18 of 1943 - Amending Section 530 relating to organization and salaries in Fire Department ROLE.CALL MAY f5 VO'fINC 4y� E� Salt Lake City,Utak, 194 �cz Es.n - - - 1 move that the ordinance be passed. Keiser _ - _ Matheson - :1Cst4 n ie x d s c„ _ Mn Cha.e,ae . - - 1N Di2D1NANCE Rceuli All ORDINANCE ATTENDING SECTION 530 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1934, as amended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners on January 12, 193a; May S, 1940; may 28, 1940; December lb, 1941; February 19, 1942; November 29, 1942; and April 29, 1943; relating to the Fire Department. Be it ordained by the Boarts of Co;wiissaoners of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION I. That Section 530 AloT the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 4.934, as amended by ordi,.ancbs passed by the toaro of Commissioners os January 12, 1938; day S, i4U; ,.[ay 28, 1940; December 18, 1941; February 19, 1942; November 29, 1942; and April 29, 1943; relating to the Fire Department, be and the same to hereby amended to read as follo-ws; "SEC. 530• ORGANIZATION AND SA1 AlI-i-. The lire Department of Salt Lake city shall consist of: the loilonint; officers, whose salaries shall be as finoe by the Board of Co 'idssionc rs, viit i4.a the limits specified as follows: Not to exceed. Chief of Department 1-4200.0u 2 Assistant Chiefs 3300.00 (which amount includes the $10.00 as provided in Dill No. 9, published April 23, 1943) Onperintendent of Eire and Police Alarm . . . . 2760.00 2 battalion Chiefs . . . 270U.00 Captain-, . . . 2460.00 Lieutenants . . . 2280.00 ScoreIsc . . . 2460.00 Firemen of First Grade . . . 2100.00 Firemen of Second Grade . . . 1980.00 firemen of Third Grade . . . 1860.00 Alarm Operators, first grade . . . 2100.00 Alarm Operators, second grade . . . 1980.00 Alarm Operators, third grade . 1860.00 female Alarm Operators, first grade . . . 2040.00 (which amount includes the 40.00 as provided in Sil-i_ No. 9, published April 23, 1943) Female Alarm Operators, second ,;roue . . . 1920.00 (shack amount includes the ,10.00 as provided y,, in Biel Ito. 9, pab isned April 23, 1943) iettale Larii Ut ic.tor , hi eac '460O.U.) (which t.uoiull Jnc Sues Y.he 1O,'JJ z, pro-vioed is 3i i too. ), published tact Uiass e t icia n .'!ti.LfJU.Uu econa Class ',luetr'ielan . 1.9CO3Uu 'I'fi .re Gins electrician lroU.uu one ol_ the assistdnt chiefs sha..Li uc: as;.ined to the oi Lno so ors, deputy lire a r toula, master e eiianac , aria in.reueen i;tec'L ":nits ado L L be „raasu as caatains, Lieut:naats oil rire,acn uY the first, second and third. grace. COOT i U.?: 2 n trio °pi-1'74011 01 tie 12, A! Co!a,a . ion<.r , it .is y necessa to L1 e peace, t leai'�i L1 ta, et, too i;iii ittnts uL Fart lake a it s that Ileto u_alliance u v tcOE i"f;eo .vc .)l; I I,�)f j St*, O1'i.i 1.I12.t1C L- sli 1 ", tale -I r t Upon its 1 1 ueli atio11. ] , doe .;ed icy G_rie Bo ara lot Co..adi psicrier:, oi' ;,alt pile Uii:y, tad:, r _(L7ia,y o1 . „Jrf City hocoreer. l 4 • CO 0. c• Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH,1 County of Salt Lake AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC. TION 530 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,Utah, 1934, as amended Leo H. Young by ordinances passed by the Board of I Commissioners on January 12,1938;May ' 8, 1940; May 28, 1940; December 18. Being February 15, 1992; November 29, Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is the ad- 1942;and Amnl 29,1993;relating to the Fire Department, Be it ordained by the Beard of Cont. vertising clerk of THE DESERET NEWS,a newspaper missioners f Halt Lake City,Utah: SECTION I. That Section 530 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt. Lake City. published in Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,in the State Utah, 1934, ended by ordinances passed by the Board of Commissioners May 28, 1940; De ember 18. 1941;1FrbeearY of f Utah. 19, 1942; November 29, 1942: and April 29, 1943; relating to the Fire Depart- ent,be and the sane is hereby amend- odo read on follows: That the advertisement "SEC. 530. ORGANIZATION AND SALARIES. The Fire Department of Salt n Lake City shall consist of the fol. lowing officers, hose salaries shall be Ordinance Bill No. 18 relating to the Fire as fixed by the Board of Commissioners, within the limits specified as follows: Not to exceed Chief of Department $9200.00 .Department 2 Assistant Chiefs 3300.00 (which amount l ncludes the $10.00 a provided i Dill No. 9,published April 23,19931 Salt Lally City Corporation Superintendent of Fire and Pollee Alarm 2760.00 2 Battalion chiefs 2700.00 Captains 2490.00 Lieutenants 2280.00 was published in said newspaper,in its issue dated, the seer,vr,, 2950.00 Firemen of First Grade 2100.00 "Firemen of b1980.00 Fire men of Third Second G Grade rads 1860.00 26 May A.D. .LJ 43 ii 4 Alarm Operators, first grade ...2100.00 day of Alarm Operators, second grade .1980.00 Alarm Operators,third grade .. 1860.00 one. Female Alarm Operators, first ao4o.o9 and was published (wads hich not includes the 810.00 a amount n Dill No.9, published April 23, 19931 the last publication thereof being in the issue dated the Female Alarm Operators, second anode 1920.00 Q�) (which amount includes the q 110.00 a provided in Bill No. day o f A. D. l 9 '0 f 9,published April 23,19931 Female Alarm Operators, third / grade 1800.00 f 1'h amount includes the _ - $10.00 ss provided hill No 1 8 published April 23 19431 First Class Electrician 2100.00 Advirtising Clerk j ��''{p Electrician Class Electiian 1980.00 `-J Third Class Electrician 1880.00 Ono of the assistant chiefs hall be • assigned to the office of Fire Marshal. Inspectors, deputy lire h arshals, master mechanics and firemen mechanics shall be graded as lira i s, lieutenants or ,firemen of the captains, second and third grade. SECTION 2. In the opinion of lie yo before aye this first doll o} • Board of Commissioners,it V L of to the peace, health and safety s of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that nn this ordinance become effective Mime. A. D. 1J. 'dlalely. 43--- SECTION 3. This ordinance shall lake effect upon Its brat publication. Passed by the Board of Commissioners 0t Salt Luke City.Utah, this 25th clay of May,A.D.,1943. ----- AB JENKINS. { \...t"" ' ETHEL MACDONALD city R corder. (SEAL) Notary Publi• � IIBILL NO. la Published May Mb, 1943. \., . . , . . g , 0 . •F. , . „ . c •.• •,-, —..1 ,3-:, .0 ------: . .. 0 ...%too •, . C 04. . 14 ILI .