Commissioners. Deputy fire marshals shall receive no additional compensation or allowance for their services a.s such and shall act in the place and stead of the fire marshal, per- forming al.l of the duties prescribed by ordinances orreouirb ed by the City at the direction and under the supervision of the Chief of the Fire Department, and shall be subject to suspension or removal by the Chief of said uepartment. SECTION 3. In the opinion of the board of Commi,.ssi_oncrs,1 it is necessary to the health, peace an safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this ordinance become effective. immediately. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of 3a t Lake City, Utah, thin tit day of P , P..D. 1940 deputy-City •1 i I r. O 5. alIS Fi r P� • Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAIL County of Salt Lake _ .. . .Legal NO-ii-JA; - T-- • Leo 11, Youn AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- NO of the Revised Ordinate/es of Salt Lake City,Utah,1934,as amended by an ordinance passed by the Beard of Com- vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS, a newspaper „Liseiou,.on january 12,1938,relating to 'the Fire Department, and am$nding Sec- tions 555 and 556 of the Revised;Ordinances. ot Salt Lake City,Utah,1934,Irelating to published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State L the Fire Marshai, , i Re it ordained by the Roatid of.COM. of Utah. miesionere of Salt Lake CRY,Utah: ! SECTION 1...That Section 520 of the Res 'vised Ordinances of.Salt Lake City,Utah. 1934, as amended by ap ordinance passed lby the Board of CommieGoners,on Januall lating to th partm That the advertisement Ordinance rill 'Jo. 18 - t12,Ang,ree Fite Peent. be .a the same is beret* amended to read as follows: • SEC.530.ORGANIZATION AND SAL. .ARIES. The-Eire Depar meat of Salt ii . _aliE .tiC..the..17.5..re..Departnent - Lobe City shall conelet of t.thllowIng of- [firers, whose salaries shall be as tired 1 '.by the Board of Commissim era within the limits epecified ea followst: .Salt Lake. City C.orp.. - City Recorder. • Net to exceed Chief of Department • . $3600.00 t Assistant Chief i i....2760.00 Fire Marshal : . 2180.00 2 Battalion elaisfs I 2580.00 Superintendent of fire and police alarm 1 2040.00 Captains 0.22800 Lieutenants i..1....also.00 was published in said newspaper, in its issue dated, the Secretary . 2180.00 -Firemen of first grade .•••1.......1000.08 -Firemen ot second grade' ..;.,..1800.00 Firemen of third grade ; .. -1740.00 Oth day of May A.D. 19_40-- Alarm operators,Bret grade 1980,00 Alarm operators,second grade: 1060.00 Alarm operators,third grade 1740.00 Inspectors,deputy fire mars ale,meter and was published I.time mechanic and firemen mechanics shall be graded as co-plants,lieutenants or firemen of the first,e t fhirdi grade. CTION 2. That and Salt Sectiuu 256 and 050 the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the SECTION Revised Oreeronddinance.41 Lake City, Utah, 1934, relating to the Fire Marshal, be and the samh re hereby amended to read as follosts:: SEC.555.OFFICE CREATED. Thor, . day of A.D. 19 Imreby created Ihe office a Wire Mardhal of'Salt Lake City, whiell office shall be held and the duties thereof beilformedloy A- member of the Fire Department of-Salt Lake City,appointed by the ref of asid department snbiect to conthm Ron by the. :'..4' ' rasing Clerk'. Road of Commissioners'01.00 city. SEC. 558.DEPLITY EIRE ARSHALS, The Chief of the hire Dana trnent shall linoointe from among the off cere of the : , ir D ointment suth deputy re marshals ' I as he obeli deem necessary, which sp. i pointments shalt be eubie4t a confirm.. lion by the Board Of Co esionere. ' DePuty bre marshal.shaltr solve...ad. • !dittonal coinpensation or 11 mance for 8 11 ltheir sonde'. ne such an 1'hall net in fore me this 14th day o the place and stead of th.fire marshal. performing all'of the duties Proscribed IlY ordinances or required bY(he]Cite ut the 'direction and ceder the ennenkision of the Chief of the Tire•Deparlipen. and shall be subject to eninension orirmioval by the Chief ot said delmrtMeut• .• SECTION 3.In the°Malin of the Board / of Commissioners. It Is n ceseary to the health, peace and satety nr ths inhabi- -,---- -— tantd of Salt.Lalte'City tht tthis ordis ,,T\ .naive heroine effective i mi ler A PI, . SEGTION 4. Thie ordin n shall take yN7tar Public. effect upon Its first publioati n. —._ Paesed hy Oh o Hoard NI C mmissioneve el Salt Lake City;Utah, thi.8th day of Ma, A. D. 1940. I Al J NKR Mayer, Ethel Macdonald, • _—_---_ City Recorder. Frank A.Shields, Deputy City Recorder.' (SEAL, EMT,NO.18. . . -Publiebed May 9111.1940.'' , . , c) 0 •fra r ‘ F . -...._ a ....„\ . 0.,• r `F 0 c 1 i q \